"It is precisely because Yakumo Zi has the wisdom that matches the title of 'sage', so she can see clearly."

"I won't be invited to join the war, nor will I ask for my help in attacking the Moon Capital."


Penglaishan Kaguya's eyes flickered for a while, and he figured out the joints.

Yes, the root of the problem is not whether Yumiya participated in the war, but the character of the monster.

If you don't clean up those unstable factors, what if you capture the Moon City and occupy a land that is enough to live on?

Sooner or later, they will be unable to hold back and cause new disturbances.

If she didn't know this, why did Yakumo Zi use the fake Yuedu's hand to kill and kill her mouth?

The former Yakumo Zi probably had hope for the monster or the next month.

In the end, he had to retreat in the face of cruel reality.


Penglaishan Huiye's complicated mood turned into a sigh.

She sympathized with the monster's situation, but nothing more.

The strong eat the weak is the eternal law of the world, the unchanging truth.

In the past, gods and monsters were powerful, and humans secretly swallowed the bitter fruit.

Now that mankind is on the rise, gods and monsters are forced to seek a new way out.


The area of ​​the bamboo forest is not small, but it is not large.

Entering the bamboo forest, it is not far from the bamboo house in Yu Palace.


He stretched out his hand and pushed open the closed door, and Yugiya and Penglaishan Kaguya walked into the bamboo house one after the other.

"Hey, it's much better than I thought."

Yu Gong glanced at the situation inside the room, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Having been away for hundreds of years, it is reasonable to say that it is not surprising that this bamboo house will rot.

But in fact, it is not so.

Although there is a thick layer of withered and yellow bamboo leaves piled up on the outside, the inside is not bad.

There were no signs of moth-eaten, decay or the like, not even a lot of dust and cobwebs.

Does anyone often come to clean? who is it?

"It's not just me, that girl, Sister Hong, also believes that you will come back one day."

"Your room, she will come to clean when she is free."

Guessing Yu Gong's doubts, Kaguya Penglaishan took the initiative to explain.

"She took Penglai's immortality medicine?"

In the era of Taketori Monogatari, Hagiya specially left a message before leaving, asking Horai Shan Kaguya to take care of Fujiwara Meihong.

She seemed quite concerned about this matter.

"Well, Sister Hong volunteered."

Penglaishan Kaguya nodded in recognition.

Without taking Penglai's immortality medicine, the hundred-year lifespan of Fujiwara Mei, an ordinary human being, has long since turned into a handful of loess.

"Not only that, she also took Yonglin as her teacher and learned various skills."

"Unfortunately, Meihong is very active and can't stand loneliness, so she often goes out to remove demons. I heard that she has gained a lot of fame."

"It's hard for him."

Kaka Kaka...  

A thin layer of frost started at the feet of Yu Palace and spread in all directions.

Floors, tables, chairs, walls, roofs...

After a while, the entire room froze, leaving only the small area where Yu Palace and Mount Horai Kaguya stood.


Penglaishan Kaguya was curious when he saw a line of fire flying out from Yu Palace's raised palm, scrambling around the bamboo house...

The frost gradually dissolved and turned into droplets of water.

The water droplets should have fallen under the pull of gravity, but just a few seconds after they appeared, they evaporated cleanly.

"I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

Flexibly use the two elements of ice and fire to achieve a comprehensive cleaning effect.

Yu Gong's method made Penglaishan Kaguya dumbfounded.

It's getting late, she should go back.


The return of Yugiya is a small episode in the world of Touhou Project.

The life of Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin is still peaceful, but they have changed from three to four.

Yu Gong also had no intention of disturbing the wind and rain. He played games with Penglai Mountain Hui Ye every day, and played chess with Bayi Yonglin, which was extremely comfortable.

The leisurely days passed for a few days in a row.

Finally, the expected person arrived.

One night, after saying goodbye to Kaguya in Penglai Mountain and returning to Yu Palace, which was less than five minutes away from his bamboo house, he sensed a vague aura.

The monster sage Yakumo Zi.

"Brother Yu Gong."

Yakumo Zi knew that Yu Gong could sense her existence, so she didn't hide it.

As soon as he arrived, he stepped out of the gap and greeted Yu Gong with a smile.

"I can see that you are in a good mood recently on 5.5. Is it because of Yuyuko in Xixingji Temple?"

Penglaishan Kaguya came to the table and invited Yakumo Zi to sit down.


Yakumo Zi smiled without saying a word, which was the default.

It is indeed very comfortable to get along with Youyuzi of Xixingji Temple.

After a few days of coexistence, the two sides have established a good friend relationship.

Moreover, Shengchi Temple, which is famous for its fierce reputation, is an excellent place to recuperate.

Both clean and safe.

The only fly in the ointment is that the court teacher Yaoji, who is in charge of the life of Yuyuzi in Xixing Temple, is really old-fashioned.

The personalities of the two are somewhat at odds, which is unavoidable embarrassment.

Fortunately, there was Yuyuzi from Xixingji Temple to mediate, so it wasn't a big problem.

PS: Sorry for the delay, everyone.

Chapter 694

"Tell me, what is your purpose?"

Yumiya secretly lamented the power of historical revision.

Yakumo Zi and Xixingji Yuyuko eventually became a pair of good friends, good friends.

"It's really cold, can't we make a special trip to see you?"

Yakumo Zi's eyes drooped down, with a faint resentment in her eyes, as if she was accusing Yu Gong of being ruthless.

"I might believe it when the monster thing is over."

Yu Gong is not an innocent boy, Yakumo Zi's performance can't deceive him.

"All right."

Yakumo Zi wasn't annoyed by being dismantled by Hagiya.

She was just a joke, she never expected Yu Gong to be fooled.

"I'm here to ask for your help."

"With your reputation as Yayunzi, could there be monsters that don't give you face?"

Someone else might think that Yakumo Zi's request was to help attack Yuedu, but not Yu Gong.

As shown in the discussion between him and Penglaishan Kaguya on the night of returning to the Touhou Project world.

Even if the attack on Yuedu is successful, it will only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and it has long been out of Yayunzi's consideration.

What she is worried about now is how to persuade as many monsters as possible to participate in the battle on the Moon Capital.

Among them, select the companions who will live together in the future.

"Uh, hehe."

Yu Gong guessed the intention of the visit, and Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Yu Gong's mind is too flexible, as if nothing in this world can be beyond his control.

Although talking to smart people can make people feel very relaxed.

But if the other party is too smart, what's the point of being relaxed?

"Brother Yu Gong, you look down on me too much."

"I admit that my strength is good, but in some monster groups, there are existences with extraordinary power."

"Facing those guys, I'm going to be troubled too."

"Also, my purpose is to seek cooperation, not war."

"it is good."

Without thinking much, Yu Gong agreed to Yakumo Zi.

He has not been in the world of Oriental Project for a long time, and he has been living in the bamboo forest for a long time.

In terms of human connections, it is completely incomparable with the monster sages who are active all year round.

It is not a bad thing to use Yakumo Zi to expand the social circle.

It's worthy of her attention, and it's definitely not easy to invite herself to stand up for her existence.

Maybe you can meet "acquaintances".

"Which ethnic group are you targeting? Are you leaving now?"

"Ghost clan."

In response to Yumiya's attitude, Yakumo Zi has different solutions.

If he agrees, he will deal with the difficult targets first.

If his answer is unsatisfactory, start with a relatively low difficulty object first.

"The sooner the better, we do things, and we never like to delay."

"No problem, give me some time."

Before leaving, Yugiya decided to go and say hello to Kaguya and Yakumo Zi.

After all, I don't know how many days later I can come back.

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