When Neptune saw Gu Qing's appearance, he knew that something was wrong!

"Gu, don't sell it, what happened?"

Gu Qing: "I came to look for you before, but I didn't find you."

"Feeling relieved, I went to check on the lake where the water lizard was sealed."

"It was unexpectedly discovered that an ancient figure is undergoing transformation, and once completed, his shell will be occupied by part of the spiritual will of the water lizard and turned into a doppelganger."

Neptune widened his eyes: "Another ancient statue!" Where the hell did they come from!

"Gu! Have you stopped Him?

Gu Qing smiled slightly and said, "Of course, I have successfully killed that ancient emperor, but in the process of killing, I encountered some things.

"So I wanted to ask you."

Subsequently, Gu Qing told Neptune the whole process in detail.

After listening to it, Neptune also fell into sluggishness.

Unexpectedly, when he was lost in Baptster, such a thrilling thing happened.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

He looked at Gu Qing excitedly: "You..... Look at! You can easily kill that ancient emperor, can it be said that you have..."

Gu Qing nodded and said, "That's right, I have successfully promoted to the unknowable level.

Neptune sighed in his heart, no wonder Nordens valued Gu Qing so much in the first place.

It seems not for nothing!

When he first met Gu Qing, Neptune felt that there was no gap between the two.

He even felt that as a god, he must be stronger than Gu Qing.

After all, he had achieved the peak of the blazing sun for a long, long time.

But as Gu Qing slowly showed his strength, he took out one magic weapon after another.

His shock grew, and so did the awe in his heart.

Until now, when he heard that Gu Qing had successfully promoted to the Unknowable level in such a short period of time.

I didn't even feel too shocked!

Instead, I take it for granted!

Simply outrageous!

The reason why he did not perceive that Gu Qing had entered the agnostic level was because Gu Qing had always maintained a state of dimensionality reduction.

At his level, he can adjust his own state as he pleases.

Gu Qing asked, "Deep in the starry sky, what is the existence of that figure that appeared at a critical moment?"

Neptune pondered for a moment, and then said, "As you said, that being is very close to the great Cthulhu, and that should be him!"

Gu Qing: "Who?"

Neptune said: "Ktanid!

Gu Qing chewed the name carefully, and then found some clues about the name in the depths of his memory.

These memories are not his own.

Instead, absorbed memories of the Great Skull and Baptster.

It's just that these two guys have survived for too long, and the memories are also massive.

If Gu Qing wanted to digest all the memories, it would not be easy.

When searching for memories before, I only chose what was important to me.

The rest were all sealed.

Only when certain keys are touched, the corresponding memories will be extracted from them.

For example, at this time.

With the appearance of the name Ktanid, Gu Qing extracted some useful information from Baptster's memory.

But the big skull has no memory of this being.

According to Baptster's memory, this being was one of the ancient gods who sealed many of the old dominators.

And he is also the best among the ancient gods.

And with the old dominators are mortal enemies.

There is even a fear of ancient gods implanted in the subconscious of some old dominators!

It is an untouchable powerful being!

On the other hand, Neptune also described Gu Qing in more detail.

"Rumor has it that Ktanid is the brother of Cthulhu and Hasta."

"Although he is not as outstanding as the brothers of the great Cthulhu and the yellow-clad king Hasta, he is also a powerful old ruler."

"It's just that later, under the influence of the cosmic alarm clock Gehros, he faded his chaotic attribute and became a member of the ancient gods."

"But after that, there were old dominators who took advantage of his slumber and destroyed his family and friends."

"So Ktanid hated the old dominators."

"He lives on a planet called Alicia in the Dream Universe."

"It's a world called the Pure Land of Bliss. Ktanid resided in the temple of crystal pearls that belonged to him.

"It's a remarkable palace beneath an ancient glacier."

"The Pure Land of Elysium, home to the ancient gods, is a world of love and peace that only those truly qualified beings can enter."

"In this dark universe ruled by foreign gods and old dominators, such a place is simply dreamy and suspicious."


After Gu Qing heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He said, "Are there other ancient gods in that so-called Pure Land of Bliss?"

Neptune nodded: "That's right, there are many ancient gods who live in the Pure Land of Bliss.

Gu Qing only then solved his previous doubts.

No wonder the appearance of that being is so similar to Cthulhu.

But he didn't feel the power of chaos at all.

On the contrary, those golden eyes can make people feel stable and peaceful.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the brother of Cthulhu and Hasta!

At the same time, I understood why He would help him.

Although the ancient gods were orderly, this does not mean that they took human beings seriously.

In fact, they have a level of life so much higher than humans that they look at humans as if they were ants.

Do humans deliberately feel the needs of ants?

Even if his strength reached Gu Qing's, in their eyes, he was just a bigger ant.

The reason why Nordens valued him at the beginning was only because of Gu Qing's particularity.

Nordens loves hunting the most, and loves to hunt creatures associated with evil gods.

In addition to his hostile relationship with the evil gods, but also because of the power of those creatures, it was barely worth his hunting.

And human beings are too weak.

So weak that he wouldn't even look at it.

When Gu Qing was fighting with Gunaba before, it was not a simple battle.

There is a doping of the power of the water lizard in the middle, and even more directly and blatantly appears in the end.

It was precisely because of this that Ktanid's attention was sought.

According to Neptune , Ktanid hated all the old dominators.

So when he saw the water lizard make a move, it was completely reasonable to follow suit.


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