
Chapter 157 Returning True Water

Haoming, Hanyue, and Taixu gathered at the central altar, while the three leaders, Chixiao, Jingyang, and Taixu, fought in the sea of ​​fire.

Of course Jiang Yuanchen did not dare to confront Zangyuan and Ouyang Yu head-on. His purpose was to arrange a formation in the sea of ​​​​fire to detonate the entire sea of ​​​​fire.

Of course, this is also what Ouyang Yu and Zang Yuan have in mind. However, compared to Jiang Yuanchen who had no backup plan, the two of them made up their minds to hide in the sea of ​​fire and wait for the secret realm to be destroyed to save themselves.

There are three completely different detonation methods, Zangyuan's sword talisman, Ouyang Yu's fire spirit bead and Jiang Yuanchen's thunder array.

Jiang Yuanchen found a sword talisman from Zangyuan. The sword talisman was attached to a black stone. Although everything is destroyed in the sea of ​​fire, the existence of these weird black stones in the sea of ​​fire also shows the material of these stones, and also implies that these black flints are the glimmer of life in the sea of ​​fire.

A sky thunder array was arranged under the stone, and then Jiang Yuanchen went to the next place to arrange a detonation spell on the fire spirit bead suspended in the sea of ​​fire.

Hmph! You are indeed fine! At this time, Zangyuan walked over from one end of the flame.

Jiang Yuanchen was stunned: Fellow Taoist, have you known this for a long time? Unfortunately, now that he is still injured, he may not be able to please this person.

I don't think you will be kicked out easily! Zangyuan held a sword: But it's time for you to be kicked out now.

Yes, it's time to go out, but isn't Brother Ouyang coming out yet? Jiang Yuanchen gritted his teeth. The sword wound on his chest had not healed yet. It seemed that things were really bad this time.

Zangyuan frowned and looked to the other side. At this time, Ouyang Yu also revealed his true form.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second. Both of them are the leaders of our generation of disciples. I wonder who is better? Jiang Yuanchen said quietly, with a confusing force trying to disturb the minds of the two.

The two sneered at the same time, and the firelight and sword energy destroyed Jiang Yuanchen's little trick.

Stop playing with these things. Even if we fight, we have to drive you out first! Ouyang Yu looked cautious: I don't want people like you to continue to plot behind the scenes and use me as a pawn in your hands!

Fellow Taoist, you really think highly of me! Jiang Yuanchen spread his hands and said, How can I have such a clever method? All the above are just coincidences. Just as he was about to use the ten-note shocking technique with his hands, Ouyang Yu immediately made a sword Come over.

... He stopped the pure Yang sword energy with his backhand. Before Ouyang Yu could speak, Jiang Yuanchen laughed again: Am I in despair now? Then, I have no choice but to drag you two with me!

Not good! Zangyuan and Ouyang Yu took action at the same time. A firebird sprang out from the Four Scenery Xuanqi, and a sword intention imitating the Red Sky Divine Sword was also swung by Zangyuan.

Purple light rose up, and the auspicious light of lotus flowers emerged from the treasured clothes on Jiang Yuanchen's body, resisting the fire bird and sword energy at the same time.

Zixia Baoyi! Ouyang Yu gritted his teeth, knowing that he could not hit with one hit and immediately ran towards the shelter he had prepared in advance. Zangyuan was not stupid and used sword escape to escape.

Can't you two bear to let Pindao go out alone? A trace of sadness and sorrow emerged from the hearts of Zangyuan and Ouyang Yu, but they were immediately put aside by these two determined people.


As the two people put aside their distracting thoughts, their bodies suddenly stiffened, and two Gu insects, one red and one blue, bit their palms.

Yin and Yang Gu King! Ouyang Yu felt numb all over, remembering the Gu King that Jiang Yuanchen got in the first level, and he didn't know where Jiang Yuanchen had tricked him again. And Zangyuan was also temporarily violent under the poison of Gu King.

A suction force suddenly erupted from Jiang Yuanchen's feet and brought the two of them back at the same time.

Beiming returns to Tibet! Using himself as a vortex of air sea to absorb all the surrounding energy, not only the two monks, but also the surrounding flames were swallowed up by Jiang Yuanchen's terrifying suction like an abyss. The fire spirit bead behind him was detonated, and then a huge impact swept through the sea of ​​​​fire. Jiang Yuanchen's Zixia treasure clothes were shattered, and he was eliminated first.

And the thunder arrays he had arranged in advance were activated one by one, and then Zangyuan's sword talisman and Ouyang Yu's fire spirit beads were passively activated. The sea of ​​​​fire truly rioted, and bright golden flames rose into the sky, illuminating the entire secret realm. The spiritual fire that once opened up the secret realm turned into a destructive spiritual flame that destroyed all things and began to destroy everything.

Since everyone has arrangements in the sea of ​​fire, then I will be a good person and use everyone's efforts together! This was the last sentence left by Jiang Yuanchen, and Ouyang Yu and Zangyuan, who were closest to him, had just finished listening Also kicked out.

One person from Taixu Dao Sect is eliminated!

One person from Chixiao Sword is dispatched!

One person from Jingyang Road Police Station!

All kinds of sword energy, fire, and thunder erupted in the entire sea of ​​​​fire, breaking the original balance of the sea of ​​​​fire. The fire surged and burned towards the dense forest of Poisonous Swamp.

Duan Jing felt something was wrong and had already run to the pile of black flints that had been prepared in advance, but just when he was about to go in, the jade plaque on his body was broken, and he followed Jiang Yuanchen and the others and left. Then the people from the Jingyang Taoist Sect and Qingli Temple turned into a spiritual light flying into the sky. It can be said that no one who entered the sea of ​​​​fire survived.

A huge beam of light flashed across the ring, and a group of people including Jiang Yuanchen, Zangyuan and others landed on the ring at the same time and formed a pile. Jiang Yuanchen, the first person to be eliminated, was pressed at the bottom. Fortunately, he reactivated Zixia Baoyi to protect himself and finally did not make a fool of himself. Shi Shiran walked out of the crowd, and when he was next to Wei Gong and others, he began to understand the benefits of this profession.

The essence of the sea of ​​fire is to destroy all things and return to the yin and yang, which is exactly in line with Jiang Yuanchen's concept of Hetu.

The Five Five Dayan Dao text on the river map just arranges the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, which means the unity of Hunyuan. This is also Jiang Yuanchen's expectation for Hetu. A spiritual light returns to the origin of all things. Mountains and rivers are like this, creatures are like this, heaven and earth are like this. If Hetu reaches the highest level, even the entire universe will not be able to escape the swallowing of its returning power.

Jiang Yuanchen silently evolved the river map, integrating the Guiyuan artistic conception he had just comprehended into the river map.

Hetu is his natal magic weapon and has five abilities. Summon dragons and horses to protect the law, control the power of water, evolve the great formation of thousands of rivers, deduce the secrets of heaven and return all things to their origin.

Although Jiang Yuanchen had already set this last ability, it had always been just a guess. Now inspired by this destructive flame, an all-devouring water vortex appeared at the core of the river map.

The whirlpool swallowed up the water energy accumulated in the river diagram bit by bit, and an ink-colored water drop appeared in the center of the whirlpool.

Guiyuan True Water, or Yuanshi Spiritual Water? Jiang Yuanchen thought to himself. This thing is the spiritual water that unites all things. It can be said to be the foundation of all things and the root of all spirits. It can be called the original beginning.

Ouyang Yu narrowed his eyes and saw that Jiang Yuanchen's aura began to change. An almost destructive aura emerged from him. However, it is not like the destructive spiritual flame just now. The flames in the sea of ​​​​fire just now are truly destroying all things. The primers jointly arranged by Jiang Yuanchen and the three of them were triggered together, triggering the power of the flames. Even the three of them could not compete with the destructive power of the great destruction. They could only rely on Longmen. The Taoist's jade tablet was left here.

But this seems to be the power of water? Ouyang Yu was secretly surprised. At this time, Zangyuan also changed.

A red sword soul appeared above Zangyuan's head, and then a virtual destructive spirit flame began to slowly burn from the bottom of the sword soul.

Obviously, this person had just understood a little of the secret of the Destruction Spirit Flame, and used his own real fire to simulate the Destruction Spirit Flame to begin to purify his sword soul.

This red sword soul is not his sword intention or sword, but his own innate sword soul. This is what makes him proud of his peers.

The temperature around Zangyuan began to rise slowly, and a vortex above Jiang Yuanchen's head began to swallow up the spiritual energy on the ring. The surrounding disciples avoided these two people and got off the ring to rest.

First there was the sound of swords, and then there was the sound of water tides. Two strange phenomena appeared on the ring.

A quarter of an hour later, Zangyuan opened his eyes and put away his sword spirit. This time he practiced sword practice with the spirit of destruction. His sword spirit had an artistic conception of destroying all things, and its lethality doubled.

Next to Jiang Yuanchen, outside the sound of the tide, another dragon and horse appeared, then a celestial projection, and finally transformed into a dragon and tiger elixir.

He's going to form a pill? Ouyang Yu was surprised, then happy. Just in time, forcing him to become a pill at this moment, destroying his Taoist base, just repaying retaliation.

But just as he was about to take action, Wei Gong and others immediately walked to Jiang Yuanchen's side to protect him. After all, Gong Yu'er had an old relationship with Jiang Yuanchen and stood aside to take care of him.

Although Gong Yu'er was tricked by Li Wen, she also knew that this matter had nothing to do with Jiang Yuanchen. Since Li Wen did not get eliminated behind him, it can only mean that the yellow-faced man is pretending to be a member of the Taixu Taoist Sect. But if Jiang Yuanchen performs Taoist magic on that scale, don't expect to be able to do it at will. Besides Lin Zixuan, who else could use the fire attribute technique performed by that yellow-faced man?

With the achievement of Yuanshi Lingshui, Jiang Yuanchen's goal can be regarded as achieved. Naturally, he will not form the elixir in one fell swoop when the True Essence Elixir has not yet reached its ninth turn. Instead, he will carefully train his Hetu to further enhance the power of the Hetu.

In the secret realm, the Poisonous Forest completely relies on five altars to suppress the sea of ​​fire. Have the altars in the east and north been destroyed? When the fire broke out, they were completely unable to withstand the power of the destructive spiritual flames. The two areas were completely swallowed up by the flames.

Then to the south and west, Yi Wangdian, Jingyang Taoist Sect, and Chixiao Sword Sect only escaped and one sword cultivator from the Chixiao Sword Sect went to the central area.

Mu Qingshu, who was hiding safely underground, noticed something was wrong and quickly ran out of the underground and rushed towards the central area.

The three-day time limit is indeed very meaningful. According to the current situation, the power of the last altar can only last for one day.

The Haoming faction was about to break the formation, and when they saw Mu Qingshu running over from outside, they immediately wanted to take action.

Mu Qingshu looked at the disciples of the Haoming Sect who were about to surround him, and suddenly shouted in a panic: Something happened, a demon cultivator sneaked into the secret realm and set off a sea of ​​​​fire to kill us all!

Demon cultivator? Who believes it! Ding Kai was about to speak when he suddenly saw the surrounding fire getting stronger and stronger, and his expression couldn't help but change.

Mu Qingshu rolled his eyes and said hastily: Don't worry about sect opinions at this time, it's important to defend together!

Jiang Yuanchen didn't have time to explain clearly before leaving, but Lin Zixuan saw something was wrong and immediately asked Yang Ling to open the formation and let everyone in.

Neither Hanyue Palace nor the disciples of the Haoming Sect knew the situation on the other side of the sea of ​​fire. In other words, they did not adapt to the environment of the secret realm at first and did not notice the hints given by Taoist Longmen.

Each of the eight sects has disciples who fall on the other side of the sea of ​​fire at the beginning. As long as they investigate carefully, they can learn that the sea of ​​fire is different. However, the disciples of their two sects were eliminated from the beginning, so they did not think of the deep meaning of the sea of ​​​​fire like the Chixiao Sword Sect and Jingyang Taoist sect, so when they saw the sea of ​​​​fire spreading, they began to be dubious about Mu Qingshu's words.

Lin Zixuan looked serious: I just saw a yellow-faced man in a trance, he should be a disciple of Jingyang Taoist sect, but did you hear what I just said? It seems that all ten disciples of Jingyang Taoist sect are out!

Ding Kai's heart moved. When he broke the formation just now, he did see a Jingyang Taoist disciple secretly attack him. Now think about it, why did he come here if he wasn't helping to deal with Yi Wangdian in the south? Moreover, he is not the leader of Sanyang, but his cultivation is comparable to his own.

Ding Kai nodded unconsciously, believing what Lin Zixuan said.

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