
Chapter 144 The order of the arena

To save or not to save?

Jiang Yuanchen only hesitated for a moment, then immediately let go and rushed forward to save people. A green vine flew out of his sleeve and wrapped around Zangyuan, then pulled Zangyuan over to heal his injuries.

Two blue ice crystal vitality belts that merged with the lunar energy appeared next to Jiang Yuanchen. As Jiang Yuanchen grabbed Zangyuan, Jiang Yuanchen stepped forward and controlled the surrounding wind to fly in the air.

Qi flying? The elder of Hanyue Palace suddenly stood up: He is in the Yuye stage.

There is a world of difference between controlling weapons and controlling Qi. Riding the wind to control Qi is the method used by Jindan monks. Before Jindan, only a few geniuses could do this.

Jiang Yuanchen often perfected his Xiaoyaoyou when he was in the sect. Although he was never able to truly control the air, he could stay in the air for a period of time by relying on the power of the wind. In addition, the two surrounding vitality belts continued to support him as he rose, reducing the gravity on the earth, allowing Jiang Yuanchen to breathe in the air and attract the Taiyin Spirit Flag.

A goddess of silver light flew out from among the spiritual flags, carrying Jiang Yuanchen and Zang Yuan to the seventh jade platform.

Originally, they were not far from the jade platform, but Yuenv came to it with a lift.

When traveling with weapons, the last thing Jiang Yuanchen wanted to do was fly with the Taiyin Spirit Flag. After the goddess helps transform it, this spiritual flag can transform into the phantom of a goddess. Can you imagine an illusion of a six-foot-tall goddess flying with you in your arms?

When the female cultivator from Hanyue Palace saw Jiang Yuanchen's spiritual flag, her eyes flickered, as if she had thought of something. Moon God's artifact?

At this time, Ren Tianxing also brought Feng Liang to the main stand.

Feng Liang's move is too much. Before the elders of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect could attack, Ren Tianxing frowned and said displeasedly: We and the Nine Immortals Sect are in the same spirit, and we were fighting against the enemy together just now, how could you He is secretly plotting against fellow Taoists of the Chixiao Sword Sect. After rescuing Feng Liang, he directly reprimanded him.

Disciple realizes his mistake. Feng Liang knelt down quickly: Disciple just thought that except for Senior Brother Zangyuan and then defeating Taoist friends from Taixu Dao Sect, he would be the best. In fact, he forgot about morality and justice, so he regretted it after taking action. Abstaining directly. I thought that my uncle could save the two of us together, and then quickly heal senior brother Zangyuan. Feng Liang looked panicked.

Wei Hong rolled his eyes at the side. The Taixu Taoist Sect never hesitated to speculate on the behavior of the Jingyang Taoist Sect with the greatest malice. In his eyes, this was clearly a harmony as promised. Apart from Zangyuan, the Jingyang Taoist sect will stand out tomorrow in the arena.

The elder of the Chixiao Sword Sect forced out a smile: Young friend Feng Liang is very kind, and our Sword Sect has taken note of it.

Longmen Taoist smoothed things over: Well, since Zangyuan was rescued by Jiang Yuanchen, let's wait until they come back to discuss this matter.

The elders of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect and Wei Hong flew over together and arrived at the seventh jade platform.

Jiang Yuanchen had already begun to help Zangyuan heal his injuries.

Wei Hong raised his eyebrows: Well done! Selling well to the Red Sky Sword Sect at this time is definitely a way to increase their favorability.

The elder of the Chixiao Sword Sect walked over and gritted his teeth when he saw the bloody mess on Zangyuan's back: What a Jingyang Taoist sect, what a Yuyang Banner Master, I have learned the lesson.

Jiang Yuanchen's face suddenly turned pale. He just stood up and wanted to salute the elders of the Chixiao Sword Sect, then he stumbled and sat back down.

Little friend, I can't thank you enough this time! The elder of the Chixiao Sword Sect was quite moved. Seeing Jiang Yuanchen working so hard to save people, after thanking him several times, he hurriedly picked up Zangyuan and left.

Wei Hong stepped forward, looked at Jiang Yuanchen, and understood that the other people were watching Jiang Yuanchen's actions, and immediately took Jiang Yuanchen back to Taixu Dao Sect.

Congratulations, junior brother! Lin Zixuan came over with a pale face: Thanks to junior brother for taking the lead, I finally got a wheel-turning pill this time.

It's also Senior Brother Lin and Junior Brother Chu who cooperate well. Jiang Yuanchen looked weak and sat down on his seat.

Lin Zixuan and Chu Chaoyun also looked seriously injured. Wei Hong said to a few people: Okay, Chu Chaoyun and Yang Ling will go get the wheel-turning pills in a while, and you guys will also prepare for it. Wait for Yu Those people on the stage are coming down and they need to draw the rankings for tomorrow's arena competition. For Zixuan and Changming, you guys can help draw them.

Disciple understands. Then everyone left, leaving only Lin Zixuan, Jiang Yuanchen and Wei Hong.

Until Wei Hong walked up to the top and said, Okay, others can't see what you say here, so stop pretending.

Jiang Yuanchen exhaled, suddenly stood up and rubbed his shoulders: Disciple, this is also to win the favor of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect.

Lin Zixuan's eyes twitched. Let me just say, this junior brother's magic power is almost as good as his own. How could he use it up so easily? After all, there is a second soul.

Yes. Wei Hong nodded to express his understanding: It will be very useful for you to compete tomorrow if you don't let others see the depth of your magic power. Moreover, whether Jiang Yuanchen's behavior was intentional or unintentional, he was highly praised in the eyes of his seniors. high.

The little tampering with the question showed that Jiang Yuanchen was not a rigid person and was very measured. He only took off the jade piece. The comparison between the two people behind him proved that he was steady and measured.

Being clever, knowing how to measure, and then directly saving people at the end of the game shows that this person is pure and kind-hearted and can have a close friendship. After returning, the elder of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect said to several disciples: We are waiting for Taixu We have always been good friends with Daozong, and although this boy is a bit cunning, he has a good nature and is much better than someone who stabs you in the back.

All fellow disciples agree that distance brings beauty. Compared with the Taixu Taoist sect far away in Lingzhou, the Jingyang Taoist sect who fights with them every day is definitely an enemy. This time, it is new hatred plus old hatred.

Well... Zangyuan slowly regained consciousness after the elders came to rescue him.

How are you? The elder asked quickly when he saw that Zangyuan had woken up.

Fortunately, I have to thank the junior brother this time. I didn't expect that Feng Liang and I would take action together, and he would be willing to save people regardless of past grudges. Zangyuan looked weak. This person didn't know that Jiang Yuanchen had buckled the jade pieces beforehand when he was at the Second Jade Platform. In his mind, Jiang Yuanchen's image was that of a very upright person.

Yeah, this guy is really good. The elder didn't know Zangyuan's thoughts, he only thought that Zangyuan was referring to the last move to save people.

I should repay the favor in the future. Zangyuan smiled: By the way, elder, can I continue to participate in the arena tomorrow?

Junior Brother Jiang did a good job. After rescuing people, he was able to stimulate conflict between the two factions. Maybe the sword master will continue to participate tomorrow, which will be more beneficial to our victory. Yang Ling thought, The seriously injured tiger will definitely fight hard. We Just watch them strangle them to death.

Mu Qingyi nodded: I have just given the information to my senior brother. We will go see other people later. Maybe we can learn more.

Yang Ling touched his chin. Now that the Chixiao Sword Sect and the Jingyang Taoist Sect have enmity, it would be great if they could provoke a direct fight between the two sects and let me see their magical powers.

One is a princess of the Chu State, and the other is a nobleman of the Jiang State. These two people are full of nobility, and their momentum is not inferior when they bring several fellow sects to join other sects. It's just that Yang Ling is a bit more elegant than the senior disciple of the Haoming Sect.

Jiang Yuanchen and his wife were ordered by Wei Hong to go back to Changqing Pavilion to rest. Jiang Yuanchen hugged the photos that Mu Qingyi had given him, and when he returned to his residence, he began to look at the Taoism of other sects and calculate how to crack it.

You are good at instigating the relationship between the two sects. If Zangyuan continues to appear tomorrow, he will definitely fight with the Jingyang Taoist sect.

Mr. Zhou, you are still short-sighted! Jiang Yuanchen secretly sent a message: That person is the holder of the Red Shadow Sword. Selling him a favor will also be good for me to travel in Kyushu in the future. A Taoist with the hope of the soul Friend, this is my purpose.

Yes, the road to spiritual practice is long, and there will be many places to deal with in the future. Being able to make friends with people with great potential like Zang Yuan is very important to Jiang Yuanchen's path. After thinking clearly, Mr. Zhou nodded: Yes, you should go to the small world of Tianmen Road together in the near future. It will be better to support each other than to fight among ourselves.

Mr. Zhou also knows the details of that small world?

I just heard rumors. It seems that after every Danyuan Conference, the Nine Immortals Sect will send disciples to find the dragon veins and merge them into the Nine Provinces.

Really? Jiang Yuanchen then put the matter behind him and concentrated on the information in front of him: Mr. Zhou, please help me take a look. You are well-informed. Do you know these people's techniques and common Taoist techniques?

The two of them spent half a day together, and it was only at dusk that Li Wen gave Jiang Yuanchen the order of tomorrow's competition.

In the arena competition, there are ten arenas in total, A, B, C, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Rengui, which cater to the numbers of heaven.

Then there are eight people in each arena, arranged according to the order of one, two, three and four. Two identical numbers are drawn and they compete against each other based on time.

In other words, there will be a preliminary round tomorrow morning, with one half-hour round and four two-hour rounds? Then there will be two rematches in the afternoon, each one hour long. A total of four hours in the morning and afternoon? The ten ring masters will start the day after tomorrow. Selection and ranking sequence?”

That's right. Li Wen nodded: We are pretty good, except for Senior Brother Lin and Senior Brother Zhu who met together, and you and Senior Brother Yang met together, the others were separated.

Jiang Yuanchen took the list and read it, frowning: I am in the third group of Group B, and Senior Brother Yang Ling is in the first group of Group B. This is a clear indication of internal fighting. Looking at Lin Zixuan and Zhu Chunzheng again, Jiang Yuanchen was completely speechless, no matter what Sometimes these two people can meet together. Moreover, one C-1 and one C-2 will face each other tomorrow.

It would be better for you to travel out and be killed some other time, so as not to cause trouble for us every day. After all, Jiang Yuanchen did not dare to kill his fellow sect, so he could only hope that God would destroy this fellow sect who had always been ambitious but low-handed.

Jiang Yuanchen had a helpless expression: In terms of winning rate, Senior Brother Baoyang and Senior Brother Lin are the best. Junior Brother Zhu and I will try the next challenge to see if we can try our luck and occupy another position.

Senior Brother Zhu may not be happy.

You ask Elder Wei to tell me that Senior Brother Yang and I can still avoid it tomorrow, but they will meet tomorrow. Will you let them try to fight first? Jiang Yuanchen said bluntly: According to Junior Brother Zhu's method, how many Who can he defeat, the chief of the Great Immortal Sect? Which of the three flag-bearing disciples of the Jingyang Taoist Sect is not better than him?

Zhu Chunzheng originally came to invite Jiang Yuanchen and Li Wen on the order of Elder Wei Hong, but happened to hear what Jiang Yuanchen said, his face darkened and he quietly left. After a while, I came over to invite people again, as if I hadn't heard anything just now.

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