Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1053: Nickel-based titanium rhenium niobium hafnium alloy

     Speaking of it, in the end, it was decided to implement the funding. The head of the headquarters was called a helplessness. I said that you, Zhuang Jianye, the boss of a large and large enterprise can't be reserved?

   Zhuang Jianye wanted to be reserved, but the problem was that he couldn't control it at all.

Not to mention other things, just talk about the alloy X single-crystal turbine blades used in the third-generation core machine. The pre-research began eight years ago, and it is still hard to remember how much Zhuang Jianye has invested. Anyway, the project team asked Qianzhuang Jianye to give it. One is to open up the supply.

   Even the project team said that a rare metal called rhenium was needed. Without saying a word, Zhuang Jianye used TRJ-500 regional airliner to directly knock on the mining and operating rights of six pits in the Almarek copper mine in Uzbekistan.

Because of this, not only did Uzbekistan’s 15 TRJ-500 regional airliners themselves take off the group without a single cent, the maintenance and repairs of major factories for several years are also free of charge. With the continuous operation of Bekistan up and down, Ascendas Group has become the largest foreign mining contractor in the Almarek copper mine.

   There are 12 large-scale mines directly controlled, and 42 mines indirectly held.

Not only that, thanks to the decline in the technical level of hardware equipment in the field of civil aviation caused by the economic difficulties in Central Asia after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ascendas Group relies on Embraer’s reputation for ERJ-140 series regional airliners in the international market. .

After a series of operations by Zhuang Jianye, using the ERJ-140 series of regional airliner as a stepping stone, using various preferential sales and service policies as a supporting package, combined with huge concessions and rebates, he soon won the civil aviation market in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Based on this, it quickly invested in the mining investment of the two countries. Through complex equity transfers, Ascendas Group obtained the mining and operation rights of the largest molybdenum deposit in Central Asia in Tajikistan; at the same time, it also obtained the right to mine in Kazakhstan. Ownership of the country’s second largest copper mine.

   Whether it is Uzbekistan, Tajikistan or Kazakhstan, Ascendas Group has only one purpose for deploying the mineral resources of these three countries, that is, the minerals it controls are accompanied by an extremely rare special metal-rhenium!

Based on this, Ascendas Group dare not say that it is the largest mining tycoon in Central Asia, but it is definitely the largest holder of rhenium in the region, because through various concessions and mergers and acquisitions, Ascendas Group controls 60% of Uzbek rhenium; 85% of all rhenium ore in Tajikistan and 37% of associated rhenium ore in Kazakhstan.

   Together, the three parties will provide Ascendas Group with more than 1.2 tons of rhenium each year.

   Don't underestimate the 1.2 tons of rhenium. The global reserves of rhenium are only 2500 tons. 1.2 tons of metal rhenium is already a very large resource. At least, if you want to do research, you don't have to worry about resources failing to keep up.

There is no way, sometimes scientific research, especially applied scientific research, is actually the same as playing games. It is to continuously attack the BOSS again and again, even if the group is destroyed, the equipment is exploded, and the experience bar is beaten again and again. Back to the origin, I can only bite my teeth and continue to input resources, because beyond this BOSS, whether it is equipment, experience, dungeon, or even the new map of the next stage, others can't keep up with it.

   But the key to the problem is to continue to keep the old blood.

The same is true in the research of Alloy X. Ascendas Group has made huge sums of money to extract 1.2 tons of metal rhenium per year from nearly 10,000 tons of ore dug in three countries, nearly 100 mines, and send them to the aviation development of Ascendas Group. The research center has spent less than a year.

It is necessary to know that the value of each gram of metal rhenium is equivalent to 10 times that of gold. 1.2 tons of rhenium is equivalent to 12 tons of gold. 12 tons of gold are smashed in this way every year, and it is not a year, but continuous It took nearly four years to get half the blood of the super-big BOSS, the nickel-based rhenium alloy single crystal turbine blade.

Yes, this is not the whole story. It is only half of the Long March, because the addition of rhenium only solves the problems of high temperature resistance and high strength of turbine blades. However, the rhenium content in the turbine blades of the entire third-generation core machine is not enough. 2.4%, which is not a large proportion. Because of this, although rhenium has a great effect, it can't carry everything. It just focuses on strengthening high strength while resisting high temperatures.

   As for the oxidation of nickel-based alloys at high temperatures, the further high temperature resistance of single metals cannot be solved.

It’s not that Ascendas Group does not want to increase the amount of rhenium. The problem is that this metal is too scarce, too expensive, and the domestic reserves are not many. It is okay to operate a few samples in the laboratory. It is really necessary to mass-produce and realize industrialization. 0.1% is an astronomical figure.

   Therefore, how to strike a balance between product quality and efficiency and cost is what Ascendas Group will do next.

Fortunately, Ascendas Group has some accumulation in this area, so niobium is added to the nickel-based rhenium alloy to offset the oxidation reaction caused by high temperature; a small amount of hafnium is also incorporated to further improve the alloy at about 1300 degrees Celsius Normal use at high temperatures.

   Finally, titanium is added to reduce the mass density of the alloy under certain strength conditions, making the turbine blades more portable and durable.

  At this time, the brand-new nickel-based titanium-rhenium-niobium-hafnium alloy of Ascendas Group was born, but it is inconvenient to call it nickel-based titanium-rhenium-niobium-hafnium alloy.

Therefore, Ascendas Group's handle, aviation industry master, accordion master, naming expert, Jianye, NB, and Zhuang played his traditional artistic skills, and directly simplified the academic name into equation symbol-alloy X !

   is not only mysterious, but also tall, the most important thing is to attract people's attention.

  If anyone asks, what are the turbine blades of Ascendas Group made of? A sentence of Alloy X will confuse the opponent.

   Of course, even if you don’t use Alloy X, you can tell the full name, and even tell the other party the component ratio. The other party is more confused than listening to Alloy X~www.ltnovel.com~ and even more painful.

Because they can’t do it even if they get the ratio, because the smelting and addition of the entire alloy is not simply added according to the ratio, but requires complicated heat treatment, vapor deposition, powder metal smelting and other processes to achieve Yes, the process of adding one by one according to the ratio only exists with fairy tales.

   After all, dozens of tons of gold every year are not for nothing.

   If not, why do Americans so confidently disclose the ratio of all super alloys?

   is to tell you clearly, even if I make it public, you won’t be able to do it, so you don’t have to work hard. Kneel down and call Dad, and Dad will give you a warm hug!

   Zhuang Jianye has not changed as much as the Americans, but he needs the head of the headquarters, the financial father, to recover his blood, dozens of tons of gold, or every year, who can hold it.

So, looking at the unmoved appearance of the head of the headquarters, Zhuang Jianye gritted his teeth and tore a hole in his shirt with a cruel heart. Then tears in the eyes of his eyes were aggrieved: "The head, look, I haven't I have money to buy new clothes. I can only see you in worn-out clothes. Please do well and approve some funding, otherwise it really won’t be done~~~"

   Seeing this, the old face of the head of the headquarters was no longer jumping around, but started to smoke...



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