"My name is Kiana."

In the life-saving warehouse, Kiana, who was in a coma, moved her lips slightly, as if she was talking to someone.

Her voice was extraordinarily subtle, even if it wasn't a vacuum outside the life-sustaining warehouse.

People who are not sensitive enough to hear may not hear clearly even if they put their ears on the warehouse wall.

"Janna? Is this your name? I'll remember it."

(The battle strength of Da Yan and Janna will not be overly exaggerated, and the same will be true of the protagonist's shadow, so as not to overwhelm the table and make it difficult to write.)


Seaside villa, large living room.

"The Last Herrscher, in space?"

Rita, Bianca, and the others looked at each other with unusually wonderful expressions.

They all know that Yu Gong has been out in the past few days, just to find out the location of the final Herrscher.

But the news he brought back was really...

"I've almost gone all over the earth, but there's no clue at all."

Yu Gong expected the reaction of the girls, and was not surprised.

"I can't think of any place other than the universe."


Rita and the others were speechless.

In the vast and boundless universe, it is far too difficult to use "…finding a needle in a haystack" to describe the difficulty of finding the Ultimate Lawyer.

Even if the Archangel is located near the earth, it is also impossible.

Technology level, time is not up to standard.

"All we can do now is wait."

Yugiya didn't tell Rita and the others that the Herrscher of the End might be Zhenqiana, and they would know by then.

But whether you can find Zhenqiana or not, it doesn't matter much.

The Law of the End is different from others, and no matter what, there will be a battle in the end.

"When the final Herrscher arrives, I will try my best to keep the battlefield away from Earth."

"Your mission is..."

In the living room, a meeting to assign tasks began.

Rita, Bianca, Chi Yuan and others are not strong enough to intervene in the final battlefield, so they only need to deal with the Honkai beasts on Earth.

It is true that the current situation is very good, but this is not an easy task.

The Honkai (Li Zhaozhao) beast seemed to be menacing before, but it was just a prelude.

According to Chiyuan, when the final battle begins, the number of Honkai Beasts will inevitably increase explosively.

At that time, it will truly sweep the world.

Cang Yue, who was qualified to intervene, Yu Gong did not let her participate in the battle.

Cang Yue's mission is defense.

Otherwise, once the battle between Yumiya and the Archangel reaches the earth, and the earth is unguarded.

As a result, it may be more serious than the collapse of human civilization.


Time passed quietly.

At dusk, St. Freya Academy, the school dormitory robbery.

Mei's meals have always been favored by Kiana.

Every dinner, she must be the most active person, sweeping food and sweeping in full swing.

But today, Kiana's behavior is very strange, not like her usual one at all. .

Chapter 671

Stopping after eating less than two bites, the appetite is obviously not good.

Always distracted, staring blankly at the rice bowl.

"What's wrong with you? Kiana, aren't you feeling well?"

Kiana's strange situation made Mei very worried.

Kiana has always been the one who keeps the atmosphere alive.

Although she is noisy, her cheerfulness and vitality can always affect the people around her invisibly.

The frown is stretched, and the troubles are gone.

At this time, Kiana suddenly became quiet, and it was inevitable that she was not used to it.

"I'm fine."

Kiana, who was in a daze, slowly regained her senses and responded to Mei.

Her voice lost its former vitality, and she said it was fine, but anyone could tell it was a lie.

"Sister Kiana, you can share your troubles with us."

"Even if we can't help you, at least we can act as an audience."

Seeer tried her best to comfort Kiana, hoping she would change her mind.

Because of Yu Gong, the relationship between the four of them is not a sister, but a sister.

The gentle Xier didn't want Kiana to hide her thoughts. She who once did this will never forget that feeling.

"It's really okay."

Kiana was both moved and helpless.

"I'm just a little flustered. I always feel that something big is about to happen, and it should be related to Herrscher 577."


Hearing this, Mei and Xi'er let out a sigh of relief.

Kiana couldn't deceive herself, she had no reason.

Facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy and betting on the survival of human civilization, no matter how strong Kiana's nerves are, it is inevitable that she will be nervous.

They, why not?

"I heard from the principal of the academy that this time it is most likely destiny, Eden, anti-entropy, and the alliance of the four world snakes."

"Gather all the forces against Honkai, and we will not lose."

Bronya got some gossip from Teresa.

She was not too worried about the final battle.


Maybe it was because I really agreed with Bronya, maybe it was to cheer myself up.

Kiana, Mei and Xier's responses were exceptionally powerful.


Time, day by day.

With the cooperation of the four parties, the efficiency of cleaning up the Honkai Beast has skyrocketed.

In just one week, the collapse that has affected the whole world has been suppressed (beff).

The rest are just two or three big cats and kittens, who can't make waves.

And secretly, the news that the Herrscher of the End, who has the power to destroy the world, will come soon, spread to the ears of the top few people in the world.

Without any hesitation, everyone unanimously decided to fully cooperate with the four major organizations.

It is about the survival of mankind, and no one dares to sing the opposite.

Even if his previous position was neutral, or he resented the status of the four major organizations being too aloof.

Otherwise, they will be attacked in groups.

These are extraordinary times, and there are extraordinary means.

Seaside villa.


The war was imminent, and all the girls stayed at home to adjust their state.

Even the Herrscher of Consciousness, who has always been active and feels uncomfortable when he is idle, is no exception.

On this day, they surrounded Yu Gong, chatting and laughing.

Everyone is very relaxed, and there is absolutely no sign of worry or nervousness at all.

"Stop making trouble, Xiao Shi."

With a wry smile, Yumiya pulled the Herrscher of Consciousness, who was restraining his neck from behind, in front of him.

He really wanted to hold down the Herrscher of Consciousness and beat Pretty Tun a few times.

Considering that there were too many people around, I suppressed this tempting idea.

"Eh? Am I not pretty?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness Children are troubled by their dispositions and refuse to obey at all.

Instead of letting go, she increased her strength.


For a while, Yu Gong was speechless.

The Herrscher of Knowledge has a serious expression and asks serious questions, but he doesn't answer very well.

Is she pretty? The answer is yes.

The Herrscher of Knowledge has exactly the same appearance as Chiyuan, and her strange personality has created another version of her, with a unique flavor.

In all fairness, Yu Gong likes the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"Tell me, do I look good?"

As the controller of consciousness, the Herrscher of Consciousness is particularly sensitive to brain signals.

Under the circumstance that Yumiya is not on guard, she can roughly judge the other party's thoughts.

Yu Gong Boai, how could he not like himself?

The Herrscher of Consciousness smiled secretly in his heart, but he didn't give up, he must shake Yu Gong to make it clear.


Yu Gong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and fulfilled the little wish of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

"My cute little knowledge, of course she looks good."


The Herrscher of Consciousness withdrew her strength a little, her delicate face pressed against Yu Gong.

If she refused to follow Yu Gong back to the seaside villa, what would her life be like now?

He, it can be considered that he has given himself a new life.

The crowd chatted about the Last Herrscher and the final battle.

Now, everything is ready, just wait for that moment to come.

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