[171 years old: Another 10 years have passed.

Fang Miaozhu's cultivation is still stuck, and even the resources you brought have been exhausted.

After all, there were not many of those resources, and most of them were eroded by that inexplicable force.

Completely unusable.

You fall into a deep melancholy, and you want to go out again.

Now that you've reached the middle of foundation building, you also have a magic flying sword.

You plan to enter that place again to see it and try your luck.

But Fang Miaozhu stopped you, because she had already heard about the danger of that place, and you told her when you first returned.

So she's worried that you'll be in danger again, and she doesn't want you to risk it for her again.

She asked you to give him another 10 years.

[181 years old: 10 years have passed quickly.

Even above the court of the Demon Dragon Dynasty, there have been a lot of changes.

Many court officials have died of old age, but the female emperor is still young and beautiful, and everyone says that the female emperor is a god.

It also avoided some unnecessary troubles, and although some people have been careful over the years, they have not formed any big scale.

Even some popular uprisings were easily suppressed.

And after Fang Miaozhu's 10 years of intensive cultivation, his cultivation finally improved a little.

You feel so excited that you begin to refine your second phase. [

191 years old: You feel that you are about to break through to the late stage of foundation building. [

200 years old: Before you know it, you are 200 years old, and looking back, you only feel the vicissitudes of the sea. [

220 years old: Fang Miaozhu has been stuck in the late stage of Qi training for a long time, and the most important thing is that her life expectancy is almost exhausted.

After all, she has not entered the foundation building period, and if she is only in the qi training period, her life expectancy is not too long.

So you plan to continue to go, but before that you have to break through to the late foundation building. [

230 years old: You have finally broken through to the late stage of foundation building.

You have some certainty, so you go again.

Go to Guiyuanzong.

I want to find more cultivation resources.

This time your luck was good, although it was still very dangerous, but you found some cultivation resources.

It's just that after all, this is just drinking to quench thirst, and there are not many cultivation resources within the Gui Yuan Sect.

And for too long, it has also suffered from the erosion of that inexplicable force.

Coupled with the strange monsters, every time you enter, you need to risk a lot of danger.

You know, you've got to look for some new opportunities.

After you gave Fang Miaozhu the cultivation resources, you continued on your journey. 【

250 years old: 20 years of searching, your footprints have traveled to many, many places.

As many as the territory you step on, it can even be as big as a thousand Demon Dragon Dynasties.

But you still haven't found any immortal cultivators, or other immortal cultivators.

You feel that things seem to be unusual, as if some kind of disaster has occurred in the Immortal Cultivation World.

You then return to the Demon Dragon Dynasty. 】

【251 years old: After returning to the Demon Dragon Dynasty, you suddenly found that even though Fang Miaozhu had the blessing of cultivation resources, he still couldn't break through the realm.

Even now, it has not reached the peak of refining qi, let alone entered the foundation building period.

You know that she can't be like you and enter the foundation building period without relying on Tsukidan.

But now he can't find Tsukidan at all, and he can't refine Tsukidan.

You fell into a kind of despair, but Fang Miaozhu did not feel too disappointed.

She had accepted the fact that she had no talent for cultivating immortals.

Then tell you that her life is almost over, and that she wants to spend this last time with you.

Instead of continuing to practice in the retreat room all day long.

You promised her. 】

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