Yae Sakura looked calm and calmly looked at the surrounding environment.

She is not a weak girl who has no power to hold her back. She can't be shaken by a mere night.

"No, it's saving people."

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, when people are murdered and set on fire.

Yu Gong guessed that what Yae Sakura said next was undoubtedly the word "killing".

It was only because of Yae Rin's presence that she didn't say anything so as not to have a bad influence on her little mind.


Yae Sakura let out a sigh of relief.

If the purpose of Hanamiya's coming here is really to kill, she should consider letting Yae Rin avoid the meeting in advance.

"Who are you saving?"

The conversation between Hanamiya and Yae Sakura helped Yae Rin distracted.

Her faint fear was put behind her, she opened her big bright eyes and looked up to ask Yu Gong.


Hagiya made a silent motion and pointed his finger forward.


Yae Sakura and Yae Rin were slightly puzzled.

They obeyed Yu Gong's instructions, kept quiet, and looked in the direction he pointed.

At this moment, the three of them had just turned the corner and walked into another alley.

A few dozen meters ahead, a thin figure was clearly visible, walking through the alley alone.

Judging from the back, it should be a woman and not too old.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Save her?"

who is she?

Yu Gong's confidante?

Why have you never seen it before?


Many doubts filled the hearts of Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.

Afraid that it would not affect Yu Gong's business affairs, they suppressed their doubts and waited for the end of the matter.



Seeing the light in the distance, the nervousness of the young woman gradually calmed down.

As a woman, it takes a lot of courage to see someone walking alone at night.

Even though the level of public security in Canghai City is good, the evil will never be completely eradicated.

As long as you are unlucky, there will be another news about "young women attacked at night" tomorrow.


Fortunately, God favored her.

"No matter how anxious you are, I won't take any risks in the future."

"I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Step, step, step.

The young woman quickened her pace and walked towards the light.

Today's work is so busy that I didn't get off work until early in the morning.

In order to get home earlier, she just took a shortcut and crossed the alley that she had not dared to walk before.

Along the way, young women are always in fear, for fear that some criminals will suddenly come out.

This unforgettable experience taught young women a lesson.

She swore that there would never be a second time.

"Blood, blood."

The young woman with lingering fears does not know that she may not have a next time.

Behind her, the white ghost wandering in the darkness has stared at her.

The ghost's eyes were red, **** and terrifying, cold and ruthless.

As if the young woman was not a human being, but a prey that was about to fall into the tiger's mouth.

Danger is approaching.

"Blood, I want blood."

The footsteps are hurried, and the young woman is about to reach the entrance of the alley.

Just when she was about to leave the dark world, just one step away from the light, a sudden change occurred.

Silently leaned on the white ghost behind the young woman, struggling to save it.

Those sharp white teeth shone with a cold luster under the light of the street lamps. Death.

Chapter 648


Stopping in front of the dividing line between light and darkness, the young woman looked back.

It was dim and silent, just as she had walked past.

Is it an illusion?

The young woman's expression was a little complicated, and there was a hint of doubt in her peace of mind.

Just now, an indescribable terror enveloped her.

That feeling is like the scythe of the **** of death has been placed around the neck, ready to harvest life at any time.

"I might be really tired, hey."

Shaking her head to dispel the inexplicable feeling in her heart, the young woman moved on.

It is said that a woman's sixth sense is surprisingly accurate. She used to believe this.

Now it looks like it's just a good-natured joke.


The sound of footsteps gradually drifted away.

The young woman is back in the safe and bright world where she belongs.

This lucky person will never know that she has narrowly missed the crisis.


In a dark alley, behind an obstacle as tall as a person.


Yae Sakura and Yae Rin looked at each other silently, looking extremely strange.

The two of them saw with their own eyes that the white ghost wanted to sneak up on the young woman, but at the moment when they were about to succeed, they were stopped by Yu Gong.

Then, he moved here with them and the white ghost.

This series of things happened so fast that it could be called a lightning bolt.

So the young woman mistakenly thought that she had an illusion and failed to notice the difference.

"Hamiya, who is she?"

After pondering for a moment, Yae Sakura couldn't help but wonder in her heart, hoping that Yu Gong would clear up her confusion.

After all other things can be suppressed, we won't get to the bottom of it for the time being.

What she is most curious about is the image of the white ghost.

You can't go wrong, it's definitely the principal of St. Freya Academy, her good sister, Theresa.

"This is not the place to talk, let's go home first."

Yumiya stretched out her fingers and touched the back of Teresa's neck.

Immediately, Teresa, who was struggling to cover her mouth, rolled her eyes and fell into a coma.


Yae Sakura and Yae Rin nodded.


The island, the home of two sisters.

Hagiya placed Teresa on an empty bed and sat beside the bed by herself.

Seeing this, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin tacitly pulled a chair and sat face to face with him.

Next, it's time to reveal the mystery.

"What do you want to know, just ask."

Needless to say, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin were filled with deep doubts.

It was important business before, so Yu Gong knew that, but he didn't explain it.

Now that things are done, he has enough time to explain their doubts.

"who is she?"

Yae Sakura was the first to speak.

She is most concerned about the origin of Teresa.

The same hair color, the same face, the same body...

Two people can be said to be exactly the same, the similarity is as high as 99%.

It was hard to find differences, only hairstyles, eyes, and clothes.

Teresa has a side ponytail, the blue eyes of European standards, and often wears nun clothes.

Teresa has double ponytails and her pupils are as bright as blood.

Gorgeous dresses are easily reminiscent of ancient European aristocrats.

They are not the same person, but they must be related.

"The handwriting of Bishop Otto, a vampire."

To be able to fiddle with a vampire, Hagiya had to say that Otto could handle the word "talent".

"Ah? Vampire?"

Without waiting for Yu Gong to explain in depth, Yae Rin couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Realizing that she interrupted Yu Gong, she quickly covered her mouth again.

That cautious look, for fear of being scolded, is quite cute.

"Yes, it's the vampire you understand."

Yu Gong smiled and pinched Yae Rin's small face, without any intention of blaming her.

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