
Chapter 187: Yellowstone Hometown

It was pouring rain, and Yao Li and Xuan Chen were digging a hole at the foot of the mountain alone in the rain. Their linen clothes were already dirty. And Jiang Yuanchen, dressed in white, held an umbrella to protect himself from the rain in the distance and directed.

Be careful. In order not to destroy the aura of the earth veins, you cannot use true energy to protect your body. Jiang Yuanchen pointed: Yao Li, don't move around, and dig three feet to the left.

Xuanchen, yes! That's the location, keep digging.

Yao Li had a depressed expression. Although you and I have temporarily reconciled, have you forgotten that you also took away the origin of my golden elixir? You're so familiar with it, and you want me to help you dig out the old Yellowstone site?

I said, did you really calculate that the hometown of Yellowstone is here? Yao Li couldn't help but ask after digging a deep pit and revealing the blue boulder below.

The hometown of Huangshi? Did I say that? Jiang Yuanchen pretended not to know.

Then you just didn't—

Do you think this is the hometown of Huangshi? Jiang Yuanchen said to Yao Li with a look of disdain: Those who believe that the hometown of Huangshi really exists are fools!

Jiang Yuanchen didn't use his true energy and walked carefully to Yao Li: What do you think the old place of Huangshi is? It was the origin of this world and the first place where the fetal membrane of heaven and earth was conceived. Do you think this place will still exist? Come down?

But didn't you get some Yellowstone Book?

So, to say that you are stupid, you are really stupid! Are the ancients saying the golden rule? They said that the Yellowstone Book is something left over from the previous dynasty thousands of years ago. Is that true? You didn't think there might be a problem in it?

Yao Li opened his mouth. This kind of question seemed a little too far away for him, a killer.

Where do you think the real people of Tianmen Dao suppress the world? The original place of this world has long been controlled by Tianmen Dao. Otherwise, how could they teleport us here. If they don't control the so-called Yellowstone old land, how can they control the fetal membrane of heaven and earth?

Then - Yao Li was confused, so what is the so-called hometown of Huangshi?

Jiang Yuanchen sneered: Don't treat everyone as a fool. I can talk nonsense about a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and of course the seniors can also play a card about the hometown of Huangshi! The so-called Yellowstone Heavenly Book is definitely something that our seniors from the Kyushu Realm have thrown away. The bait comes out.”

So sure?

Whether it was accidental or intentional, that senior used the 'three-text green tracing method' when painting the map of Huangshi's hometown.

San Wenqing drawing method?

You must not know this technique from the Nine Provinces Realm of Danqing, right? Jiang Yuanchen looked at Yao Li as if he were an uneducated person.

nonsense! From childhood to college, I was trained in the art of killing. I could only play stealth assassination. Of course I didn’t know anything about painting or anything like that! Yao Li thought silently, and other than me, most monks wouldn't be able to study that kind of acrobatics, right?

Chess, calligraphy and painting. In the eyes of Sikong Changming and other major sect disciples, they are all methods to enter Taoism, but how many of the casual cultivators would study these methods to waste time?

No matter what, the flaw exposed by that senior is enough to tell us later that this is a trap left by the seniors of the Kyushu Realm. It's better that we don't fall for it. Jiang Yuanchen shrugged. Of course, if you really can't see it, come out. It can only be said that you are stupid and have nothing to do with that senior.

If you don't know how to take one step and look at three steps, your spiritual path will not last long in the future. It is clearly just a stepping stone for others, and it will be in vain if you die in a trap.

But the senior seems to have left something in the five Yellowstone Heavenly Books, which seems to be an earth-attributed technique. It should be to help him find a successor when he deceives people. Jiang Yuanchen added One sentence.

Let's not talk about those things for now. Since there is no Yellowstone, what is this that you asked us to dig?

A ruins left over from the Huangshi Kingdom a thousand years ago. Jiang Yuanchen wiped the water droplets on his face with a handkerchief: I want to use this ruins to make a fake Huangshi hometown to deceive people, so that the so-called Sifang King of Da Chen can be deceived. It would be best if all the ten princes were trapped and killed!

... Yao Li looked at Jiang Yuanchen and stopped talking.

What's wrong?

I just suddenly remembered what my ancestor once said about you.

What? Jiang Yuanchen was a little curious. What did the ancestor say about him?

I would rather believe the ten words of the beast than listen to Chang Ming's words. This is what the ancestor said to Han Yan and others in private.

The beast looks like a dodder. People have a good face and can often deceive others. They talk east and west, and they talk evil but do good. The meat is delicious, and if you eat it, your words will not be true.

Like the heel bird, the black beast is also an ancient beast. The last black beast in the Kyushu realm was killed by the ancestor Wusheng. Then give it to the elixir demon to be used as medicine. Every time a person eats the flesh and blood of a false beast, he will involuntarily tell many lies in his speech in the future. Patriarch Wusheng used this to instigate hatred between many sects.

Don't talk nonsense, don't take medicine carelessly. This allusion comes from here.

It's a good saying, 'I would rather believe ten words of false beasts than one word of Chang Ming.' It seems that the ancestor of Wusheng is still very accurate in judging people! The escape light of Lin Zixuan and the others fell.

Lin Zixuan had received a summons from Jiang Yuanchen earlier and was relieved when he learned that Yao Li had betrayed him, so he brought Zang Yuan and the others over to join Jiang Yuanchen.

By chance, the three of them heard these words, and Lin Zixuan started teasing Chang Ming.

Senior brother came very early! Jiang Yuanchen quickly waved his hand to signal the three of them not to use true essence to disrupt the earth's aura: I specially found this rainy day to do it, just to use the spiritual device to cover up the heaven's secrets and prevent the dragon's energy in this place from getting in advance. Be induced.”

This is a ruins left by the Huangshi Kingdom, and it is also a treasure house they hide. The door is locked with dragon energy. Jiang Yuanchen is afraid that the dragon energy of the Chen Dynasty will be sensed, so he deliberately avoids the interference of all inhuman forces.

Found it! Xuan Chen suddenly hit a gold and iron weapon with his shovel and shouted to Jiang Yuanchen.

Jiang Yuanchen pointed to the three shovels he had made in the distance: Senior brother and the two Taoist brothers from the Chixiao Sword Sect?

The three of them looked at each other. Lin Zixuan went to help dig with a shovel first, while Zangyuan and Duan Jing looked at each other because Duan Jing also asked Jiang Yuanchen for help. So I had to dig with a shovel.

The five monks joined forces quickly, and a yellow dragon statue made of brass stood in a deep pit.

This is it! There is a dragon energy left over from the previous dynasty hidden in it. Jiang Yuanchen walked down the pit. Be careful not to arouse the dragon energy: The previous dynasty was a Tu De. If Dachen was not a heavenly being who came to open up, I am afraid it would not be destroyed at all. Now the dragon energy is deeply hidden. If the Southern Shu Kingdom can use this to transform the dragon energy, If you turn a dragon into a dragon, there will be something to see in the next twenty years.

Southern Shu Kingdom, the southern land controlled by Gong Yuer and others.

Aren't you going to fake the hometown of Huangshi? What does it have to do with the Southern Shu Kingdom? Lin Zixuan walked down and took the umbrella from Jiang Yuanchen's hand without saying a word. The two of them took shelter from the rain.

Just spreading the news about the hometown of Huangshi will not attract the full attention of Da Chen. It is necessary for the three barbarians to mobilize troops to suppress it. It is best to let the Southern Shu Kingdom inherit the dragon energy of the previous dynasty and share the mountains and rivers with Da Chen.

Jiang Yuanchen continued to explain: I found clues to the dragon's veins.

Zangyuan's spirit was shocked, Dragon Vein! If they can find the dragon vein and merge it into the Jiuzhou Realm, then the origin of the Jiuzhou Realm will be perfect, and monks like them will also benefit.

Finding and extracting the dragon vein requires the gathering of three dragons at the right time, right place and right people. As for human dragons, instead of going to a lot of trouble, just use the emperor's dragon energy to replace them. Jiang Yuanchen understood what Zangyuan meant. Explained: The dragon energy of the earth veins is the foundation. We need to arrange twelve dragon escape pillars to suppress the earth veins and force the dragon energy flow to the foot of Liuli Mountain. Then the heavenly dragon energy is the most difficult to find, so we can only choose a special time.

Unless they can find a celestial-level dragon god to ask for dragon energy, they can only wait for the day of the dragon that happens once a hundred years.

In the realm of Kyushu. Once every hundred years, there will be a wonder of heaven and earth. A cloud dragon completely condensed with pure spiritual energy will appear in the sky and stay in the sky for an hour. This kind of heavenly dragon's pure energy will be snatched by the real people of Yuanshen, and the monks below will also take this opportunity to absorb the heavenly dragon's essence. But there is no such thing in Tianmen Realm! And Jiang Yuanchen and others didn't bring this kind of treasure with them!

A specific moment that you want to spend the day with?

The second day of February is the day when the dragon raises its head.

There are many similar situations in the humanities and calendars of the Dream Butterfly World and the Kyushu Realm. Therefore, it is difficult for Jiang Yuanchen to treat that world as a dream.

The lunar calendar of that world is almost exactly the same as the pure Yang calendar that has been popular in Kyushu for more than three thousand years.

In the understanding of pure solar calendar. Think of the changes in vitality in a year as yin and yang, and think of vitality as the changes in the life and death of a dragon.

From the fifteenth day of the first lunar month to the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. It is a Shang Yang year; and the fifteenth day of July to the fifteenth day of the next first month is a Xia Yin year.

Every year, this big dragon goes through life and death.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the dragon is resurrected, and then on the second day of the second lunar month, the yang energy rises and begins to fly into the sky. Then, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the yang energy is at its most righteous and suppresses all evils. On the 15th day of the seventh month, it falls again, and the yin energy begins to rise.

Slowly, the dragon was filled with yin energy. On September 9, it was almost filled with yin energy, with only pure yang energy still supporting it.

Finally, from October 1st to 15th, the dragon died completely, and winter came.

On New Year's Eve, when the old and the new change, everyone sets off firecrackers to wake up the dragon, and then welcome the new year, until the dragon is truly resurrected on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

A big dragon symbolizes the changes of the four seasons of the earth. This is the pure solar calendar of Kyushu and it is also a simple legend description of the people of Kyushu.

The so-called Heavenly Dragon Vision is a vision of heaven and earth that appeared a hundred years after the dragon's reincarnation of life and death.

If Jiang Yuanchen wanted to choose the right day, he could only choose an opportunity in the Shangyang Year, Longsu Day on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Longteng Day on the second day of February, and Longzheng Day on the fifth day of May. The Dragon's Birthday on the first day of the first lunar month and the Dragon's Heavy Day on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month can only be excluded because of the yin energy.

If they want to complete a great achievement within twenty years that people could not accomplish before, Jiang Yuanchen and others need to arrange a lot of things, including the transformation of dragon energy in the Southern Shu Kingdom, the burying of the Twelve Escape Dragon Pillars, the forgery of Huangshi's old place, and the cultivation of Tianmen. The control of the world and other things need to be arranged.

The five people from the Taixu Taoist Sect alone simply couldn't do it, so the Chixiao Sword Sect, a millennium ally of the Taixu Taoist Sect, also had to get involved. Even Jiang Yuanchen had the idea to ask people from the Jingyang Taoist sect to help.

ps: A second leader actually appeared yesterday, so there should be an update for this. But these two days have been quite busy. Might add an update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

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