
Chapter 118: Lure the snake out of its hole

Pa! A water ball appeared above the killer's head, and then exploded suddenly. Black water snakes crawled on the killer's body and penetrated through the skin.

A killer in the pill-forming stage? It seems that his cultivation level is much higher than mine! Jiang Yuanchen put his hands together and leaned on the back of the car with his legs crossed. He looked relaxed, as if he was completely different from the original Impermanence Messenger and the later one. This killer is in his eyes.

Biuan, go save Mr. Zhou! Jiang Yuanchen ordered, and the water snake turned into a water cage under Jiang Yuanchen's control. However, the figure in it gradually dissipated not long after, and the space in front of Jiang Yuanchen was broken, and there was no life or death in it. The sword rushed out.

Use mirror images to confuse my consciousness, but don’t you know that I am the master of illusion?

Jiang Yuanchen was already on guard, clamping the blade of the sword between his fingers. The killer suddenly felt a stream of lifeless true energy passing through Jiang Yuanchen's fingers, and this true energy was purer than his own.

This is impossible! Isn't he a Jade Liquid Stage monk? How could his true energy compare to his own? An idea flashed through the killer's mind.

The two sources of true energy from the same source merged with each other, and the killer's killing sword was guided by the imperial force as if out of control, past Jiang Yuanchen's left cheek, and stabbed directly into the back of Jiang Yuanchen's head.

A bang! Another killing sword appeared from an inch behind Jiang Yuanchen's head by coincidence, and the two killing swords directly collided together.

The space was distorted, and a ghost-faced killer lurking from behind was penetrated by his family's killing sword.

Even though these two killers had been in the killing field for a long time, they slacked off a little bit when they saw this situation and wanted to take back their killing swords and rearrange their plans.

There is no life-killing sword, and ten deaths have no life. I just don't know, when two killing swords collide together, which one will live and which one will die?

What's the meaning? Before the two killers had time to stop, they felt the opponent's true energy continuously hitting them. Using Jiang Yuanchen's true energy as a bridge, the true energy of the two killers tightly adhered to each other, creating a conflict within the two bodies.

If he were just a killer, Jiang Yuanchen would have to be careful when faced with a killer who comes and goes without a trace, but now he can use the murderous intention between the two to create a hedge.

Fortunately, I am cautious! The last ghost-faced killer was lurking in the air. When Jiang Yuanchen restrained the two pill-forming killers and used the murderous essence in their bodies to collide, a sword energy slashed towards Jiang Yuanchen's neck.

Jiang Yuanchen turned his head and looked over: I guess you should take action! With a stamp of his feet, an auspicious light rose above the golden chariot and shattered the sword energy, and then a Taiyin spirit flag rose high and made a sharp sound, the Taiyin profound energy The Taiyin True Water accompanying Jiang Yuanchen immediately turned the surroundings into a water world.

Beiminghai! Jiang Yuanchen's highest understanding of space directly turned into a water world around him to defend against enemies.

Jiang Yuanchen was still sitting on the golden chariot, using his Beiming Guizang method to restrain the three killers.

Retreat quickly! The two killers, whose true essence was stuck together by Jiang Yuanchen, read each other's eyes at the same time, pulled back their strength together, and fought to get rid of Jiang Yuanchen's entanglement at the cost of backlash.

The three killers surrounded Jiang Yuanchen in a triangle. Jiang Yuanchen held his chin: I heard that the killers in the Palace of the Past are all one-hit kills and act alone. Could it be that you guys still have the means to attack together?

Jiang Yuanchen looked relaxed on the face, but secretly he was also wary of the three killers in the pill formation stage.

You actually sent three assassins from the Danjie stage for me, a young monk at the Yuye stage? Jiang Yuanchen felt three murderous intentions, and his heart pounded. Although he used Bei Minghai to trap the three killers, the consumption of mana was too great. Even a Qi Dao monk from the Taixu Dao Sect like him could only last for half an hour.

Jiang Yuanchen and the three assassins Shura were facing each other from a distance, and the Taiyin Minghai was entangled with the three assassins. Mu Qingyi also quickly sent the Zuo Protector God around him to rescue him. As for the mountain god, he has now become a side branch.

Mr. Zhou, Bi Yan and the messenger of impermanence. Mr. Zhou was accidentally trapped in the soul-locking staff, but he soon broke out with his own magic power. He held a Wangui Token to control the mysterious ghost snake to kill the impermanence.

Bi An also summoned his own dead souls, and the dark clouds enveloped the Impermanence Envoy. The ghost snake lurked among these undead souls and quietly extinguished the Impermanence Envoy's life.

In the distance, the ghost fairy in white hesitated for a while, then quickly passed on the magic power, and took over the body of the Impermanent Messenger at the moment of his death.

The messenger's eyes opened, and the red eyes squeezed out of the eye sockets and exploded. Two strange spiritual lights intertwined in the black mist, destroying the evil souls of Bi An one by one, and even the ghost snakes were killed.

Ghost Immortal? Mr. Zhou snorted coldly and said to Bian: Go back and help fellow Daoist Jiang, leave this to me!

Mr. Zhou has survived two ghost tribulations. Although he has not truly returned to his peak, he believes that he will not lose to a new ghost immortal who has just survived the tribulation.

Where to go! The ghost fairy controlled the body of the Impermanence Messenger, and the little finger of his left hand exploded, and another blood mist filled the air and seemed to leave the Biuan behind. After all, it is not her own body. In the eyes of the ghost and fairy woman, this corpse is the best casting material. Using blood magic, she can kill people on a large scale.

Elder Zhou took the Ten Thousand Ghosts Token and offered another Netherworld Pearl in his hand. The pearl was clear and clear, and a black light lifted the witchcraft in the blood mist.

I have dealt with you in too many places. How can you hide your witchcraft secrets from me? Mr. Zhou was originally made into a statue by the ancestor of Wu Sheng. He is fully aware of the methods of the impermanent people. This white-clothed ghost Xian was just promoted by force, how could he be his opponent?

Biwan jumped into the sky above Jiang Yuanchen and turned into a human skin book of his own form. The human skin book released a circle of black light covering a radius of one kilometer, which was suppressed by the awe-inspiring righteousness. The three killers were the first to feel that their magic power was not functioning properly.

One of the ghost-faced killers suddenly saw darkness in front of him, and when he looked again, he fell into a sea of ​​swords and blood, surrounded by the souls of the dead he had killed.

How dare you confuse me with just a mere illusion? As a killer, it is inevitable to be strong-willed, and he escaped from Jiang Yuanchen's spell in just an instant.

As soon as he took the lead, the Wusheng Killing Sword swung towards Jiang Yuanchen's face again.

Sure enough, illusion is the least effective for these killers? Jiang Yuanchen looked directly at the killing sword in front of him, waved his left hand slightly, and two water dragons emerged from the waters of the Underworld, blocking the killing sword in front of him.

The sword energy on the killing sword disintegrated the water dragon's body bit by bit, and then the water dragon regrouped and wrapped around the killing sword.

Then Jiang Yuanchen pointed at another killer with his right hand, and Zi Chen turned into a sword and fought with the killer remotely. As for the third killer, he was stopped by Zuo Dharma Protector who came from behind. These guardian gods are specially equipped by Taixu Taoist Sect to protect the patrol envoys of mountains and rivers. Each of them is in a state of perfect refinement and Qi transformation.

The Protector God has been instilled with various fighting methods from the beginning, and there are also ways to deal with the Shura killer of the Palace of Purity, so Jiang Yuanchen does not need to worry about this killer at all.

Jiang Yuanchen's natal river diagram also flew out from the Tianling, landed on the Taiyin Spiritual Flag, and turned into a wave that trapped the three killers.

Okay, now I can slowly grind you to death! Jiang Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief, stood up from the golden chariot, and took the Taiyin Spirit Flag in his hand with one move.

The silver Taiyin profound energy turned into a shield in front of him, and the large formation was suppressing the three monks in the elixir formation stage. When Zuo Dharma protector saw that the formation was suppressing him at the same time, he immediately ran to the golden chariot to protect Jiang Yuanchen's safety.

Three of you, the center of this formation is my golden chariot. This golden chariot is a treasure, and it is also protected by a protector. If possible, you three, please give it a try! Jiang Yuanchen said with a smile while holding the banner. : But does the killer of the Palace of the Past have any other magic weapons besides the black iron sword?

These Shura in the Palace of Purity are cultivated one after another, and the elites are selected by raising Gu to be promoted to the Golden Pill. After the Golden Pill is rewarded by the ancestor Wusheng with treasures for body protection, it is okay, but these cannot become the Golden Pill. Who would take the trouble to cultivate a cannon fodder killer? For killers, if the first move cannot kill the target, and it turns into a protracted battle, their advantage will gradually decline.

But just as Jiang Yuanchen finished laughing, the entire formation began to shake, and then the formation was broken within three breaths of time.

... Jiang Yuanchen stared at a woman in white three miles away. This woman in white was holding a black gold bow. Just now, she destroyed the Wanchuan Return Formation with one arrow.

Ghost Immortal? It seems that you are the leader of these people? Jiang Yuanchen looked solemn, and the three killers in the Dan Formation stage surrounded him again.

Beiming Guizang was fully opened, and the vortex swept around with Jiang Yuanchen as the center. A huge suction force began to draw away the mana of the three killers. Before the three killers could withdraw their mana, the suction force just now seemed to never exist. Instead, a huge repulsive force rushed back the mana Jiang Yuanchen had just absorbed.

Heaven and earth are one, all energy returns to its origin! Jiang Yuanchen watched coldly as the three assassins in the pill formation stage were forced back by him.

The three killers in the pill-forming stage vomited blood after being hit by the true energy in their bodies. They killed no less than a hundred monks. There had never been any example of a person who liked to manipulate other people's magic power as much as Jiang Yuanchen.

It looks like there are some shadows of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect? Could it be that this boy is a spy of the Demon Sect? A killer naturally thought of the Heaven-Devouring Demon Sect, who was also one of the five pillars of the Demon Sect.

Spring! Jiang Yuanchen stretched out his hand, and the real energy in the bodies of the three killers suddenly turned into another water-attributed real energy, which exploded in the body under Jiang Yuanchen's control.

However, the three killers had different responses to the true energy in their bodies earlier. One of the killers used his own true energy to form a hedge when the true energy invaded the body. He would rather suffer internal injuries than let Jiang Yuanchen's true energy enter. in vivo. Even though this true energy itself is his own, but it has been circulating around in Jiang Yuanchen's body, who knows what hidden plot is inside? Therefore, he would rather be injured than destroy this true energy, and not let the symptoms be buried in his body.

Therefore, the killer escaped, and Jiang Yuanchen's Yongquan Sword Intention did not cause any harm to him.

As for the other two, one of them completely used his own true essence and the true essence that rushed back to refine. Under the control of Yongquan Sword Intent, the true essence in the body was uncontrollable. Under the suppression of Bi'an's demon-suppressing golden light, his body It completely exploded and turned directly into a pool of blood.

The other one used his own true energy to suppress Jiang Yuanchen's charging true energy in his left arm, but his left arm was blown off under the influence of Jiang Yuanchen.

I won't play with you anymore! A golden book of mountains and rivers flew out of Jiang Yuanchen's sleeves. The golden book fell on the head of the mountain god below, and an order from the mountain god was pulled out directly by Jiang Yuanchen and fell on Jiang Yuanchen's right hand.

Let's do it! Jiang Yuanchen ordered the right guardian god who was going to destroy the mountain god temple below.

A ray of yellow light rushed out from below, and it was distantly related to the order in Jiang Yuanchen's hand, and the golden shield completely enveloped the entire mountain range.

The Altar of Heaven and Earth has been banned by the Mountain God! Jiang Yuanchen held up his hand: Everyone in the Palace of Purity, under this ban, you will stay here completely! Lingzhou is not a place for you to run wild!

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