Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1042: Define new concepts

   "See through everything?"

   The head of the headquarters squinted his eyes to look at Zhuang Jianye. Not only the head of the headquarters, but other related personnel of the troops who came from the head of the headquarters looked at Zhuang Jianye with the same caution.

   The reason for this is very simple. The concept of "see through everything" is too broad. Displaying data is called seeing through everything; indicating the target is also called seeing through everything, and seeing where to play is also called seeing through everything.

   In short, the concept of "see through everything" is too broad, and there is no rigorous and clear definition at all.

   "Sniper" helicopter flying distance helmet integrated display system is made by Zhuang Jianye, naturally knowing that there are too many uncertain concepts in it.

   Because of this, many so-called related high-tech companies have produced some unintelligible pilot helmets with the so-called definition concept, claiming to be able to achieve the magical effect of pilots hitting whatever missiles they see.

   is actually just using old objects from the 1970s and 1980s, putting on a layer of new concepts that professionals don’t understand, and then slaughtering all kinds of big customers who are unknown.

The most slippery of this kind of routine is the Russian Lukask Optoelectronic Equipment Complex. As the main development unit of MiG-29 and Su-27 fighter pilot helmets, they naturally have a glorious history, otherwise it is impossible. Created the domineering combination of Su-27 and r73 air-to-air missiles.

The problem is that the Lukask complex was glorious in the Soviet era. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Lukask complex was like other Soviet-era enterprises. The field of electronic equipment is already a bit hotter. As a result, the Lukask complex has no extra funds to invest in research and development, except for the barely subsistence of the Su-27 series of pilot helmets.

   The problem is that the improvement of the Su-27 has been promoted with the intervention of the Russian government. The previous years were not bad. With the old foundation left over from the Soviet era, the Lukask complex can barely maintain its personality.

   With the new version of Su-27 and the test flight of the Su-30 series, the old model of the Lukassk complex has been difficult to adapt to the needs of air combat in the new era, and it is in urgent need of update and improvement.

  The problem is that the Lukask complex has no money to invest and cannot produce new products. What should I do?

   Then you can only hype the concept wildly, and use the concept of misty rain to establish the character.

The Russians had no choice. In the Soviet era, the Petrov Complex in Ukraine formed a de facto competitive relationship with the Lukask Complex. However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the division of the two Maoists, even if Mao Zedong could still intervene, there was no way. The law is like the Soviet era.

   What's more, Ukraine can be more tossed than Russia. If Russia is self-castration, unprecedented, then Ukraine will cut itself apart from castration, and will not leave itself a way.

  Because of this, the situation of Petrov Complex, which was once as famous as Lukask Complex, is even worse. Not only is there a large loss of workers, but also all the key production equipment that can be sold is sold.

The factory of    was sold to a confectioner called a confectioner who was about to transform this half-century-old photoelectric equipment manufacturing plant into a sweet and greasy chocolate food factory.

   The distant nephew has changed careers, and there is only one unbelievable son, the Lukask complex. What can the Russians do? Seeing that Lukask also produces chocolate?

   So just keep getting used to it.

A look at the Lukask complex, my father was crippled and lame, and then drifted off, and began to learn to fudge the New Delhi people, after all, there are more than 100 Su-30mki fighters over there, and at least 300 pilots are needed. helmet.

   So hurriedly ran to New Delhi, and directly made the people of New Delhi really lame, and again made a lot of money.

   Seeing that both Russia and New Delhi were taken, the Lukassk Complex set its sights on another major equipment manufacturer of the Su-27 series, a big country in the East.

   So with full sincerity, a full range of conceptual personality, and the confidence and domineering to win the big singles in Russia and New Delhi, he started to flicker in such a grand manner.

A big country in the East does not lose the pro-dad of the Lukask complex, nor is it as brainless as New Delhi. Through testing, it is found that Lukask’s products have nothing to do with the Su-27 pilot helmet introduced from Russia a few years ago.上 difference.

   even added some unnecessary things that caused the helmet's net weight to reach 2.64 kg, which is more than five catties.

   The Russian race of Western physique may still be able to bear it. The domestic slender East Asian race is very strenuous, especially when maneuvering with large overloads, it is easy to cause the pilot’s neck to sprain.

   So the headquarters at the time was not used to it, and directly rejected Lukask's sales.

   As a result, this decision angered the Lukask Complex, which was floating in the sky, and it broke several key optical components of the domestic imitation Su-27 pilot helmet.

   In this way, it put pressure and forced the country to submit.

   This caused the Su-27 pilot helmet, which had been going well, into a dilemma.

   What happened not long ago, Zhuang Jianye is not clear, but the head of the headquarters is the person who witnessed it. At that time, the Lukask complex declared that its helmet is the only existence in the world that “see through everything”.

   As a result... the garbage is a mess.

Because of this, when the head of the headquarters and others heard Zhuang Jianye say that the "sniper" pilot helmet also has the function of "see through everything", there was a violent tremor in their hearts, and the Lukassk complex unconsciously appeared in their minds. Shameless flicker.

   Although Zhuang Jianye didn't know what happened to the head of the headquarters and others before, he could tell from his confused and weird expression that these heads did not believe in the performance of their own "sniper" pilot helmets.

If this is the case, someone else might have to give these leaders a detailed introduction to the specific performance of the "sniper" pilot helmet~www.ltnovel.com~ A few years ago, Zhuang Jianye might have done it like this. , But now...

   "Chief, why don't you wear a helmet and try it in the cockpit?"

   At this time, the helicopter has gradually extinguished its engine. The head of the headquarters looked at the helicopter with the propeller idling. He also looked at Zhuang Jianye. He raised his eyebrows unconsciously, "Can you?"

   "Of course, we must know that our helmets are not like other foreign brands, which only play with concepts. Ascendas Group is always a creative concept."

   Zhuang Jianye did his part, patted his chest and said confidently.

   "Oh?" The head of the headquarters heard the words, with a hint of playfulness in his expression: "The Lukask complex in Russia also said the same a few days ago, but it was diarrhea after being pulled out."

   "Don't worry, the structure of the'sniper' will not catch up to the Russians in ten years!"

"Look at your condition then!" After listening to Zhuang Jianye's words, the head of the headquarters joked, he entered the cockpit with the help of the pilot, then put on the "sniper" pilot helmet, and lowered the sights on both sides according to the pilot's instructions. After putting on the lens and turning on the power, a unique scene appeared in front of the head of the headquarters in an instant, so that he unconsciously exclaimed: "This...this...this...can see through?"


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