Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1064: The core technology is always priceless

With this system, Hawking’s communication is smoother than the previous three fingers. Through the development of this system, Ascendas not only mastered ergonomics and neurological data, but also exercised a large number of related fields. Engineers and experts.

   Based on this, the prosthesis developed by Ascendas Group has made rapid progress in mobility. Take the arm prosthesis that Zhuang Jianye gave to the head of the headquarters as an example. In addition to super-strong actions, the most important thing is sensitivity.

   It may be an exaggeration to pinch a soybean or something with your fingers, but it is not difficult to pick up an object the size of a tennis ball.

   As for the prosthetic leg, not to mention, the internal structural support is enough to allow the disabled with a broken foot to have the basic mobility of a normal person.

   The high-end ones are like science fiction, possessing the so-called "superior power".

   Take an experiment conducted by fk company in the United States half a year ago, using the disabled who thought that the left arm and legs were amputated in the fire accident as volunteers, and tailored a set of linked left arm and legs prosthesis system.

   After the volunteer has adapted to this prosthetic system, he has demonstrated extraordinary abilities. For example, he can lift 65 kilograms with his hands and 40 kilograms with his left arm.

This value may not be a big deal compared to ordinary people, but for a person who has been in bed for 12 years, his left arm is completely abolished, and his right arm is a little shrunk because of this, and he cannot even lift a 5 kg thing. miracle.

   However, behind this miracle, Ascendas Group has indeed figured out the technical path of mechanical exoskeleton through these high-end prostheses.

   Yes, the prosthetic system on a volunteer who was praised by the American media as a miracle of God was an attempt by Ascendas Group's mechanical exoskeleton.

   It’s just that this system is not perfect. For example, the joint structure is too rigid, the force control is not precise enough, the structure of the electrical equipment is too large, the maintenance is difficult, and the cost is too expensive.

   But no matter how imperfect, Ascendas Group has mastered the core technology of related fields, and the next step is to simplify the structure and system of this field according to actual needs.

   After all, the mechanical exoskeleton of normal people does not use complex muscle activity sensors and laser detection systems. It only needs to cooperate with joint movement to reduce the burden on the human body.

  Of course, this is not because the mechanical exoskeleton can be made without hindrance. Otherwise, Zhuang Jianye would not have to ask for funding from the head of the headquarters.

   Although mechanical exoskeleton is technically lower than high-end prostheses, it is several tiers higher than high-end prostheses in terms of durability, maintainability and maneuverability.

  Especially the military mechanical exoskeleton, because of the harsh training environment and battlefield environment, the mechanical exoskeleton must be strong and durable.

   At the same time, due to demand, similar equipment must be low-end, and at least cost-effective must be very close to the people, so that it can be widely equipped.

Regardless of the other facts, the development of mechanical exoskeleton alone will take a while, and time and cost are closely linked, so it is understandable that Zhuang Jianye has to pay for the headquarters, the largest user of mechanical exoskeleton~ www.ltnovel.com~Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. [Book Fan Base], read books every day and get cash/points!

   "Well~~ Not bad, very good!"

   After listening to Zhuang Jianye's introduction, the head of the headquarters nodded slightly, his previously surprised expression became light and calm again, as if Zhuang Jianye and Tengfei Group should have been so general, and did not exceed the high hopes and expectations of his elderly.

   But in fact, the head of the headquarters has already been overwhelmed. You have to know that prosthetics and wheelchairs are not the main business of Ascendas Group, and even the sideline business is not even considered as a side business.

   The result is that such a sideline can enable them to make the core technology in the frontier field. What does this show?

   Ascendas Group has opened up the two lines of Ren and Du in its core area, and has begun to realize the so-called technology spillover.

To use the analogy in the martial arts novels, it is that Ascendas Group has been technically refined into non-phase magic. As long as the technology application related to aerospace, no matter which industry or field is involved, as long as Ascendas Group wants to do it, it can make world-class product.

   For such a high-tech enterprise, the head of the headquarters said it was false that he was not pleased, but he could not show this joy, at least not in front of Zhuang Jianye.

The reason is simple. Zhuang Jianye’s nose belongs to a dog. As long as he realizes that you value his Ascendas Group, two fat hands can stretch out in the next second and think you want a billion or two billion, so that you can successfully realize your value. .

   Otherwise, it is impossible for Zhuang Jianye to get a nickname of "Zhuang Heixin" in the arena. It is really black to the point where the six relatives do not recognize it.

   So even if the head of the headquarters was so relieved that he was crying, he gritted his teeth and pretended to be like this.

After Zhuang Jianye finished speaking, he took a sip from the thermos and slowly said, "It turns out that this is the situation, um~~ it's better than I expected. In that case, you let you take off. The group sent more than a dozen "Fak" wheelchairs to the General Hospital Nursing Home..."

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Jianye understood it instantly. Before the head of the headquarters could finish speaking, he drew over and whispered: “Chief, isn’t this bad? A'Fack' wheelchair is not cheap. If you need it, I will give it to Switzerland. You save a fortune..."

   "I'm just wondering, besides thinking of capitalist shit, can you think of something else?"

Zhuang Jianye was just halfway talking, he was blown back by the head of the headquarters with a beard and stared at him: "There are many veteran cadres from the Revolutionary War in the General Hospital Sanatorium, and quite a number of them rely on wheelchairs. You send the wheelchairs to me. Say something nice from the side, the funding for your mechanical exoskeleton will soon be settled?"

   Hearing these words ~www.ltnovel.com~Zhuang Jianye was a little surprised. He said that funding is not a matter of headquarters, so how could it be related to the old cadres.

Seeing Zhuang Jianye's ignorant appearance, the head of the headquarters waited angrily for Zhuang Jianye: "You, you, you are usually ghosts and ghosts, why are you confused now? I used to show off because of the'Fak' wheelchairs given by my children. The head of, I don’t know how many people have been offended because of this. At this time, if you send the purebred made in China, you can naturally make the old heads and old cadres rejoice at the same time. Just listen to it."

  , the head of the headquarters inadvertently approached Zhuang Jianye's ear and added very quickly: "And where is the father of the chief elder in charge of the special budget?"

   After finishing speaking, he lifted his slap and patted Zhuang Jianye's shoulder heavily: "Understand?"

   "Understood~~~Understood~~~All understood~~~"



At the same time, similar words were also uttered from Mahmoud, deputy director of the Equipment Procurement Bureau of the Ministry of Defense of Algeria, and immediately addressed several well-mannered middle-aged men across from him. The purpose is to learn their technology, remember that money is valuable and core technology is always priceless, understand?"


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