Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1058: Either stupid or bad


  Of course, the people present didn't know all this, especially Lao Mou. When he heard that the improved Zhi-12 just drove, he still had to wait three to five years before mass production, which was a bit regretful.

No way, the driving experience just now is really great. Whether it is power, sensitivity or maneuverability, it is regarded as a leader in the field of helicopters, especially the "sniper" pilot helmet, which has an effect comparable to "perspective". Pilots flying planes and attacking ground targets are simply good news.

   If this is to equip troops, air rapid assault and fire support are all available, and the dream of forming a US 101 air assault division is just around the corner.

   It's a pity that Ascendas Group is not yet able to mass-produce it immediately and can only continue to wait.

   "If this is the case, I implore Mr. Zhuang to inform us of the progress of the improved Zhi-12 in time. I will make a special report with the head of Luhang on this matter. I believe they will be more interested."

  Since he couldn't eat it, he had to stare at the pot, so Lao Mou simply made a pre-determined drama. Of course, Zhuang Jianye nodded his agreement.

After taking care of Lao Mou's affairs, the head of the headquarters was about to leave. However, before getting on the bus, a guard officer hurried over and said something in the ear of the head of the headquarters. The head of the headquarters frowned: " The local supervisor in Huancheng?"

   "Yes, they heard that you came to the optical power plant to investigate, so they hurried over and said that they were reporting to you!"

"What kind of work does a local leader report to me?" The head of the headquarters snorted when he heard the words and was about to turn into the car. He came here on a temporary basis. Besides, it was a local leader who had nothing to do with their troops. That kind of flattery, the head of the headquarters really didn't bother to take care of it.

However, when the head of the headquarters was about to wait for the bus, he suddenly remembered something. He glanced at Tan Mingshan, the workshop director of the assembly workshop of the photovoltaic power plant not far away, and slowly withdrew his steps, and then ordered the guard officer on the side: "Let Come in from those local leaders."


   Huancheng’s new leader, surnamed Zhang, is from the Huancheng Optoelectronics Instrument Factory of the Ascendas Group.

  'S posture is so low that it is staggering that other members of the leadership team who came with him constantly hinted that the Optoelectronic Instrument Factory is in their Huancheng, even if it is to meet the head of the headquarters, there is no need to be so low.

   However, the leader of the surname Zhang treated these words as farts.

   Still have to pose, let alone the fact that the head of the headquarters is in person, how many prefecture-level leaders rushed to pose in front of today's Zhuang Jianye?

   That is, the local leader of Huancheng twitched his head. He dared to do this. What happened?

   Except for the empty shell known as the "headquarters" of the Ascendas Group, none of the other factories remain, even the newly built factories are far away from Huancheng.

The consequence of this is that after the rapid economic growth of Huancheng from 1982 to 1986, the rapid economic decline began in the past 10 years. Fortunately, the Ascendas Group started in Huancheng and took away a considerable part of the Huancheng nationality when it moved out. Employees and their families, these people earn a good income in Ascendas Group, Shichang will bring their families to visit relatives in Huancheng, thus driving part of the business prosperity.

The problem is that this prosperity can only lead to employment for a small number of people. The vast majority of Huancheng people do not enjoy this dividend, especially the younger generation grows up. Employment, education, medical care, infrastructure... The problems and funding that need to be solved urgently in society erupted like a time bomb.

   led to the prefecture-level leadership position that was originally the most potential in the province, and suddenly became a dangerous place for ordinary people to avoid.

How risky is   ?

Huancheng changed eight main leaders in ten years. On average, one person could not do it for a year and a half. The best outcome of these eight people was to wipe out other prefecture-level cities, and finally retired sadly. Others were not imprisoned. The disaster is to be punished by superiors and removed from the post.

The reason for this is simple. There is a large force within Huancheng who hopes that Ascendas Group can return to Huancheng. This force includes but is not limited to the retired cadres of Huancheng; the old employees of the 23rd branch; supporting facilities. The faculty and staff of the children’s school; the medical workers of the city hospital; the construction contracting company; the cadres and workers of the commercial center; even the small merchants and hawkers in the vegetable market.

There is no way. The benefits brought to Huancheng when the 23rd branch rose to the start are tangible. The number of people benefited is really not ordinary. As a result, the succeeding Huancheng leader didn’t know the wrong way and started. Treating the Tengfei Group as a fat sheep to slaughter directly scares people away.

It’s good now. The leader’s sins have caused the people to take the blame. Where can this be done, it is natural to ask the main leader to give an explanation. If you can invite the Ascendas Group back, everything is easy to say. If you don’t come back, it will cause trouble to the central government. Let the main leaders step down.

   The previous 8 leaders were cast down by the Huancheng people.

The leader surnamed Wang is now the ninth. Seeing this situation, the leader surnamed Wang, who has stepped up from the grassroots level, immediately found the crux of the problem, so he didn’t put on the pretense of an official, and went straight to Xingzhou, from the old man Ning. As a breakthrough point, Zhishan was accompanied by chess, drinking, and bragging.

   In this way, I got the relationship between Ning Xiaodong, and then I had the opportunity to see Zhuang Jianye, and then he was chased and intercepted by the dead skin, and finally Zhuang Jianye agreed to establish a new photoelectric instrument factory in Huancheng, with a total investment of 2.2 billion yuan.

As the first one of the previous leaders to bring the Ascendas Group's factory to Huancheng, Wang's leadership position was considered stable, and then it was a little drifting, and then... he was beaten back by the scene of empty streets when Zhuang Jianye came to Huancheng. reality.

   It wasn't until this time that the leader of the surname Wang realized that even though Zhuang Jianye had left Huancheng for several years, his local influence had not diminished in the slightest.

In other words ~www.ltnovel.com~ means that Zhuang Jianye is committed to corporate development. If he wants to enter politics, if he wants, Huancheng can be his starting point for entering the political arena. With his huge influence in the Ascendas Group and the corporate world, And good relations with foreign businessmen and banks.

   Whether it is internal investment or foreign investment, it is easy. Coupled with the advantage of age, it will be able to rise to the province in a few years. It is not impossible to enter Beijing and rise directly to the central government in the future.

   Recognizing this reality, the leader of the surname Wang won’t float anymore, and there is no way, he can’t float, but Ren Zhuang Jianye.

  The problem is that Zhuang Jianye is not even interested in the possibility of drifting all the way into the center. In front of people who regard power as nothing, what else can he do?

Therefore, the leader of Wang began to be down-to-earth, step by step to implement various investment policies for Ascendas Group. Ascendas Group did not live up to the support of leader Wang. In the past two years, it has continuously expanded its investment in Huancheng, and the first phase of the optoelectronic instrument factory was successfully put into operation. , Huancheng’s economic downturn for many years has finally stopped and rebounded, and the leader of the surname Wang has successfully entered the provincial leadership’s sight because of this superb performance. As long as there are no accidents, the future high rise can be said to be a certainty.

   Because of this, the leader surnamed Wang completely ignored the so-called "opinions" of other people in the team. At this time, letting him pose is either stupid or bad.



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