Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1089: FBC—A Fighter Bomber

"Don't come and flatter me, and quickly say, how is the progress of the FBC-1 fighter-bomber?"

The head of the headquarters didn't want to use Zhuang Jianye's set. Before Zhuang Jianye could finish speaking, he just went back and put the words "Can't wait" on his face.

No way, as the mainstay of the domestic air force's new ground-washing combat system, the mission of the FBC-1 fighter-bomber is the core of the core.

If the brand-new H-6 relies on the DZB-2000 cruise missile to do a quasi-strategic deterrence, it is equivalent to holding the enemy’s head with a muzzle to prevent the opponent from acting rashly; the strong 5H is a sharp soldier who charges and retreats with the ground forces. Open the passage with firepower.

Then the FBC-1 fighter-bomber is a full-time killing assassin. It has to take advantage of its long range, large ammunition capacity, complete avionics, and excellent low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude performance. It is critical to the enemy’s strategic command center, important air defense nodes, and A series of high-value strategic targets such as supply bases, underground command bunkers and even large surface ships carry out precision strikes.

Because of this, once the military struggle on the southeast coast unfolds, the real main force of air assault is not the new H6 on the periphery, nor the strong 5H that supports the front line, but the FBC-1 battle that hunts high-value strategic targets in the depth of the enemy. bomber.

Because only the FBC-1 fighter-bomber is the core, even the only one, that consumes the enemy's combat resources and disrupts the enemy's will to resist.

And this is also the cruel conclusion drawn by the army wargame after the big incident.

It is called cruel because of the high hopes of the Air Force. The Su-30MKK fighter-bomber imported from Russia, which is far more advanced than the FBC-1 fighter-bomber, has a high probability of encountering heavy losses in the early engagements.

No way, as the only heavy fighter-bomber in the world that can be on the same level as the American F-15E, the combat capability of the Su-30MKK is beyond doubt.

But because of this, once the attack is launched, the Su-30MKK will inevitably become the enemy's focus, and even the inland airport where the aircraft is deployed will become an excellent place for the enemy's long-range attack weapons to wash the ground.

Although the Su-30MKK can also inflict significant damage and losses on the enemy, it is undeniable that its own losses will be very heavy. In addition to the aircraft that cannot be used normally due to repairs or malfunctions, the entire Su-30MKK fleet can It is indeed doubtful to last until the end of the combat mission.

If the domestic mass production of Su-30MKK fighter-bombers is possible, it will not be a problem to fully localize them. It is enough to lose one to replace one. Anyway, the fight to the middle and late stages of the war is consumption.

The problem is that the Su-30MKK is not the Su-27 in the early 1990s. At that time, the Soviet Union had just disintegrated. After some tossing, Russia, which crawled out of the Soviet corpse, did not break out of its cocoons and became butterflies. Instead, it became a soft caterpillar. , Urgently need a variety of nutrients to nourish the body.

Therefore, it is a green light for anything in exchange for US dollars. Therefore, China received a lot of discounts when it introduced the Su-27. What is the introduction of production lines, domestic assembly, and full localization, as long as the money is paid, everything is not a problem.

But when it came to the Su-30MKK, it was different. After several years of repeated rampages, the Russians were also beaten up by the cruel market economy. They actually began to talk about intellectual property rights, patent transfer, and production.

It can even give you a discount on the unit price, but not the technology and production line.

In addition, after the disintegration of the Russians, they worked hard to kneel and lick Europe and the United States and actively integrate into the mainstream Western system dominated by Europe and the United States. At the same time, the repeated economic jumps of the Russians continued, causing their own credit to be flattered. Sovereign debts were not repaid, and they lay flat and waited for death. As a result, the Asian financial turmoil of international speculators had to end hastily because of this. It was a miserable one.

Such a gentle and beautiful Russian young woman can coil the hardest nickel-based alloy steel into a soft finger; turning his face is like a pili baby, a Russia whose scissors feet can twist your neck, you dare to guarantee that when you lose Can he fully provide Su-30MKK?

Unless your head is pumped, you really have to count on it, and the military struggle along the southeast coast is very likely to fall into an irreversible passivity.

After all, China is not the kind of "powerful" facade that relies on purchases in New Delhi. Modern history has clearly told the world an unbreakable truth, that is, strength is not bought, but made by itself.

Su-30MKK can have it, but you can't hang it on this crooked neck tree. You have to have your own things. At least it can be able to withstand and be reliable at the critical moment.

Based on the above reasons, the FBC-1 fighter-bomber was raised to a whole new level after the big incident.

After all, as the only fighter-bomber in the country, from all aspects, the FBC-1 fighter-bomber should be the best choice for the backbone of the army’s aviation.

It is a pity that the FBC-1 fighter-bombers were not in good condition at that time, the engine failure rate was high, and the localization frequently skipped tickets. It was only supported by the stocks imported that year, which caused the production limit to be greatly restricted.

Not only that, the airborne electronic equipment of the whole machine is relatively backward, and it is barely usable for combat areas with low clutter on the sea. It is not very bright when it comes to areas with complex clutter on the ground, if it encounters complex electronic interference. , Not to mention, completely deaf and blind.

And this is why the FBC-1 fighter-bomber was only equipped with naval aviation to serve as an anti-ship missile carrier, and the Air Force would rather choose the expensive Su-30MKK than the domestically-made FBC-1 fighter-bomber.

It is true that the core hardware of the FBC-1 fighter-bomber is not available, and the Air Force has no idea even if it takes it.

However, all this has been completely changed with the big event. In order to build the core of the scrubbing, the FBC-1 fighter-bomber was placed in the backbone position, and a series of improvements have also been launched.

The Northwest Aviation Manufacturing Plant undertaking this task naturally found Ascendas Group~www.ltnovel.com~. As an important member of the industry alliance, Ascendas Group is obliged to move from aero engines to high-end aviation materials; from comprehensive design software, When it comes to advanced avionics equipment, it can be said that Ascendas Group has moved out all the good things that it can produce over the years.

It is precisely because of the unique role of Ascendas Group in this FBC-1 fighter-bomber improvement project that Northwest Aviation Plant finally decided to release the new FBC-1 fighter-bomber improved type, code-named FBC-1A, to the Ascendas Group.

Of course, at this time Northwest Aviation Plant is reporting the matter to the headquarters for approval, but the new physical prototype has been assembled and is parked in the hangar of Ascendas Group.

So Zhuang Jianye took the head of the headquarters and others by car to leave the test workshop, and walked for more than ten minutes to arrive at the hangar of the production area. The gate of the standby warehouse was slowly raised, and the internal lights were turned on one by one. The fighter-bombers painted all over the sky showed their true body inch by inch under the light of the light.

The head of the headquarters and the others only looked at them, and the eyeballs could no longer be pulled out of the plane in front of them. One of the heads pointed to the fighter-bomber in front of him and exclaimed: "This...this...this is FBC —1A fighter-bomber"

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