
Chapter 142 Disaster in Fish Pond

There are eight jade basins on the fifth jade platform. Each jade basin contains two kinds of Gu insects, blue and red, intertwined together.

Isn't it to separate these Gu insects? Jiang Yuanchen checked carefully and smiled: Is this a test of patience?

This question is very troublesome. I'm afraid it will take a stick of incense even if I wait? And the Gu insects have to be mixed together again from time to time, which may be more laborious. Protector Lu of Yiwang Palace frowned and said to several elders explain.

Yi Wangdian is considered out of the game, with only one person left at the bottom. Let's just put everything aside and watch the others compete.

At this time, the wind stopped and the clouds dispersed, and the fellow disciples below gradually saw the result.

The faces of the Taixu Dao Sect were as usual. After all, Chu Chaoyun had separated a spiritual cloud and handed it to Wei Gong in advance so that they could see clearly what was going on in the cloud. Therefore, the seven of them had sorted out a lot of information about other sects. Information about disciples.

Jiang Yuanchen was alone on the fifth jade platform, and Lin Zixuan was chasing Jiang Yuanchen from behind, destroying the corridor along the way. The sword master of the Scarlet Sky Sword Sect is worthy of being the master of the Red Shadow Sword. He has advanced cultivation. After leaving his junior brother to pass through the Fourth Jade Platform, he clung to Lin Zixuan and arrived at the Fifth Jade Platform together. However, when Lin Zixuan saw Jiang Yuanchen breaking through the barrier there, he became cruel and stopped Crimson Shadow Sword Master Zang Yuan from getting close to the jade platform.

If nothing unexpected happens, they should all meet at the fifth level, right? After all, distinguishing between Gu insects is a long process. No matter how much advantage this kid has in the front, he will be overtaken by others later. This is cultivation. Suppression! Just as Ren Tianxing finished speaking, he suddenly saw Jiang Yuanchen already starting to move towards the sixth jade platform, which was the last question.

Yes, yes, everyone will meet at the fifth level! Wei Hong happily agreed with Ren Tianxing's words. Fellow Taoist, does your face hurt?

When Lin Zixuan saw Jiang Yuanchen running away, he quickly abandoned Zangyuan and followed Jiang Yuanchen's footsteps. At this time, Zangyuan also saw the Gu insects in the jade basin.

How did Jiang Yuanchen get there?

Of course, the easiest way to deal with this kind of Gu is to directly order them to separate themselves. All you need to do is train two insect kings and force them to summon their own kind. In the end, the insect king devoured his own kind, and then the yin and yang of the two worms merged to form a yin-yang spiritual gu, which was put away by Jiang Yuanchen.

Of course, Zangyuan didn't have the patience to separate the two piles of Gu worms. Just after he separated a few Gu worms, another pair of Gu worms immediately entangled and ran together. According to this efficiency, he couldn't finish the job.

Zangyuan simply stabbed all the Gu insects to death with sword energy, and then slowly separated them.

Ren Tianxing: ... In short, both Jiang Yuanchen and Zangyuan were much faster than Ren Tianxing expected.

He looked at Feng Liang. Feng Liang also walked to the center of the fourth and fifth jade platforms at this time, and the people from Tiangong Mansion were not slow. Whether it is the gravity path or the ink poison pond, it is nothing to the people in Tiangong Mansion.

Is it almost a competition between Taixu, Chixiao, Tiangong and our Jingyang? Ren Tianxing thought.

When Jiang Yuanchen and Lin Zixuan were rushing to the last level, Jiang Yuanchen suddenly frowned.

What's wrong?

The people from the Jingyang Taoist sect caught up too quickly. It seems they used foreign aid?

There are five jade platforms, and you can ask for three foreign aids. Whether it is the gravity path or the ink poison pond, Feng Liang and the two flag masters asked the other two flag masters to help them through, which allowed Feng Liang and the two to maintain a lot of strength and speed up the journey.

Forget it, this is also expected. It's good to be able to clearly see their strength. Jiang Yuanchen thought about it and said to Lin Zixuan: Senior brother, I can't pass one level at the moment. I can just go to the finish line in one go. The sixth Yutai level is also Leave it to me. As long as I get five certificates and you reach the finish line, we will be considered a winner.

That's fine! You go ahead! Lin Zixuan threw out the pill that Chu Chaoyun got: I'll put this certificate with you too.

There is an elixir on each of the five jade platforms, and the properties of the elixirs are different. There seems to be some deep meaning in them?

Jiang Yuanchen thought as he came to the sixth jade platform. There were eight large cauldrons on this jade platform. Is it for alchemy or weapon refining? Jiang Yuanchen was stunned for a moment when he saw the materials on the other side of the jade platform.

Request, follow the fire of the cauldron to refine an elixir or magical weapon.

Follow the fire? Jiang Yuanchen looked at a large cauldron. Under the cauldron, a red spirit flame kept jumping, sometimes getting stronger and sometimes weaker.

I see. We are not allowed to adjust the intensity of the flames without authorization. We can only adjust the intensity of the flames prepared by this cauldron?

Refining elixirs must be divided into civil and military fires. The firepower required for refining, blending, and making elixirs is different. Therefore, Jiang Yuanchen could only choose the elixir formula he needed based on the intensity of the fire.

Just use the Three-leaf Shengming Pill. Jiang Yuanchen spent a long time selecting the ingredients and came up with a herbal pill.

Of course Jiang Yuanchen is best at Qi Dan, but the amount of effort required to collect Qi from heaven and earth at this time is too great, enough to erase all the advantages in front of him.

Slowly placing the herbs in the alchemy cauldron, using the fire to extract the essence of the herbs, Jiang Yuanchen carefully watched the fire.

Refining alchemy is time-consuming, and this level is the real problem. Lin Zixuan broke through the Jinxia Tunnel in front and flew by himself, but there were still people chasing him.

Zangyuan's head hurt when he saw that the last question was about refining alchemy and weapon. The fellow student next to him directly asked the foreign aid to let a fellow student come over to help, while he stood aside and waited for the foreign aid to successfully refine the weapon. This is the price of inviting foreign aid. After hiring foreign aid, they can only answer the questions for you, but it is still considered as you passing the test. Zangyuan nodded and went straight forward to chase Lin Zixuan.

Afterwards, Feng Liang rushed over and began to select materials after seeing that this level was actually a weapon refining. However, he was not preparing to refine elixirs and weapons by himself, but wanted his fellow disciples behind him to rush over quickly.

Jiang Yuanchen's expression changed and he saw that Feng Liang didn't know what he had done to the materials. It seems that the next few people are completely unlucky.

The material was completely extracted by Jiang Yuanchen, and the pure red elixir liquid rolled in the furnace, slowly warming the elixir liquid with the help of flames.

Fellow disciples of the Jingyang Taoist sect hurried on their way. As soon as they arrived, Feng Liang immediately handed over the materials to him: Hurry up and refine a flag. These materials are definitely enough.

Of course it is enough. These materials are enough to refine three flags. Jiang Yuanchen muttered silently, you have tampered with the remaining materials. In order not to fall into the trap, I must have prepared a lot of materials.

Then, Feng Liang also rushed forward to catch up with Lin Zixuan and the others.

Jiang Yuanchen slowly mixed the elixir and said to himself: I made some miscalculations, but according to senior brother's speed, I should be able to reach the finish line. Even if it is a beat slower, as long as I complete the elixir, I will win.

The fourth person from Tiangong Mansion arrived. A little fat man hurriedly read the question and went to the side to get information.

Ah! Suddenly there was a scream, and the materials in the little fat man's hands were thrown to the ground. Several red and blue Gu worms from the Fifth Jade Platform squirmed in the little fat man's palm.

Jiang Yuanchen and the Chixiao Sword Sect suddenly realized that Feng Liang had just thrown the Gu insects into the material area?

Who? Who did this? The little fat man's face turned red. He took out his two mechas and glared at the other three factions.

He is under a lot of pressure. Currently, he is at the forefront of the Tiangong Mansion, but Feng Liang actually takes advantage of him again. You know, although those Gu insects are not fatal, one kind paralyzes the body and the other slows down the movement of mana.

It was someone from the Jingyang Taoist sect who did it! Jiang Yuanchen and a disciple from the Chixiao Sword Sect pointed at the person from the Jingyang Taoist sect at the same time.

Nonsense! When did I throw poisonous insects into it? The man from the Jingyang Taoist sect shouted angrily: I just came here not long ago, how could I put poisonous insects in the materials?

Of course it's not you, it's your senior brother who did it. The old god Jiang Yuanchen was there, secretly suppressing his smile, and reminded the little fat man with a worried look: Fellow Taoist, be careful, if the poison enters the body, you can't continue to use your magic power. Controlling the agency.

The little fat man has been studying Taoism for many years and has no understanding of any kind of communication. But at this time, people from the Jingyang Taoist sect have been delaying time and shirking their responsibilities. How can they not know that they are waiting for their own poison?

Go! The little fat man directed the two agency men to smash the alchemy cauldron of the Jingyang Taoist sect, but the disciple of the Jingyang Taoist sect quickly held the alchemy cauldron and dodged. But how big is the alchemy cauldron? How long can he hold on?

That's all, if you don't make it easy for me, don't even think about it! This disciple saw that Jiang Yuanchen and the Chixiao Sword Sect were almost finished. With a cruel heart, he threw the alchemy cauldron directly at Jiang Yuanchen, and then led the two agency men to the side of the Chixiao Sword Sect.

Shuzi! How dare you! Jiang Yuanchen saw the alchemy cauldron being thrown towards him, and purple energy surged out. He quickly cast a spell to protect his alchemy cauldron, but the Chixiao Sword Sect was in trouble. The entire cauldron fell to the ground, and the restricted red flames shot out in all directions. Even a flame fell into Jiang Yuanchen's alchemy cauldron, and the fire increased instantly.

Can you actually use the flames from other furnaces to increase the fire? Jiang Yuanchen was suddenly startled. He had known that he would not have chosen such a time-consuming elixir. But now is obviously not the time for Jiang Yuanchen to think about things. As the flames increase, the elixir inside begins to change from clear to turbid. Just now, due to the increase in fire intensity, one medicinal property was completely refined, causing the combination of medicinal properties in the entire elixir to change.

Damn it! Seeing that his elixir was about to fail, he quickly thought of a way to remedy it.

On the other side, since a disciple of the Chixiao Sword Sect was only a foreign aid in refining weapons, he could not be used as a combat force, so the only remaining disciple had a chaotic fight with a disciple of the Jingyang Taoist Sect and two machine men. .

It's over. Don't expect anyone to pass this level. Taoist priest Li from Qingli Temple commented: I'm afraid no one will be able to make the elixir in this melee. Don't ask these questions again in the future.

This time's escape seemed interesting, but after all, it was a preliminary plan and there were many omissions. That's why Jiang Yuanchen and the others changed the questions many times to trick others into hindering them.

How can everything in the world be done exclusively for the sake of one's own use? Because, Pindao, this way of change is the most interesting part of this competition. Taoist Longmen had another opinion: We are not cultivating successors to show off their ferocity, but to show off their ruthlessness. For the sake of inheritance, they should understand that there are many other ways to solve problems besides fighting.

Only cultivating magical powers but not understanding numbers is just a bigger chess piece for those profound practitioners of Tianji. How to understand the essence of things and follow your own will is the most important thing.

Anyway, no matter what others say, Longmen Taoist is very optimistic about Jiang Yuanchen's method of making it more difficult for others at the beginning.

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