
Chapter 182 Beiming Sanren

All parties were surging, and all the comrades who came down at the beginning started their own actions.

Jiang Yuanchen, on the other hand, followed Shi Jing to the mountain gate of Cangyan Sect in a leisurely manner.

He Shengzi successfully formed the pill with the help of a Void Spirit Pill, and there was still one pill left that he wore on his body. Although Jiang Yuanchen spared his life, the pill was also taken away by Jiang Yuanchen, who also checked He Shengzi's physical condition.

Twenty years, He Shengzi can live for more than twenty years is the limit. This is the so-called sequelae of Xu Ling Dan. Similarly, when Jiang Yuanchen observed the condition inside He Shengzi's body, he also saw the difference in the two's elixir formation.

Jiang Yuanchen's golden elixir has begun to materialize, and he can complete it as long as he survives the disaster. But Heshengzi was different. His Yuan Dan was empty but not real, no different from a cloud. If you encounter the three disasters, you will be dead with just one blow, and there will be no life for ten deaths.

Overdrawing all the foundations in the future in exchange for twenty years of cultivation in the elixir formation period is indeed to deal with us outsiders! Jiang Yuanchen said cautiously after checking the elixir while sitting in a flying building.

Biwan shook his head: Then can you refine it?

Okay. Jiang Yuanchen analyzed the medicinal properties and said, You don't expect me to refine these elixirs, do you? Even if I refine them, no one can administer them.

Aren't you going to the Cangyan Sect just to recruit people?

Based on the knowledge passed down in my mind, the Cangyan sect's techniques seem to be unclear from those of the Haoming sect. Judging from the current situation of the Haoming sect, it is normal for the entire sect of the Cangyan sect to be brought back to the Kyushu realm. The silver-armored general leaned against the wall and said to Bi An: So, if you ask the lord to give pills to others, the Cangyan sect will never do it. The Shen Dao sect seems to be a derivative of the martial arts sect. And Jin Guangdao seems to be the original Jiu Dao sect. The orthodoxy left by Jin Guangdao, one of the immortal sects. This sect has become extinct in the Kyushu Realm. Unexpectedly, it still has its inheritance in the Tianmen Realm. The Lord can take it out as his own helper.

My own Dharma Protector is becoming more and more spiritual these days. Jiang Yuanchen thought: Xuanchen is right. I need to rely on the power of the cultivation world of Tianmen Realm, and I am not going to offend them all directly. Especially people from Jinguang Dao have come down.

Is Xu Muhua a member of the Golden Light Path?

The Blood-Transforming Golden Light Array requires the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword or the Golden Light Divine Mirror as an array weapon. I don't think Xu Muhua can have such a thing in his hands. Jiang Yuanchen said with a smile.

Master! Our Cangyan Mountain is just ahead! Shi Jing knocked on the door outside and reported to Jiang Yuanchen through the door.

Jiang Yuanchen winked. Biwan and Xuanchen disappeared at the same time, one returned to the black book, and the other fell into the altar and was put away by Jiang Yuanchen.

Jiang Yuanchen opened the door and nodded: It's so quick. It's just right. I have been living in the mountains for a long time, so I want to come to your sect to inquire about the current situation of the cultivation world.

Still pretending! Qian Zhengyu controlled his Feilou magic weapon and muttered secretly. Does this senior brother really want to use this identity to hide his identity?

The three of them got off the flying tower in Cangyan Mountain, and then Shi Jing used magic techniques to communicate with his master.

Her master, Ling Yanzi, is one of the five great alchemy masters in the Tianmen world.

You're finally back, girl! An old man walked down from the top of the mountain: My master has been waiting for your news for a long time.

Little old man pays homage to the Beiming San people of Xiaoyao Sect. The old man then saluted Jiang Yuanchen.

Yeah! Beiming Sanren was the name Jiang Yuanchen was talking about. He communicated with Mu Qingyi and others. He, Mu Qingyi, and Wei Gong were mixed in the spiritual world as Xiaoyao sect, and then Li Wen and Lin Zixuan continued to walk as visitors from outside the world.

Mu Qingyi is known as the Changchun Sanren, and Wei Gong is known as the Jinzhong Sanren. As the leader of Xiaoyao Sect, Jiang Yuanchen is known as Beiming Sanren.

Brother Taoist, this elder is a Taoist boy under my master. He has practiced with my master for hundreds of years and his cultivation is advanced. He is close to the realm of jade liquid. Of course, his cultivation cannot be compared with that of brother Taoist. Shi Jing secretly said Sound transmission.

Jiang Yuanchen nodded. He expressed his understanding and then led the old man to the top of the mountain.

My master invites Beiming Sanren to meet at the top of the mountain. How about asking this noble man to accompany the young man to rest here? The old man came to an intersection and said to Jiang Yuanchen and Qian Zhengyu.

I'll take fellow Taoist Qian to rest, and Zhang Sou will take the monks to see the master. Shi Jing took over the topic.

That's fine. The old man bowed his body and asked Jiang Yuanchen to come forward.

After the two left, Qian Zhengyu frowned and looked at Shi Jing. What? What do you want to say to me?

Do you have a Taoist companion?

Qian Zhengyu raised his eyebrows, looked at Xiao Yu beside him, and said, I have no intention of finding a Taoist partner at the moment. I am devoted to cultivating Taoism. These things can be put aside for now.

I have a dual cultivation technique. If you practice dual cultivation with me - Before she could finish her words, she was stopped by Xiao Yu. His cold hands pinched her neck, and she swallowed the next words.

Girl, I'm tired from this journey, how about you let me rest first? Qian Zhengyu rubbed his temples, his maid looked at him so closely, how could he find a Taoist companion?

Jiang Yuanchen walked up to the top of the mountain. The old man stopped at the intersection and motioned Jiang Yuanchen to go up by himself.

After going up, Jiang Yuanchen saw the green grass on the top of the mountain, the Yao grass dancing in the wind, the clusters of spiritual flowers, and the fragrance of the flowers. Two old men were playing chess in a pavilion in the middle of Yaocao Linghua.

One of them, wearing a linen Taoist robe, whose aura matched the surrounding flowers and plants, giving people a sense of peace, was Shi Jing's master Ling Yanzi. The other person was wearing a golden robe, and the aura three feet above his head gave people a dazzling feeling.

The leader of Jin Guangdao? Jiang Yuanchen understood.

Is this a show of force? Seeing the two of them ignoring him and just playing chess, Jiang Yuanchen secretly sneered. After thinking about it, a bright moon rose above his head, and the radiance of the moon suppressed the body-protecting spiritual light of the Golden Light Taoist Master.

Ling Yanzi on the side did not look as clean as at the beginning, and her integration with the surrounding terrain was also forced out. He quickly cast a spell to circulate his true energy to remove the chill. As for the headmaster of Jin Guangdao, a golden ancient mirror flew out of his head.

Xuanxin Golden Light Mirror! Jiang Yuanchen was startled when he saw this treasured mirror. This is a secret treasure inherited from the Golden Light Path of the Kyushu Realm! It is said that this object contains the cultivation method of Jinguang Dao's exclusive high-grade Taoist elixir Liu Ming Xuan Guang Dan.

Sure enough, it was due to chance. Should the Golden Light Taohe be prosperous? But this thing alone is hard to deal with on its own!

The Taiyin spirit flag was displayed above Jiang Yuanchen's head, and a pale yellow moon lotus bloomed in the spirit flag. The lotus bloomed, and a goddess danced in the center of the flower. Then the minds of the two old men were attracted by it, and the chess pieces in their hands also fell.

As expected of the Xiaoyao Sect, the sect inherited from the Glazed Heavenly Lady! The two old men were both Dan-Jie masters after all, and then they recovered.

After some testing and understanding that Jiang Yuanchen was difficult to deal with, he quickly asked him to sit down.

I didn't expect Sanren to be so young. I'm afraid the title of the number one grandmaster in our world will fall on you. Ling Yanzi pulled Jiang Yuanchen to sit down and passed his eyes to the head of Jin Guangdao.

The man in golden robe nodded. When he looked at it with the Xuanxin Mirror, he did feel the mark of the Tianmen Realm. It seemed that he should be from this world.

In this way, Ling Yanzi's smile became a little more enthusiastic. According to Sanren's cultivation level, I'm afraid it's not a problem to cultivate a golden elixir!

Jiang Yuanchen heard this. Sighing softly: It's easier said than done. I have received revelation from the goddess of heaven that a great catastrophe in this world is just around the corner. And even in peaceful times, the source of this world is not enough, so it is difficult to overcome the catastrophe and achieve enlightenment.

I once heard from my disciples that the Sanren seemed to be looking for the hometown of Huangshi because of an impending disaster?

Yes, we can only avoid this disaster with help there. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better for me to practice in the Heavenly Lady's Dharma Restriction in Liuli Mountain?

Speaking of which, Liuli Tiannv is a legendary goddess. We are very interested in Liuli Mountain Tiannv Dojo. I wonder if you can ask fellow Taoists to tell you more about the Xiaoyao Sect? Yang Nan, the leader of Jinguang Dao, asked. asked.

I am from the Xiaoyao faction and really have nothing to say. In my early years, I was curious about the legend of the Goddess and went to Liuli Mountain to seek immortality. I stumbled under the Tiannv Peak and found a stone wall that reflected the illusion of the Goddess, and then I found the Goddess Cave.

Jiang Yuanchen said lightly: Except for a portrait of the goddess, there are very few other things in it. Later, I became successful in practicing in the mountains and rescued two people who also fell into the mountains, so I established a Xiaoyao sect to live in seclusion. To put it bluntly, it is just the self-styled work of the three of us, and it is naturally different from the two big factions.

Although Cang Yan Sect and Jin Guang Dao were both sects of cultivating immortals and were suppressed by Da Chen, they only had one intelligence system. They also knew something about the fairies in white who were chasing people from the mountains near Liuli Mountain, and the young master in white who was searching for the Yellowstone Heavenly Book in the world of mortals. The two masters looked more cautiously.

Pi? Amuse yourself? How can I amuse myself and create a master of elixir formation and two monks of jade liquid who are about to form elixirs?

This strength is no weaker than the three major factions.

The two masters shook their heads: The Sanren are really too modest. The inheritance of the Liuli Heavenly Lady's Taoism is so brilliant! You can see it just by looking at the cultivation of the Sanren.

That's right! Ling Yanzi asked: Does Sanren know the identities of the Jiuzhou Realm and the Liuli Heavenly Girl?

Jiang Yuanchen pretended to hesitate and said, Dr. Taoist, are you referring to the Taixu Taoist Sect? Pindao has seen records of this in the Heavenly Lady's Handbook. It is said that the Cangyan Sect is also a Taoist tradition passed down by the Jiuzhou Immortal Sect, right? There is the Golden Light Dao, which seems to have been passed down from Kyushu.

Yes, we are inherited from the Haoming Sect. Ling Yanzi said calmly.

And Yang Nan looked a little unhappy. After all, the Golden Light Dao he inherited had been destroyed long ago. He only received the inheritance from a other palace from a Golden Light Dao monk who came here hundreds of years ago, and then reopened the Golden Light Dao. pulse. But after he dies, without the protection of Grandmaster Jie Dan, I am afraid that Jinguang Dao will not be able to continue for a long time.

Then I wonder what you two think of those people from outside the world? Jiang Yuanchen was secretive and looked like he didn't understand the world. I have been living in seclusion all year round, and I really don't know what those people's attitudes are towards us.

Glancing at Yang Nan, Ling Yanzi said: With a Sanren's qualifications, it only takes a few decades to obtain the Taoist elixir. Even if you think about it in the upper world, it is rare. If Taixu Dao Sect has disciples coming down, they should invite you. Let’s go to the Kyushu Realm and continue practicing.”

After a pause, Ling Yanzi continued: This world is limited by the formation of pills. It is absolutely impossible to break through the tribulation. Even if we break through the realm with force, we will only be rejected by the world and wait for death, so we can only choose to break through in other worlds. The Kyushu Realm may also be the Shenxiao Heavenly Court, but the passage to the Shenxiao Heavenly Court has not been opened, and we already have an incestuous relationship with the Kyushu Realm, so most monks like me choose to break through the Kyushu Realm. After all, everyone is A sect and a higher level of cultivation methods are all over there, aren’t they?”

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