Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1075: Break the technology monopoly

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It's no wonder that Aziz would be surprised by brain fragments, because he knows how difficult it is for the NB-6600DL to compress the laser to 355 nanometers.

Although the NB-6600DL uses the same laser generation and reflection and refraction structure as the lithography machine, the NB-6600DL is essentially different from the lithography machine.

Think about it and know that the laser application material of the lithography machine is high-purity silicon; while the NB-6600DL application belt material is an alloy containing nickel, rhenium, niobium and other metals.

In other words, the laser energy density of NB-6600DL is much larger than that on the lithography machine, otherwise it would never be possible to make process holes in such a high-strength metal.

If the energy of the laser is large, then according to the Planck formula, the wavelength of the laser should be as long as possible. However, this brings an unavoidable difficulty, that is, the problem of compression of long-wavelength lasers.

Just like the water in the water pipe, how to spray the water farther and more accurately, either increase the water pressure at the output end, or reduce the nozzle to increase the water pressure.

The same is true for laser processing. If the high-energy laser is not compressed, it will not be a hole but a hole.

At present, there are many lasers that compress the laser wavelength in the world. The problem is that most lasers do not have too long durability against high-energy-density lasers. For example, the commonly used carbon dioxide lasers, once the energy density of the laser increases, either The carbon dioxide consumption inside the laser is increased exponentially; or it can't be carried and it will explode.

Therefore, this type of carbon dioxide laser is rarely used in this type of high-energy laser equipment. There is no way. The workpiece has not been completed. Maybe the carbon dioxide laser has to be replaced by three or four.

This is no different from replacing four engines without driving 300 kilometers, and the cost is too high.

But now, the NB-6600DL that Zhuang Jianye showed them can not only compress the high-energy laser to 355 nanometers, but more importantly, it has been almost 20 minutes since Aziz and others came in, and the inside of the NB-6600DL is almost finished processing a flame. Not only did the most easily damaged laser have no problems, it still continued to work vigorously, even more vigorous than when Aziz was sleeping with twenty beautiful girls when he was young.

What does this show?

Renjia Ascendas Group has found a new high-energy laser compression method that is stable, continuous and has been applied to industrial production.

It was not only Aziz who realized this, but other knowledgeable aviation experts of the two countries thought of this problem, and then looked at the NB-6600DL again, their eyes were different, just like seeing alien creatures, their eyes full of The surprises of reality and the doubts of the unknown.

"Mr. Zhuang, how does your NB-6600DL do it?"

Aziz knew that he was lost in surprise and exclaimed. He took two deep breaths and stabilized his old heart that was steadily pounding. Then he calmed his tone and asked again: "I mean, how can you do it? Compress the high-energy laser that penetrates the alloy material to 355 nanometers?"

"Oh, what we use is a non-linear crystal solid material called'lithium triborate crystal' as the main material of the laser. Of course, this name is too long, so we generally call it LBO crystal, which can do 3 times Frequency doubled ultraviolet laser." Zhuang Jianye replied with a smile.

"Solid-state lasers with nonlinear crystals? Have you applied to this point in China?"

Now Aziz was really surprised. You must know that only the United States and Europe can independently produce solid-state lasers in the world, and the United States has the most advanced technology.

As early as the 1960s, KDP crystals, also known as potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystals, were developed. With the advancement of technology, Americans have accumulated a lot of technical experience and patent barriers in KDP crystals. The field of optics is the leader, and in the mid-1980s, it dared to propose Star Wars and develop so-called laser weapons to attack Soviet nuclear missiles.

Because the high-energy laser generated by the frequency doubling of the KDP crystal has strong energy, it is enough to destroy any spacecraft flying in outer space, including nuclear warheads.

Because of this, the Americans have very strict controls on this type of high-end optical materials. The top ones are not exported at all. Only the next-generation products that are eliminated by the military will be controlled in the US allies under the operation of certain technology companies. diffusion.

Europe is picking up these soups and waters used by the Americans to build KDP crystal solid-state lasers. Not only is the performance behind the United States by one to two generations, but more importantly, the technology path used in Europe is exactly the same as that in the United States. Therefore, a huge amount of patent fees need to be paid to the United States every year.

The situation in Europe is fairly good. Although it pays patent fees, the United States is in a special transatlantic relationship. In addition to restricting the use of KDP crystal-related technologies in Europe in outer space, there are no restrictions in other fields.

Japan, South Korea and other countries do not have such a good treatment. Not only are the patent fees paid, the application of KDP crystals is also restricted by the United States, especially in areas that directly conflict with related American companies, such as Japan and South Korea. And other countries don’t even go in ~www.ltnovel.com~ is to get in a vellus hair, Americans can sacrifice a prairie fire and burn you into slag.

Let’s not talk about it, just say that in the past few years, Japan wanted to launch a satellite to monitor the ocean dynamics around Japan. It needed to be equipped with a laser detection device that required KDP crystals. At that time, the Japanese optical giant Canon felt that this project was purely civilian. In addition, I have been authorized by the United States and should be able to produce independently. There is no need to take off my pants and fart and then talk to my American dad, just like that.

When the American father got the news, he became angry. He didn’t expect that the Japanese grandson’s wings had stiffened. Today, the KDP crystals used in the production of civilian satellites will not be told to himself. If he wants to build a space-based laser weapon tomorrow, he will have to hide it from himself. ?

So apart from anything else, Canon directly seized all the KDP crystals it produced on the grounds that Canon had violated the agreement. Then the special investigation team of the Tokyo District Attorney's Office stationed in Canon and the Japan Aerospace Planning Agency, which soon involved a major corruption case.

In the end, the head of Canon's optical affairs department hanged himself. The director of the Japan Aerospace Planning Agency in charge of optical detection equipment was arrested and imprisoned. Japan's 400 million US dollar monitoring satellite was forced to cancel.

Even an American who uses civilian equipment is so suppressed, let alone other things, but countries around the world have no way to deal with the United States. Who can let people hold the core technology?

The core technology means technological hegemony.

But now the NB-6600DL of Ascendas Group proudly produces the combustion chamber of an aero engine. It is an aero engine. Whether it is for military or civilian use, it is a prohibition that the Americans value. The Chinese actually use the Americans to guard against solid solids. Laser for processing.

What does this show?

Ascendas Group completely broke the American technology monopoly!

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