Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1040: Helicopter helmet sight

"Head, this is our adjusted production line, and the assembly efficiency of electronic devices has doubled than before."

On the outskirts of Huancheng, the former Ascendas Group's drone production plant has now been transformed into an Ascendas Group's optical and electronic instrument factory. At this moment, there is an electronic assembly workshop that is about forty years old, with a Chinese character and wearing a neat optical instrument factory uniform. Qin Mingshan, the workshop director of the company, is presenting to the head of the headquarters and his party about their recent transformation of the assembly line.

The head of the headquarters arrived at the optical instrument factory in the afternoon, without notifying the Huancheng government or the local garrison, so he visited the factory in a low-key manner.

In the end, he didn't see Zhuang Jianye. According to Qin Mingshan, after Zhuang Jianye came to check the conditions of several workshops, he went to the newly established technology research and development center to check the recent technological achievements.

Tan Mingshan was going to find someone to inform Zhuang Jianye, but was stopped by the head of the headquarters.

In addition to looking for Zhuang Jianye, the most important thing he came here was to see what the quality of this factory was for the disabled in the self-defense counterattack.

We must know that from the self-defense counterattack in 1979 to the two mountain rounds in the 1980s, more than 20,000 officers and soldiers were injured in the border conflict that lasted more than a decade, and many of them were left with life-long disabilities.

Although the army was very concerned about the placement of these disabled soldiers, at that time the army had limited funds and the country's financial resources were insufficient. Even if it was active, it would have left many regrets.

Therefore, the army has been calling on capable local units or enterprises to recruit disabled soldiers as much as possible. For this reason, the army and the national level will give several generous support policies.

Some local units and enterprises have indeed called for active placement of disabled soldiers. On the surface, there is a faction of military, civilian, fish and water conditions, but in fact, many localities and enterprises are indeed rushing to support policies. No matter how bad they are, they can still apply to them from the beginning. A large amount of unplanned grant or issuance fund.

Those who are able to rely on preferential policies and the above subsidies are indeed developing well, and benefit the disabled soldiers involved; but most of the localities and enterprises are doing nothing but deficiencies in their capabilities and operations. ; Even some unscrupulous local and corporate leaders simply greet the Mexican subsidies, causing the disabled soldiers to be unable to sustain even basic food and clothing.

Because of this, when he heard that Tengfei Group had also seen a factory for disabled soldiers in the self-defense counterattack in Huancheng, he thought about it.

After all, Zhuang Jianye is his benchmark. If something goes wrong with this sensitive issue, his old face will have no place to rest.

As a result, when I came over, this benchmark was still standing.

No, the head of the headquarters looked at the busy scene in the workshop, nodded in satisfaction, and then turned his head to see that he was half a head taller than himself. Tan Mingshan, who was always serious, smiled and said, "I'm here this time. Look at the work and life of the injured comrades, you don’t have to be so nervous."

"Yes, the chief..." Tan Mingshan responded, but the sweat on his forehead exposed his true thoughts.

not nervous? Don't worry if you follow the head of the headquarters, try it!

When the head of the headquarters saw that it was useless to say it, he smiled helplessly, and then hurried to a station where a man about 30 years old was fixing it to a specific card slot with an integrated electronic component. Inside.

With a focused and meticulous expression, the head of the headquarters watched quietly for a full minute. The man actually assembled 26 parts. This speed was already faster than the most skilled ace worker he saw in an electronics foundry on the southeast coast. a bit.

"His name is Zou Hui. He used to be a sniper of the 50th Army Reconnaissance Company. The two mountain wheels were blown off his left leg by a landmine during the battle." Tan Mingshan on the side saw Zhuang Jianye's concentration, so he leaned over and gave a low introduction.

The head of the headquarters was suddenly surprised. No wonder that Zou Hui's processing movements are fast and steady. It turned out to be a sniper. There is nothing to say, but...

The head of the headquarters glanced at Zou Hui’s calm and focused face, and then slowly moved his gaze to the bottom, but he did not find anything like a wheelchair or lame leg. Zou Hui is just like an assembler on a normal electronic assembly line. Sitting at the workstation, the operation is focused.

Just at this time, a batch of parts were assembled and entered a blank period. Tan Mingshan suddenly shouted a command: "Zou Hui, stand up!"


Zou Hui immediately stood up straight from the desk.

"Get out!"

"Yes!" Zou Hui replied, then turned right, swung his arms, stepped, walked down the steps, stood in front of the head of the headquarters and others, stood at attention, and reported loudly: "Station 46, Zou Hui reports!"

The action is like wind and the sound is loud. If it weren't for the modern avionics assembly equipment around, the head of the headquarters thought he was in a military camp, facing a passionate sniper who had just come down from the battlefield.

But this was not the surprise of the head of the headquarters. What shocked him was Zou Hui's actions. The soldiers who stood up and walked were the same as the soldiers. No one could tell that he was a disabled soldier whose left leg was broken.

"Chief, not long after Zou Hui entered the factory, he got help from the special medical fund of the group and fitted a prosthesis for him. The materials are all made of aviation titanium alloy. After the installation, walking and sitting are no different from ordinary people, but the price is a bit more expensive. Son, a customized prosthesis costs at least RMB 300,000."

At this time, Tan Mingshan explained to the head of the headquarters again that he was a little surprised when the head of the headquarters heard that he was accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves. The 300,000 RMB aviation titanium alloy prosthesis is not something ordinary people can afford. Ascendas Group will do so. Up?

"Not only prostheses, the family members of our disabled soldiers were also taken over from their hometowns by the group and placed in the family building behind the factory. If there are wives in the family, try to arrange them in the surrounding supporting enterprises. Those over 60 years old. The group’s welfare fund will also give each person a subsidy of 500 yuan per month, for boys and girls, from kindergarten to university..."

Tan Mingshan was still nervous at first, but when he talked about the various benefits given to them by Ascendas Group, he gradually became calmer.

The head of the headquarters is also more and more astounding~www.ltnovel.com~ Even the elderly receive a subsidy of 500 yuan per month. The children are supervised from kindergarten to university. All the disabled soldiers who enter the job can count as one. For prostheses, all are the aerospace titanium alloy prostheses produced by Ascendas Group Medical Co., Ltd., which can cost 30,000 to 400,000 yuan.

Those who do not have access to prostheses will also be given two free full-body diagnosis and treatment every year. As for the money for medical treatment and hospitalization, Tengfei Group is even more burdened.

"The chief, Mr. Zhuang originally didn't let us into the factory. He said that Ascendas Group could afford us good soldiers who shed blood on the frontier, but we couldn't bear it with others' things, so the big guys discussed it and found Mr. Zhuang asked to enter the factory to do something within his capacity. It is impossible for us, a big man, to make a living in vain. So Mr. Zhuang opened an electronic assembly workshop here. Those of us who have joined the army do not know what to do. They were all moved down according to the set of the troops, and the entire workshops were completely militarized... Suddenly~~~~"

Tan Mingshan was still introducing the situation of this workshop, but just halfway through his words, suddenly there was a roar of a helicopter that was slightly empty outside the workshop. The head of the headquarters subconsciously raised his head and asked a little surprised: "Why are there helicopters here?"

"Should it be a new product test?"

"New product?" The head of the headquarters frowned. "I remember you are like an optical instrument factory. What are you going to put on a helicopter for testing?"

"Oh, it may be that our helicopter helmet sight is undergoing a straight-12 adaptation test." Qin Mingshan said.

As a result, the head of the headquarters who heard the word helicopter helmet sight immediately replaced his unwavering face with consternation, and asked in a loud voice, "Have you gotten the helicopter helmet sight?"


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