Fortunately, with your blessing, the Dragon Kingdom still maintains its hegemonic position, but more and more forces that may threaten you appear, and you also feel a little uneasy.

The worst thing is actually Citicountry, the original world hegemon, but at this time in the battlefield of the gods, but has completely become a second-rate force.

Of course, there is also the worst of all, there is no more than the Siamese state, they chose to become a subsidiary of the Citi state, they really chose the wrong target.

【37 years old: Several countries announced the union and established the European Union.

After its establishment, the biggest advantage is that it can share the national fortune, the integration of the god lineage, and the inheritance of the gods of other god systems in the alliance.

At the same time, a inheritor was also introduced, and her inheritance deity was the mountain goddess Skardy.

Greece has said it will not join the European Union. 】

【38 years old: With the increasing number of inheritors, the balance that the battlefield of the gods originally maintained for special reasons has been broken again.

All forces began to attack each other, and everyone's main target was not the Dragon Kingdom, but those countries that had not yet appeared inheritors.

Among them, Citi suffered heavy losses in this disaster, because Citi itself contains strong national strength, but there is no inheritor, and it is naturally coveted by others. [

39 years old: The Dragon Kingdom and Greece are once again at odds for some reason, and old grudges from the past also break out at this moment.

New hatred and old hatred add up, and a large-scale battle takes place.

You fight the Minoan inheritor alone, he inherits the judge of Hades in Olympian mythology, and you inherit the judge of Yin in Chinese mythology.

The rights and responsibilities of the two are similar, and you and he have long had the mind to compete.

But because I hadn't had the opportunity to meet before, I shelved it.

Now that the opportunity has come, of course, none of you are willing to give up.

And you even want to avenge Uncle Zhang's original draw with him.

After a fierce battle, the resentful soul released by Minos did not pose any threat to you at all, but was swallowed by you using the Ghost Devouring Magical Power, increasing your own divine soul.

In the end, Minos was successfully defeated, but he still escaped.

This time, although it did not succeed in capturing Greece, it really hit Greece hard.

It brought great excitement to the chosen people of the gods of the Dragon Kingdom.

But immediately after, a basin of cold water suddenly extinguished your passion.

Because in the European Union, there are people who have obtained the inheritance of Thor, the god of thunder !

Norse mythology itself is a powerful mythological system comparable to Greek mythology.

And the thunder god Thor, in Norse mythology, is an extremely powerful existence.

He is an extremely powerful warrior among the Asa God Clan!

He is the god of thunder and power, and also rules over storms, war, and agriculture.

He is the son of the god king Odin and the giantess Jiaode.

He is also known as the Hercules of the gods.

His bravery and good fighting are very famous between gods and giants, and Thor has the greatest strength among the gods, and in mythology he can even challenge multiple giants alone.

Whenever the gods are invaded by giants, as soon as Thor stands up, he immediately makes the giants retreat.

In addition to its own great strength, Mjolnir's hammer is a valuable artifact that makes Thor invincible.

Therefore, the giants who are hostile to the gods are quite afraid of Sol, and as long as Sol is in the Immortal Palace, the giants hardly dare to act rashly against the gods.

And his old enemy in life is the strongest earthly giant python among the giant race, Yemengad!

It can almost be said that all the inheritors who have obtained the inheritance of gods today are not as powerful as the ones he has obtained.

Soon, various national forces that already have inheritors began to prepare to target the European Union, and even some people came to win you to join the front.

Can't let the inheritor who received the inheritance of Thor grow up!

After deliberation, you decided to agree to unite.

The world is really wonderful, Greece, which was hostile to you a second ago, and even hit hard by you, is now a teammate.

It can only be said that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

Tianzhu, Persia, Mexico, the Inca, plus you and Greece, a total of six countries with inheritors, jointly against the European Union.

Even if many countries are united, the EU is losing ground every step of the way.

But at this critical period, that Thor inheritor appeared strongly, and killed the inheritor of the Incas as soon as he appeared!

He inherited Katkir, the god of thunder and lightning in Inca mythology, similar to the priesthood of Thor, but with a huge difference in strength.

Become a stepping stone for the Thor inheritors! 【40

years old: The Thor Inheritor is stronger than you expected.

In that war, in addition to the death of the inheritors of the Inca Catskill Kill, the inheritors of the Greek sea nymph Haria were also killed by Thor's lightning.

Even you have suffered a lot of injuries, and Uncle Zhang Xiao lost the battle against the thunder and lightning of the Thor Inheritor.

After a year of fighting, instead of suppressing it, the coalition forces were defeated.

Fortunately, you withdrew in time to avoid too serious casualties.

Of course, the EU is not intact.

Although the Thor inheritors are not dead, their other inheritors who inherited the mountain goddess Skati were killed by you!

Uncle Zhang first drew with the Minoan inheritor, and then lost to the Thor inheritor, and his confidence was greatly defeated.

He was no longer satisfied with only having the inheritance of one of the thirty-six generals of the Thunder Division, he wanted to find the inheritance of the more powerful gods of the Thunder Division!

So alone, he embarked on an unknown journey.

Even you and his girlfriend Bone Scraper don't know where he went.

And because you were seriously injured, you heard a heavenly treasure that was very useful for healing, so you planned to go and get it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a trap!

Just when your six-nation coalition was besieging the European Union, neon quietly rose again.

A Inheritor has appeared!

But they did not make a statement, but lurked on the side like a poisonous snake, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge!

The gods inherited by this inheritor are also extremely powerful.

It is the god of calamity in the mythology of Takamagahara!

Legend has it that Izanagi returned from Huangquan Country and felt that he was contaminated with filth, so he decided to cleanse his body.

Washing the left eye gave birth to Amaterasu, washing the right eye gave birth to Tsukiyoyo, and washing the nostrils gave birth to Susanoo.

And the cleansed dirt on his body also gave birth to many gods, and the god of calamity is one of them!

It represents doom and calamity!

You were not lightly injured because you were originally injured, and you were attacked and besieged again.

Finally fell on the spot.

You're dead. 】


[Trigger Orange Talent: Reincarnation Reincarnation! ] [

You have completed your reincarnation. 【

Current talents: orange, innate spirit body, purple, good luck.] 【

Attribute points follow the distribution of previous lives. 【

0 years old: You were born and a girl. 】


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