Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1068: Good things to make your head dizzy

   I have to say that the vision of the UAE and Algeria is still very unique.

   Why can the European Community unite and not collapse? And are also preparing to develop into the European Union and implement a common euro currency?

   It is those European countries whose eyes are above the top that have summed up their historical experience, and their conscience has discovered that they really want peace?

No, no, no, European talents who admire freedom are not so kind. The reason why they can get together in the early years is because the coal-steel joint venture combination debuted and made a fortune together; in the later stage, this combination was launched. After upgrading, the coal-steel joint venture became Airbus.

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   This super aerospace manufacturing giant built with all the strength of Europe is one of the key elements that Europe still prefers to get together despite the constant talk and ideological trend.

   After all, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. With the logic of Airbus, even if it is divided in Europe, it is still disconnected. Of course, it is even more difficult to get together.

If this state is in China, it will definitely make all people with lofty ideals feel embarrassed. Various kings will set the Central Plains Day in the north, and the sentence that the family sacrifice has not forgotten to tell Naiweng not only needs to be refreshed, but it also needs to be refreshed. Thousand-year reunification will always be the keynote of the land of China, and this keynote has become a kind of genes deeply engraved in the bones of every Chinese nation's descendants.

The problem is that this state is unacceptable to China, but for the Middle East and North Africa, it is a huge improvement that has never been seen before. After the Ottoman, the Middle East and North Africa fell to a dregs, and only Egypt fell. The macho Nasser gained popularity in the Suez Canal crisis by virtue of his personal charm and resistance to Britain and France, which briefly caused the countries in the region to sink and sink.

But with the death of Nasser, the region has staged the traditional drama of what is called the death of the government. Coupled with the soaring energy prices, all countries have grabbed a lot of wealth from it. Every country, from the princes and nobles, to the rising people, all stared at their feet. One acre of land in three quarters, every day thinking about how to dig a few more oil wells, there is no leisure time to think about how to reignite the supreme glory of Muhammad a thousand years ago.

   However, most people don’t want it, which does not mean that no one does not think about it. Among them, the UAE and Algeria are the most enthusiastic. After all, once it is realized, the story of One Thousand and One Nights will not be a phone call, but a real dream.

In particular, Abdullah, the State Counsellor of the UAE, has even formed a set of his own grand strategy. It is obvious that this counselor has done some business besides teasing the dog and pushing the girl. The underlying logic of the community, that Airbus, who dared to challenge Boeing, has studied very thoroughly.

   So it's no exaggeration to praise Abdullah as a strategist in the Middle East and North Africa.

Because once his grand strategy is realized, it will not only improve the UAE’s international status and wealth value, but more importantly, through the link of aviation manufacturing, the Middle East and North Africa can really form a true alliance far beyond the Nasser period. Whether the world structure will change due to this is still uncertain, but the regional situation will definitely undergo extremely profound changes.

   However, is all this ambitious, feasible?

  Zhuang Jianye knew that the feasibility was not high without having to investigate in detail. If nothing else, based on the urine of the old chicken thief, Zarif, if he thinks that the UAE and Algeria can get things done, he still rushed over to report what news? I had been happily rolling in a bed sheet with Abdullah and Mahmoud for a long time, and then willingly became the supporting brother of others. After all, if you have money and don't make a bastard, why don't Pakistan join in?

   But the question is, can you really make money by participating in it?

"I am not optimistic about their ideas, but people are spoiled by oil and natural gas. They feel that they can't do anything without them. If they don't work, they can spend one or two times more money. Anyway, the oil under their feet is more than that. The banknote factory still has to make money. Where can we go to Pakistan? It is really hard to seek industrialization. Naturally, I don't know the hard work."

   Just as Zhuang Jianye was thinking, Zarif told the truth, and it is true that Pakistan’s resource endowment is not good, the climatic conditions are also very ordinary, and the domestic turbulence has caused the economy to be very unsatisfactory.

   If there is no natural advantage, it must be done by the day after tomorrow. Therefore, industrialization has become a strategy pushed by Pakistani men of insight like Zarif.

   The problem is industrialization, especially the high-end aviation industry. It is not possible to rely on two bad money and a few plans. If it is so simple and the world is so big, why are only Europe and North America truly industrialized?

   How could Africa and Latin America fail?

   Therefore, industrialization, especially the industrialization of high-end products such as the aviation industry, requires many factors. In other words, if you don't spare the sacrifices of two or three generations, you can't even touch the door.

Zarif has a deep understanding of this. He also had the same idea as Abdullah and others. By introducing advanced equipment and production lines from Ascendas Group, he built up Pakistan’s aviation and aerospace industry to solve combat aircraft and long-range transportation. The rocket's maintenance and even the grand goal of independent production.

As a result, as soon as Tengfei Group's things came over, the things they wanted were not produced, but the entire factory was suffering from various hips. It was not that the quality of the workers was not good and the equipment was damaged; it was that the supporting parts did not meet the standards and the production line was stopped; Insufficient production cannot be produced, there are water problems, chemical raw materials problems, worker treatment problems, transportation problems, infrastructure problems...

All kinds of problems are superimposed on each other, like a Himalaya, it almost didn't break Pakistan's old waist, and in the end it couldn't afford it. Pakistan simply gave the key parts to Ascendas Group to produce~www.ltnovel.com ~ Pakistan’s high-priced production lines and complete sets of equipment are completely reduced to ordinary assembly lines to produce so-called “domestic” equipment.

   It is true that Pakistan was severely cut with a wave of leeks by the Ascendas Group, but Pakistan also knew that it was his head hitting the sickle, no wonder others.

As a result, I didn’t expect that in just a few years, there are actually two more important steps to follow in my own footsteps. As a trader in Pakistan’s aviation and aerospace industry, I see, good guy, this is no longer a fat sheep, it’s a camel. Oh, so Zhuang Jianye’s promise to him immediately flashed in his mind, as long as it can facilitate the order of Ascendas Group and the Middle East and North Africa countries, regardless of the size, the rebate will be 5%.

5% of US$200 billion is US$10 billion, which is a full US$10 billion. With this money, the FC-1 jointly developed with Berjaya Group not only has the end, but also the True Dragon MAX, which is together with Ascendas Group. , If you save a little money, even the domestic long-range launch vehicle funding problem will be solved.

Because of this, Zarif was more active than Zhuang Jianye, and directly acted as a dog-headed strategist: "First, we must shake them up and let them know the strength of the Ascendas Group. Generally, don't look at them, and directly make their heads dizzy. Good things...remember, Zhuang, the longer it takes to make their heads dizzy, the better!"



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