
Chapter 102 Ice Wheel Moon God

A silver-white spiritual flag flew on the top of the mountain, and all the power of the lunar energy scattered in the air was absorbed by this spiritual flag. Tiny ice-blue ice crystals rustled down and landed on Jiang Yuanchen, who was meditating and refining weapons.

For three days, Jiang Yuanchen meditated here without saying a word, while Mu Qingyi came here every evening to practice swordplay, but went back near midnight. The two did not say hello, maintaining a tacit understanding between each other.

The spiritual flags dancing in the wind, and the bright moon pattern on the front are more spiritual. As for the reverse side, three hundred spiritual texts twisted and crawled together under Jiang Yuanchen's control to form a sacrificial text praising the lunar moon god.

Jiang Yuanchen paid full attention to the sacrificial spirit flags. After the three hundred spirit flags were truly formed, a lunar moon god was suddenly gathered together. The figure merged with the bright moon that had just risen, and its appearance gradually became clearer.

Mr. Zhou on the side looked serious: It is indeed a spiritual text of Shinto, and it can actually manifest the incarnation of a god? But if the Taiyin Star is broken, can your god still exist?

Sacrifice to the sun and moon is an ancient behavior. In the Kyushu Realm, Tianyang Immortal Lord is regarded as the incarnation of the sun star, the head of the ten directions, and an immortal born from the human race. There are no heavenly beings appearing in the Taiyin Star. Even the Taiyin Star is a Yin-attributed star that was jointly refined by several immortals and demons. In the following thousands of years, some celestial beings appeared and were regarded as moon gods to preach in the world.

In addition to King Yi's wife, the lineage of Hanyue Palace is also unclear from the Taiyin line. It can be said that the inheritance of King Yi's wife can be traced back to the time when the primitive continent still existed.

It's a pity that once King Yi broke the moon, all the gods of the Taiyin line were exterminated, and King Yi and his wife became enemies. The female cultivator went to Bingzhou to open up the Hanyue Palace lineage, vowing to exterminate all descendants of King Yi's lineage.

Then, someone obtained the inheritance of King Yi and opened the Palace of King Yi in southern Xinjiang. Perhaps it was the entanglement between the ancestors of the two sects in the past. The people of the two sects indeed began to meet the same fate as their ancestors...

But in addition to the Hanyue Palace lineage, many schools have been born in the entire Taiyin lineage. Compared with Xiaoyue Mountain, such as the Moon Worship Sect, this spiritual article written by Zhou Lao is a sacrificial article from the Moon Worship Sect, and it is an article praising a lunar goddess.

As Jiang Yuanchen carved this Moonlight Spiritual Seal on the Taiyin Spiritual Flag, the Taiyin Spiritual Flag could be regarded as a sacrificial vessel of Shinto, allowing the projection of the Taiyin Goddess to appear.

There is actually a hint of witchcraft? Jiang Yuanchen suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were like light fixed on the illusion of the goddess in the sky. This article actually has the power of witchcraft to sense the world, which can be directly traced back to the remaining divine thought of this goddess.

Jiang Yuanchen's biggest gain from the incident in Mocheng was the so-called teleportation in the void. After a fight with the old man in the Palace of the Past, Jiang Yuanchen wondered how Shinto communicated with his own believers, and how witchcraft communicated with the so-called gods.

Witches and gods are similar but different. The inspiration method of witchcraft not only communicates with one god, it is worse than the temple blessings of Shinto which can only communicate with their own main gods. However, it is naturally not as good as the blessings of the gods to their own temples in terms of borrowing power. Love and care.

Jiang Yuanchen's eyes saw the goddess's current condition through the phantom. In a deep valley and stream, a huge formation suppressed a goddess. There is endless fire burning under the goddess's body, and her limbs are trapped by the God-binding chains refined from the golden sun.

Refined by the fierce fire, the aura of this goddess continued to decay, and it seemed that her end was approaching. But the goddess still straightened her back and sat on the jade plate in the cage, maintaining her dignity as a god. Her eyes were bright, each of her pupils had three phases, and she spoke directly to Jiang Yuanchen through Jiang Yuanchen's Taiyin Spirit Flag.

Yang Shen thoughts! This goddess used to be a sun-level god!

Jiang Yuanchen saw the condition of this goddess, and the goddess also saw Jiang Yuanchen sitting quietly on the top of Xiaohan Mountain.

I didn't expect that I would be able to see people from my Shinto way after countless years! Is this the way to the world of inspiration from the Wumen? The woman's voice was like an orchid, and it reached Jiang Yuanchen's ears word by word.

Jiang Yuanchen's expression did not change: Your Excellency may have made a mistake, Pindao is from a Taoist sect. A burst of immortal magic power emerged from his body, and he wore Zixia Baoyi to be cautious of the phantom of this goddess.

Taiyin True Water? No, this is Purple Yang Qi! It's the Taoist method of Tianyang Immortal Lord! The goddess's voice seemed to be frightened, and finally became quiet again, and she was quite emotional: What a good Shinto seed, this You have the gift of telepathy, and in an era when gods like us emerged in large numbers, I would definitely take you as a family member and enlighten you to become a great wizard of inspiration.

Thank you for your support, but I'd better take the path of immortality. Although this goddess is kind and gentle, the divine thoughts sent by a Yang god do not put as much pressure on him as the ancestor Wusheng. Not much.

It seems that today is really a situation where Shinto is declining and Immortal Dao is flourishing? Back then, we and Great God Ju Yan fought for the vitality of Shinto, but we didn't want to end up losing at the hands of Lord Yi Wang and Tianyang Immortal Lord. I just don't know what I mean. My good sister is doing well now, but her situation will not be easy after King Yi breaks the moon, right?

What a huge amount of information! This goddess is actually the same generation as Juyan God in the past? And he should have participated in the battle between immortals and gods five thousand years ago?

And there is actually an inside story about the story of King Yi breaking all the moon gods?

Mr. Zhou suddenly appeared at this time: Is Zun Shen the goddess worshiped by the Moon Worship Sect in the past?

That's right! The goddess lowered her gaze to Mr. Zhou: I have seen you before, and you once touched one of my statues.

Mr. Zhou looked embarrassed. When he traveled to Kyushu, he discovered the altar left behind by the Moon Worship Cult. He found the moon chanting ritual in it and also did some bad things under the statue of the goddess.

Although the Moon Worship Sect was completely destroyed and no Moon God sect spread after Broken Moon, the goddess also saw a little bit of the outside world through the statue.

Elder Zhou smiled coquettishly: Could it be that the sister whom the Lord refers to is Empress Su Yue from Hanyue Palace?

That's right! Do you know how my sister is doing now? Why do I feel that the Lunar Star has not come together yet? The goddess's voice became a little anxious. If King Yi hadn't destroyed the Lunar Star, they, the Moon Goddess, wouldn't have been together. Once the lost divine power was sealed by the immortal monks.

I don't know, but I heard that Empress Su Yue had a falling out with King Yi and others in the past, and went to Bingzhou to rebuild Taiyin. In the end, she failed and died.

The white light echoed in the air: So, I can't help my sister. If we hadn't designed to trap the immortal king in the moon palace, King Yi would not have broken the moon to save people, causing my sister to lose her path and lose her immortality. Hope. The goddess's lament affected the emotions of the two monks, and the goddess tactfully recounted the battle between immortals and gods that took place in the past.

As the first immortal, Tianyang Immortal Lord, in order to defeat him in the battle between immortals and gods, all the gods of the lunar system joined forces to pull the sun star, causing the sun and moon to come out at the same time, and the imbalance of yin and yang between heaven and earth, forcing Tianyang Immortal to You enter the Taiyin Star to regulate the Yin Qi.

As a result, all the moon gods joined forces with Juyan God to suppress Tianyang Immortal Lord in the Taiyin Star. King Yi who came after hearing the news broke the Taiyin Star in anger and rescued Tianyang Immortal Lord. The two teamed up with Taoist monks to kill all the gods of Shinto, sealing them, and only a few people retreated to Leizhou.

King Yi's wife was originally a monk of the Taiyin lineage. In the future, she planned to entrust her soul to the Taiyin star to become a heavenly being. Part of her mind was also connected to the Taiyin star. She was directly affected by King Yi's move. Three thousand hairs were dyed white, and his appearance was completely destroyed.

The hatred of breaking the Tao, the hatred of being disfigured, and the rumors that King Yi was having an affair with a female cultivator, the Empress Su Yue went to Bingzhou to break up with her husband in a rage.

Jiang Yuanchen kept thinking about that public case in the past. No wonder the Immortal Lord gave Hanyue Palace a gold seal of mountains and rivers to make their orthodoxy last forever. Is the relationship because of guilt?

When Jiang Yuanchen was thinking about something, he didn't notice that a wisp of moon-colored spiritual fire was burning on the Taiyin Spirit Flag. Under the influence of the Moon God from afar, this magical weapon began to truly transform into a Shinto sacrificial weapon.

The yin and yang of the universe, the moon dominates the deep sky; the clear light is bright and clear, and the night is silent...

The goddess suddenly recited the sacrificial poem loudly, and Jiang Yuanchen's mind was shocked, as if he had seen the situation in the past when the Yin and Yang stars in the Kyushu realm formed a cauldron.

In the past, when the Kyushu realm was reopened, there were only two stars in the sky: the sun and the moon. The sun star dominated the day and the moon star dominated the night.

The sound floated into Jiang Yuanchen's ears, and his mind gradually became addicted to the scene of this goddess evolving for him.

He saw the scene where ten great sages joined forces to create the Taiyin Star. Five of them were great sages of the demon race, and the remaining five all appeared in human form. However, only three of them really belonged to the human race, Juyan God and the last mysterious great sage. Zundu is not from the human race.

The lunar star was opened, and many moon elves were born, including dragons, phoenixes, jade toads, moon rabbits, and gods.

The Ice Wheel Goddess lives gracefully in the Toad Palace; she wears colorful and feathered clothes, and her silver belt flows into the clouds...

The image of the goddess, blessed by the power of the moonlight in the sky, held up Jiang Yuanchen's Taiyin Spirit Flag, and a ray of silver light fell on Jiang Yuanchen to help him understand the way of the moon god.

A ball of silver light appeared in Jiang Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness. Just when Jiang Yuanchen was tempted by Guanghui and wanted to absorb the spiritual light, Mr. Zhou's voice came over in anger. You brat, why don't you wake up quickly! Don't you want to be her dependent?

Jiang Yuanchen felt awe-struck, and immediately understood that the goddess had just spoken kindly to him, just to relax his vigilance.

No, this goddess must have used the art of confusing gods! Taiyin Concentration, this goddess and part of Jiang Yuanchen's power have the same origin, and can easily use the affinity of the same origin and those past events to relax Jiang Yuanchen's vigilance.

Hanyue! A sword intent flew out from Jiang Yuanchen's head, the ice lotus bloomed, and the lotus petals turned into blades, interrupting the continuous recitation of sacrificial inscriptions in the sky.

Just as Jiang Yuanchen stood up, five ice moons appeared in the sky, trapping him in them. The goddess pointed at Mr. Zhou, and an icicle completely froze him, leaving him unable to resist.

Seeing the goddess condense and transform with the help of the lunar moonlight, Jiang Yuanchen looked solemn. Zi Chen was held in his hand: Shayue!

The purple sword light carrier's piercing Taiyin murderous intention shattered the five rounds of ice moon. Jiang Yuanchen said coldly: Now that the venerable god has gradually entered the realm of destruction, is it possible that he still wants to return completely one day?

No! The Moon God said calmly: I am about to die, but the complete unification of the Lunar Star is the long-cherished wish of all the Moon Gods. In the past, due to the dispute between gods and immortals, the star that gave birth to us was destroyed and transformed into I just want you to completely restore the Lunar Star after removing the debris from the stars in the sky. Moon God's voice was full of sadness, and he cried silently while looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Today's Lunar Star is only part of the fragments of the original Moon Star, but there are still many fragments turned into stars floating in the sky.


The second update is here, and there will be a third update tonight!

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