Both of them are thoughtful people, how could they not see Walter Young's thoughts.

They are happy to see them, and they don't break the tacit understanding.



"give up."

With one move, Yugiya forced the Arbiter of the End to retreat, and then neutralized Janna's Honkai Cannon.

"The battle has gone on until now, I believe you all understand the situation."

"Even two-on-one, you are not my opponent."


Janna was not reconciled, and had to admit that what Yumiya said was correct.

Neither she nor the Herrscher the End showed any mercy in the battle just now.

But Yu Palace was like an unattainable mountain, blocking them tightly.

"This is our mission."

Destroying human civilization is a mission that goes deep into the minds of the Herrscher of the End.

It is impossible for Yu Gong to shake her with just a few words.

"Mission? You mean, are you willing to be the puppet of Honkai God and let her manipulate it?"

Unlike Amber, who watched the battle through the big screen, Yumiya, who fought with the Archangel in person, has already deduced the ability of the Archangel.

Spirit, space, time.

Rao is Yugiya's knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he has to admit that the Law of the End is an enemy that must be treated with caution.

The end of mankind, the destroyer of civilization, is no exaggeration.


In a word, he asked the Archangel and Janna at the same time.

Their turbulent and violent aura suddenly stagnated, and they bowed their heads in unison, thinking.

Strength and the accompanying influence cannot be underestimated.

If Yu Gong was weak, he would have already died at the hands of the Archangel or Janna, and he would not be able to say the next thing.

If Yumiya's strength is not enough to suppress the Archangel and Janna, his words won't attract their attention.

Because of his strength, Janna, the Herrscher of the End, is thinking.


No matter the Honkai God or the mission, in Jana's heart, they are not as good as Kiana.

As long as Kiana insists on destroying human civilization, it doesn't matter if she is a puppet of the Honkai God.

On the contrary, she is willing to stand on the opposite side of Honkai God. Even if he is a Honkai beast.


The final lawmaker was silent for a long time, and her face was calm, making it difficult to guess her inner thoughts.

Why did you waver?

The strength of the spiritual power of the Herrscher of the End is far from comparable to that of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

She can be sure that Yu Gong did not use any means to influence her, she just relied on verbal comfort.

Destroying human and American civilization?

Do you really just take it as a task, a simple task?

Can it be done the best, it doesn't matter if it can be done or not?

Or, does the problem lie with people?

For a moment, the battlefield fell silent.

Seeing that the Herrscher of the End has a tendency to change his mind, why would Yu Gong bother to disturb him stupidly.

And Jana felt that Yu Gong had no intention of being an enemy of himself and the Herrscher of the End from the beginning to the end, and the battle was out of the responsibility of protecting the earth.

Therefore, Yugiya stopped fighting, and Janna stopped fighting.

One second, two seconds, five seconds...

Time is passing bit by bit in the contemplation of the final Herrscher.

After five minutes, she slowly raised her head.

After waiting for several minutes, what Yu Gong waited for was not the reconciliation of the Archangel, but her increasingly boiling Honkai energy.

At the same time, Janna's blood-filled eyes locked Yu Gong.

Since the Herrscher of the End's choice was to perform the duties entrusted by the Honkai God, she will accompany her to the end.

"Is this your choice?"

The two showed their hostile attitude again, but Yu Gong laughed.

Janna is simple and does not understand the complex emotions of human beings, but he is different.

Yu Gong saw the Herrscher the End's struggle, and understood the deep meaning of her actions.

My own advice 580 is not ineffective.

Honkai God's influence is too deep, she needs a reason, more precisely a strong stimulus, to break the shackles of that mission.


The flames of the four lanterns surrounding Yugong skyrocketed wildly.

It seemed as if a hole had been torn open, and endless four elements emerged.

Immediately, all the elements converge towards the same point.

"This is......"

A darkness darker than the universe shrouded everything the Archangel and Janna saw.

Subconsciously, they thought that Yumiya used some kind of special ability to block their sight.

But soon, the two realized the source of the problem.

That gluttonous, seemingly insatiable little spot not only swallowed the four elements, but also absorbed the only faint light.


The purple light illuminated the dark space for a moment.

The Herrscher of the End and Janna started at the same time, aiming at the small point.

The power of Yu Gong's move is obviously not on the same level as any moves he used before.

If you dare to ignore it, the end will be extremely miserable.

PS: I'm sorry everyone, I'm really sorry for the delay.

Chapter 680

"Do you choose to fight recklessly?"

The sight was blocked, and Yu Gong's perception became more acute.

He clearly felt that both Archangel and Janna regarded Xiaodian as their target.

Their purpose is self-evident, to destroy the existence that gave them a strong sense of danger.

"Ha ha."

After understanding what the two were thinking, Yu Gong smiled faintly.

The shadow of Zhiyuan Elementalist has not been fully unlocked, so its power is limited to the level of the elemental Holy Spirit.

That little point is the strongest power that the elemental Holy Spirit can master - the sixth element.

The power of the sixth element is absolutely beyond the imagination of the Archangel and Janna.

Even the light has to surrender, let alone the Honkai power?


As if in the boundless dark world, a small spot of light appeared.

The spot of light is extremely bright, like the only one in the universe.


Silently glanced at the direction where Herrscher of the End and Janna were, Yumiya said coldly.


As if the energy of the star was exhausted, and when it reached its end, the light spot exploded with a bang.

In an instant, the surrounding scene reversed in polarities.

The rays of light radiated from the sky, dyeing the polar night into the polar day.

What followed was a majestic energy that was indescribable in words.

Under this energy, the Houkai Cannon that still had enough power to penetrate through the moon of the Herrscher Archangel and Janna seemed extremely weak, and they were completely swallowed up in an instant.

The edge of the battlefield.

"Huh, huh..."

Janna's breathing was rapid, and her face was as pale as paper.

too horrible.

There has never been a moment when death was so close to her.

That feeling is like falling off a cliff, and you will be crushed to pieces in the next second.

"Are you all right, Janna?"

The final Herrscher's feeling is not much better than that of Janna.

If you look closely, you can find a trace of heart palpitations left in her eyes.

"I'm fine, thank you, Kiana 〃〃."

Moving from the center of the explosion to a safe position in a blink of an eye, the space ability of the Archangel is the only thing that can do this.

The relationship between the two was so close that there was no need to be polite, but Janna still thanked her like the Herrscher.

"Need not."

The Final Lawr shook his head slightly in response.

"Kiana, we should die at his hands."

After all, she is a strong man, and Janna's ability to adjust her mentality is first-rate.

She looked in the direction of the battlefield, with a calm expression on her face.

Even when talking about serious topics, I can't feel the slightest tension or fear.

"That's it."

The lost light has returned, and the aftermath of the explosion has calmed down.

The battlefield has returned to the situation before Yu Gong launched the sixth element, with a clear view.

The Herrscher of the End looked around the entire battlefield and found no trace of Yu Gong.

After a pause, her erratic eyes were fixed in front of her.

"We lost, and Honkaikami also lost."

"a wise decision."

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