Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1061: Authentic MadeinChina

Not only was the head of the headquarters secretly stopped for a beat, but even the small hearts of the guard officers on the driver and the co-pilot were choppy. Thanks to the well-trained two of them, if you change to someone else, you can make sure that a sudden brake stops. Then he shouted that Zhuang Jianye was a monster.

   After removing all the wages, welfare and other expenses of the disabled soldiers and their families, they still have to get 6 times the profit. What does this show?

   It's a profitable profit.

We must know that the wages of disabled soldiers in the Huancheng Optoelectronics Instrument Factory are not low. The average monthly salary is almost 3,500 per person. This was an absolute high income in the mid to late 1990s when the average monthly salary was less than 800. The problem is wages. On the one hand, the spouses of disabled soldiers who join the peripheral positions of the Optoelectronic Instrument Factory will also earn 1,500 yuan a month.

It is important to know that the peripheral positions of the photoelectric instrument factory are not the canteen or cleaning. In other regions, 200 or 300 can make people break the head. Ascendas Group actually gives a salary of 1,500 yuan, which is definitely a sky-high price in this field. .

  In other words, Ascendas Group provides jobs as a reason, and it is the purpose to provide financial subsidies.

   This does not count. If there are elderly people in the family, there is a subsidy of 500 yuan per person per month, and those with children in the family are also supported by the education fund. The daily annual welfare is also scary.

The overall treatment has surpassed that of many mid-level officers in the army, so that many guards accompanying the head of the headquarters wondered if they would also go to the frontier to fight for a while, have a broken arm or a leg, and then drag their family to take off. The group has no worries about food and clothing since then.

As a result, with such a high investment in welfare benefits, the Ascendas Group not only did not lose, but also made money, and the profit was not a little bit, but a full 6 times ~www.ltnovel.com~Welfare] Give you a cash Red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

   This is just... violent!

Of course, even if the driver and the guard officer are relatively violent, they have to proceed silently in their hearts, but the head of the headquarters, regardless of the suit, straightened up and stared at Zhuang Jianye, panting heavily with his nose humming. The meaning is obvious, hurry up Explain, otherwise, believe it or not, I will show you a young man in the next second.

   It’s all about it, and Zhuang Jianye has nothing to hide, so he sneered: “I didn’t do anything, just sell a prosthetic limb, a wheelchair or something.”

   "Prosthetic limbs? Wheelchairs? Can this thing make 6 times the profit?" The head of the headquarters couldn't help but frown.

   "Uh...Normally, but Chief, have you ever heard of FK, the Chinese brand called ‘Fak’?" Zhuang Jianye pondered and asked suddenly.

When the head of the headquarters heard the word "Fack", he felt a little familiar. At this time, the guard officer in the position of the co-pilot quickly reminded: "The chief is a portable wheelchair capable of autonomously moving that has just become popular among the old cadres in Beijing recently. The manufacturer is said to be produced by a strong foreign medical technology company. The wheelchair is not only lighter than the traditional ordinary wheelchair, but also inherits the walking equipment inside. It is driven by electricity. People only need to control the handles or buttons on it. You can operate the wheelchair automatically."

After a pause, he glanced at the rearview mirror and found that the head of the headquarters did not change his expression. The guard officer continued: "A few months ago, the child of a trading company owned by a certain head bought one from abroad, and immediately The nursing home caused a sensation. Many old heads and cadres wanted one, but it was a pity that the "Fack" wheelchair was too expensive. The most common one cost $120,000. It is said that the company built a complete set for British physicist Hawking. Smart wheelchairs are said to be worth 1.87 million U.S. dollars."

The head of the headquarters is not too young anymore, and he will retire in a few years to recuperate, so he is more concerned about things for the elderly. If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t be so familiar with the "Fak" brand, but he suddenly realized One question, this kid Zhuang Jianye couldn't mention "Fak" for no reason, so he narrowed his eyes: "What is the relationship between your Ascendas Group and "Fak"?"

   "'Fack' is an international brand created by our Ascendas Group Medical Equipment Manufacturing Company."

As soon as he said this, Zhuang Jianye felt that the car was inexplicably upside down. Obviously, the front row driver's mentality was a little unbalanced. It is not unbalanced. You must know that the child of the chief who bought the "Fak" wheelchair spent US$220,000. It is said that this is still the reserve price obtained in the United States Trust Relations.

   As a result, it is such an old man who has made the world powerful and wealthy, and the American top-level technology products that the old women are rushing to are actually an authentic MadeinChina!

   This cannot but be said to be a big irony.

   The head of the headquarters breathed a little hard, and after a long time of brewing, he slowly said, "Tell me, what is going on?"

   What can happen? Wasn't it just to re-employ Evans and Irving, the spokespersons of the Ascendas Group in the United States?

  Because the volume of the Ascendas Group is already there, it is a bit self-deceiving to fool people in the vest, so Zhuang Jianye put them together and let them engage in the agency and distribution of medical equipment.

   In this way, the two parties established the so-called FK Medical Technology Company, registered in the Virgin Islands and headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

   Ascendas Group holds 70% of the shares, and China Merchants Bank, Evans, and Owen each hold 10%.

At first, FK acted as an agent for some medical equipment such as ventilators, B-ultrasound, and color Doppler ultrasound produced by Ascendas Medical Equipment Company. The business is not good, but it is not bad. At least Evans and Irving can guarantee the superior luxury life in the United States. ~www.ltnovel.com~ However, after Evans and Owen merged a small medical technology company called Prosthetic Power, they suddenly discovered that the profit margins of extended medical devices such as prosthetics and wheelchairs are surprisingly high.

   So he told Zhuang Jianye the news.

In the field of medical equipment, Zhuang Jianye does whatever it takes to make money. Therefore, after receiving news from Evans and Irving, he found that with the technical strength of Ascendas Group, it developed and produced high-value-added controllable power prosthetics and lightweight autonomy. There is no technical threshold for walking wheelchairs.

  Because the lightweight materials such as titanium alloy and carbon fiber are needed, Ascendas Group can produce it by itself; when connected to hydraulics, the electric servo Ascendas Group can also find corresponding supporting equipment. Of course, the most important thing is that Ascendas Group has JSNB-Ⅱ aerospace and aerospace integrated analysis system.

Although this system is mainly used in the fields of aviation and aerospace, it can still play a significant role in the selection of matching and ergonomic calculations. What's more, as the birthplace of JSNB-Ⅱ aerospace and aerospace integrated analysis system, Ascendas Group Master all the data and original code of the system, just add another processing module.

  With so many additions in aviation and aerospace technology, the "Fak" brand has become synonymous with high quality and high technology from the day it was born.



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