Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1066: I can do it in China

  A company that can play a key role in the development and production of third-generation combat aircraft, is it not worth learning from?

   Of course it's worth it, not only worth it, but also worth it.

   We must know that after the end of the Cold War, especially after the Russian economic recession caused the loss of a large number of aviation engineers and technicians, aviation technology has spread exponentially around the world.

  So many countries see this as an excellent opportunity for their own country to get involved in high-end industrial manufacturing.

   is from South America to the Middle East, from the Red Sea to the Caribbean coast. Any country with some ability and wealth wants to get a share of the aviation manufacturing industry. There is no way. This industry is really tempting.

Not only is it profitable, but it can also drive a huge industrial chain and absorb a considerable number of employed people. More importantly, once the relevant technology is mastered, it can be used in military and civilian products to complete the economic and national defense. Of complete autonomy.

   This is not too tempting for many developing countries in the world.

   So Turkey, New Delhi, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, and even Iraq that was knocked out in the Gulf War all launched their own aviation industry development plans.

   Among them, Indonesia is the most stable. It not only has its own mass production model of transport aircraft, but also launched a regional airliner. There are even rumors that Indonesia has begun to design its own first domestic combat aircraft.

   Based on this, the research report of the World Bank predicts that the Indonesian aviation industry will have a profound impact on the world aviation industry in the next ten years, and it is very likely to become a new giant in the aviation manufacturing industry.

   And because of its own aviation industry development, Indonesia will also bring its own GDP growth rate of 1.2% every year.

Because of this, although Indonesia was hit hard by the Asian financial turmoil in 1997, it still set aside a large amount of funds for its aviation industry in its budget at the end of the year. It can be said that it is doing its best to protect this manufacturing industry that is related to national transportation. lifeline.

Seeing that all countries in the world are secretly embarking on the aviation manufacturing industry, the world aviation industry is about to usher in the biggest outbreak after World War II. Among the countries in the Middle East and North Africa that have made their fortunes on oil and natural gas resources are some The man of insight could not sit still.

   In their view, even if oil and natural gas can bring prosperity to the country, it is not a long-term solution. They still have to have a corresponding industrial system like Western developed countries.

Of course, the serious industrial system of these people of insight is not about making two rolls of paper and producing a few pieces of low-end products like sanitary napkins. If you want to do it, you must do it in a high-end, atmospheric, and high-end industry. Ushering in a new round of big outbreak, these people of insight feel that this should be a good opportunity for them.

   As a result, a fierce boy plunged in and discovered that NM was still a step late.

   There is no way. The main cause of this round of aviation industry explosion was the disintegration of the Soviet Union and Russia's economic recession, which led to the loss of a large number of aviation industry technical personnel and equipment.

   To put it bluntly, it was the proliferation caused by the collapse of the former Soviet Union's aviation technology, which allowed some countries fortunate to inherit a little aviation industry foundation, and then began to try to seek breakthroughs in the international aviation product market, creating the so-called explosion of a hundred schools of thought.

   It’s not that the country really relied on its own technological strength to make corresponding breakthroughs and gain a firm foothold in aviation technology. It is even more impossible to challenge traditional giants such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

Although the Middle East and North Africa know the tricky inside, the domestic constraints are too great. After all, the days of lying on the oil and gas fields to make money are too good. Why do you have to make great efforts in manufacturing? Do you worry about it? .com~Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. number [Kanwen Base], read books every day and draw cash/points!

   Waiting for these insightful people in China to persuade the conservatives in their country without hesitation, they found that the former Soviet Union's aviation technical personnel and equipment should be robbed, and there was no hair left by them.

How to do? If you go back empty-handed, it will be ridiculed by conservatives, so being kicked off the stage by the gang of **** who are waiting to die will not be worth the loss.

   For the sake of face and even more position, these people of insight finally sacrificed their killer skill-the ability of money.

   It doesn’t matter if I didn’t grab the Soviet heritage, anyway I have money, I just buy it.

So these people of insight began to stir up the wind and rain in the world’s aviation manufacturing industry relying on the oil and gas fields of various countries. As a result, after two or three years of tossing, they found that they didn’t get anything except to spend a lot of money to get a chicken feather. To.

Only then did this group of insightful people in the Middle East and North Africa discover that their banknote capabilities can allow supercar companies to work overtime overnight; they can keep luxury stores in Paris overnight; they can keep real estate agents in London always enthusiastic; and they can make Milan. 'S supermodel unreservedly opened her mind...

   But in the real aviation core technology, their money can't even buy a word of others.

   The problem is that this situation is not only in the developed United States and Europe, but also in the badly injured Russia, because the recovered Russia has realized the drawbacks of technology loss and has taken action to close the door.

   The most advanced one can't be bought, it's the next-level head office.

Not to mention the backward generation of aviation technology and complete sets of equipment in the United States and Europe, and they are also very happy to sell them. Several Middle Eastern and North African countries bought them and opened them for use. Only then did they find that they were not satisfied with the water and soil. The equipment is over after a few uses.

  I need to repair it. I'm sorry. Europe and the United States have stopped producing similar equipment. There are no accessories. If you want, you must rebuild the production line. The start-up cost of the production line is 1 billion U.S. dollars. Would you like to report it first?

Although the Middle East and North African countries have money ~www.ltnovel.com~, they can't stand the toss, so they bit their teeth and helped a bunch of high-priced scrap copper and rotten iron stuffed into the warehouse. The right was to buy a bunch of them. Not a supercar.

But it won’t work anymore. You can’t keep your seat and face, and you’ll have to be poked at the backbone and scolded the prodigal son. So these people of insight began to look at this issue from a development perspective, and that’s what kind of technical path suits them. Such developing countries.

   Looking around, alas~~ China’s technological path is very good. From the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the present half a century, the aviation industry has only been established for more than 40 years, and it has been able to produce medium-sized fighter jets, not to mention localization of heavy fighters.

Who knows that although China’s GDP is now ranked in the top ten, its per capita GDP is not even as good as that of the Middle East and North Africa countries. The knowledge structure and literacy of the people are even farther apart, let alone the proportion of people with a bachelor’s degree or above, even a junior college The above proportion is not as high as the proportion of undergraduates in the Middle East and North Africa.

  The result is that such countries can produce aviation industry products that make them drool.

This shocked those people of insight, and at the same time, they were particularly excited. They felt that China’s technological path should be a stone for them to solve the development of the aviation industry. After all, so poor China can do it, so why not us local tyrants. What?



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