"Erin, Kaguya, how are you?"

"Thanks for remembering, everything is fine with us, it's you..."

As a neighbor, Penglai Mountain Kaguya naturally welcomes Yugong's return from going out, not to mention...

Without a trace, she glanced at her side secretly.


Penglaishan Kaguya stared at Yu Gong without saying a word.

haven't seen you for a long time? "It's been a long time" indeed.

Sure enough, Yu Gong will come back.

Where has he been all these years?

"The bamboo forest is not the place to talk, let's go back and talk in detail?"

Undoubtedly, Kaguya Penglaishan and Eirin Yayi wanted to ask Yumiya many questions, and he did the same.

"it is good."


Bamboo residence.

"Before I came, you guys were playing chess?"

Walking into the courtyard, Yu Gong saw a chessboard full of chess pieces on the table at a glance.

He pulled a chair from the side and sat down at the table.

"Thanks to the chess and Go you provided, my life with Eirin won't be too boring."

Reuniting with someone whom she has missed for a long time, Penglaishan Kaguya's reaction was extraordinarily dull.

Even, there is no sign that Yu Palace is her sweetheart.

excited? Excited and tearful?

This is not the style of Penglaishan Hui Ye, the superficial skills are far less than the feeling of the heart. .

Chapter 687

"Ha ha."

Yumiya smiled and was happy for Kaguya Horaisan and Eirin Hachi.

She is very happy to catch up with the two of them, but before that, there are more important things.

"Did anything major happen while I was away?"

"A big deal?"

As if thinking of something, Penglaishan Huiye's eyes showed interesting colors.

"Nothing worth caring about has happened, but there is a strange existence in Heianjing."

"Tell me."

When Hagiya noticed that Kaguya Penglaishan mentioned that "weird existence", Yagi Eirin's expression changed slightly.

It was curiosity, and a little seriousness.

It's worth their attention, it's definitely not an ordinary thing.

"A cherry tree that guides death."

Penglai Mountain Huiye stays in the bamboo dwelling all day long, which does not mean that Bayi Yonglin is also a house girl.

She is well aware that self-isolation will lead to backward information, and then embark on the road of decline and even destruction.

Therefore, Bayi Eirin often conceals her identity and goes out for a walk.

From what I saw and heard, I picked out interesting things to share with my princess.

The original Heian-kyo, now the demon cherry blossoms at Shengchi-ji Temple in Kyoto, is undoubtedly an attractive anecdote.

"Western-bound demon?"

Yu Gong suddenly widened his eyes and stared blankly at Penglai Mountain Huiye.


Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin looked at each other, and both saw the deep doubt in the other's eyes.

In their memory, this was the first time that Yu Gong had such a big mood swing.

It's just a cherry tree. The ability to guide death is indeed strange. Is it worth the fuss about Yu Gong?

"Yes, you know?"

"I heard something."

Yu Gong's face was cloudy and uncertain, changing rapidly.

The cherry tree, even the westbound cherry tree, is not worth his attention.

What Hamiya cares about is the girl who has thousands of entanglements with Nishigyo Sakura - Yuyuko Nishigyoji.

Yuyuko of Xixingji Temple is one of the important characters in the oriental project world. She has a cheerful and bright personality, and her behavior is erratic.

She possesses the terrifying power of manipulating death, and her strength is not under her good friend Yakumo Zi.

And Yuyuko of Xixingji Temple, who was originally a human, became the princess of the undead and the owner of the White Jade Tower in the underworld.

The direct reason is that she killed herself under the westward demon, sealing the demon cherry with her own body.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, do you have a problem with the Westbound Demon?"

Obviously, the factor that caused Yu Gong's reaction was the westward demon.

But Bayi Yonglin couldn't think of a reason.

"There is no problem with the Westbound Demon, it's my fault."

Yu Gong shook his head, his expression extremely complicated.

The rumors of the Xixing Yao still exist, which proves that the tragedy of the suicide of Yuyuzi in Xixing Temple has not happened yet.

It's a good thing, he can do something.

However, this also raises another question.

"Has it been hundreds of years since I left?"


Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin, who were relatively relaxed at first, all looked sideways.

This sentence contains too much information.

"Hugiya, where did you go? You don't even have a concept of time?"

Penglaishan Kaguya asked.

Originally thought that Yu Gong was only involved in difficult things, and had to disappear for hundreds of years.

Now it seems that the real situation is far from being as simple as she imagined.

"Where I go is another world."

Yes, time.

The era of Bamboo Tale and the era of Yuyuko in Xixingji Temple, the span between the two is hundreds of years.

Yu Gong suddenly remembered the essence of time and space remnants, the essence of "copy".

Since it is a "copy" with such a long time span, it is not incomprehensible.

Just as the person involved, he was a little helpless.

"another world?"

Could it be some unknown alien space with a different flow rate from the real time?

Bayi Yonglin and Penglaishan Kaguya are wise and true, but their thinking is ultimately limited.

They can't think of things like transmigration.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Do not misunderstand."

Yugiya never confessed his identity as a traveler in the early stage, except for the Eastern Project world.

If you don't make it clear, it would be inappropriate to disappear for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, for no reason.

"The other world I'm talking about is not a place like the Demon World as you understand it."

"It's a completely different world that has nothing to do with this time."


Rao is Penglaishan Huiye and Bayi Yonglin's qi-raising skills are extraordinary, after hearing Yu Gong's words, a huge wave surged in their hearts.

They just can't think of it, it's not that they can't figure it out.

Yu Gong's description is concise and clear, how could the two of them not understand?


"I didn't think about it carefully. If I knew it would be a hundred years, I definitely wouldn't leave in a hurry."

Yu Gong was helpless, but couldn't think of a good solution.

No wonder the dimensional relic system, which has always been straightforward, is uncharacteristically, it should be a reminder.

"It doesn't matter. Hundreds of years are a long time, but it's not too long."

"Don't forget, we are the longevity species."

The long-awaited little resentment disappeared in an instant.

Yu Gong couldn't help himself, and Kaguya Penglai Mountain had no reason to be dissatisfied.


After the business talks are over, both parties are satisfied.

Hanamiya stood up and turned his eyes to the direction of Kyoto.

Shengji Temple, it is necessary to visit.

"Are you going?"

Seeing Yu Gong's intention to go, Kaguya Penglaishan asked.

"Go to see the Westbound Demon."

This is not a secret, and Yu Gong will not hide it.

"Take me one."

Penglaishan Kaguya stretched out her cuffs and neatly arranged her kimono.

"I'm also very interested in the Westbound Demon, the beautiful and dangerous cherry tree."

"it is good."

Yu Gong is very happy to be accompanied by beauty.

"Wait a moment."

Smoothing out the folds of the kimono, Penglaishan Kaguya walked towards his room.

In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, she needs something to cover her appearance. Death.

Chapter 688

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