
The change in the situation came too fast, and Amber did not expect it.

The cold sweat on her forehead slid down her cheeks, and she was fully focused and did not dare to relax for a moment.

Originally thought that Otto was afraid of Yu Gong, so he did not make any statement and let Yu Gong leave.

Who would have thought that he was waiting for the best opportunity to give Yu Gong a fatal blow.

Otto's act of firing a cold shot completely pushed Yumiya to the opposite side.

If you want to be kind, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.


Otto silently put down the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition, restrained his malice, and no longer revealed his intention to attack.

Rao was mentally prepared in advance and didn't think that his shot could seriously damage Yu Palace, but the strange situation still made him a little scared.

Yu Palace was there, but it seemed like it didn't exist.

He was clearly penetrated by the golden streamer, but there was no wound on his brain.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

It seems that the scene where Otto used the mimetic Skyfire Holy Trial to hit Yu Palace was an illusion and not real.

"I'm curious."

Hanamiya's voice sounded behind Otto and Kohaku.

His tone was not filled with the anger he should have after being suddenly attacked, but instead was full of curiosity and playfulness.

"You call yourself the smartest person in the world, how could you do such a stupid thing."

"Oh, are you dissatisfied with my random access to the Destiny Headquarters?"

"Or do you want to keep me here?"

"Have you played too much?"

At the same time as the sound came from the rear, Otto watched with his own eyes the Yu Palace at the end of the aisle disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, his brain started to run fast.


Yumiya is right, Otto really wants to keep Yumiya in the Destiny Headquarters forever.

His variables are too great, maybe a single thought will affect his plans.

Do you expect Yu Palace not to cause trouble? Yes, but no.

Otto will never put the initiative in the hands of others, he wants to be as foolproof as possible.

Unfortunately, it turns out that this road does not work.

Not to mention his head attack hit Yu Gong, I'm afraid he didn't even touch his hair.

Now that things fail, the only way to think about a solution is to minimize the bad impact.

"No, you need to sound the alarm quickly."

Amber approached Otto without a trace, and attached his left hand to a device on his right wrist.

Otto misses and the situation spirals out of control.

We can only summon the Valkyrie team to see if we can clear the siege.

"Is this thing a siren?"



Hearing the dull sound from behind, Otto was stunned, and his eyes rolled back.

As he expected, Amber fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, I am the one who attacked you, so there is no need to embarrass her."

Otto dispelled the Mimic, Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition, and turned to face Yugiya.

As always, calm and indifferent.

Just looking at his expression, Yu Gong seemed to not care about his previous sneak attack, just taking it as a joke. Death.

Chapter 635

Do you really care?

If Hanamiya didn't take action against Amber, Otto might believe it.

"Oh, what a good bishop."

Yu Gong couldn't help sneering.

Otto's skill of pretending to be a pose is actually very well-practiced, and he seems to be quite responsible.

But, if he really cared about Amber's life and death, would he attack him?

"Don't dare."

When he was really hostile to Yumiya, Otto understood his horror.

Yu Gong seemed to be an ordinary person, without any sharp edge to show, but Otto felt a pressure like a mountain, pressing on his shoulders.

If it weren't for his strength, he was not bad, and he was tough.

Then, under this pressure, let alone turning around, it would be difficult to even move.

"I really don't have any interest in taking action against him."

Yu Gong stepped out in one step, and appeared in front of Otto as if he had crossed the space.

"However, you are different."


Are you going to start?

Otto's Void Manzo has always been in a state of being triggered but not released, and is always ready to counter Yumiya.

Of course, it is best to be able to use language to solve problems.

If not, he will not sit still.

"You're wise, that's undeniable."

A hand came quietly and silently, firmly grasping Otto's face.

So fast.

Otto's heart palpitated with Yumiya's sudden attack.

He thinks that he is high enough to see Yu Gong, but the cruel reality shows that he still underestimates.

This underestimation is not even a little bit, it is a massive underestimation.

"However, there are so many mysteries that you haven't even touched the fur."

The big hand that restrained Otto suddenly exerted force and pushed him to the rear.



Otto had no strength to resist, and slammed into the wall of the aisle.


Under the collision of the giant force, the wall was like paper, and it shattered in an instant.

The broken area is circular, and Otto is at the very center.

"Cough, cough, cough."

The double impact of the impact and the pain made Otto no longer be able to perfectly control the Houkai energy in his body.

Void Wanzang's mimicry was halfway through and was forcibly interrupted.


Maintaining a suppressed posture, Yumiya gradually increased his strength.

Otto's face creaked under his hands, but the sound was a little strange.

Obviously not the friction of bones, but rather, some kind of special metal.

"Ahem, Your Excellency Yu Gong, you, are you planning to kill me?"

Now, Otto's life is completely in the hands of Yumiya.

As long as Yu Gong wants to, he will die immediately.

However, even though he was in a dangerous situation, Otto did not have any tension in his eyes, let alone the fear of death.

"You know, killing is a very low-level method."

Hagiya knew exactly what Otto's confidence came from.

His body is made of liquid soul steel. Even if it is destroyed, it is only a loss of memory for Otto, and it is harmless.

And with the same soul steel body, there are hundreds of them in the Destiny headquarters alone, and there will only be more in other places.

"I have a better way to concoct you than killing people, such as..."

Hagiya adjusted Otto's face to face him.

What does he want to do?

A strong ominous premonition filled Otto's heart.

Intuition told him that at the mercy of Yu Gong, bad things will happen next.

But the current situation is not up to Otto, he has no right to refuse any actions of Yu Gong.

Slowly, under the pressure of Yu Gong, the two faced each other head-on.


At the moment of eye contact, there was a thunder in Otto's mind.

In front of Yu Gong, the aisle in front of him seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and quickly retreated.

"What's going on? Here?"

Otto's vision blurred for several seconds, and finally returned to normal.

At this time, the surrounding environment changed.

No longer outside the laboratory, replaced by a spacious courtyard...

Yu Palace was located in the center of the courtyard, and beside him stood a beautiful pink-haired girl.

The two seemed to have said something, but the content of the conversation seemed to be blocked by a mysterious force and did not reach Otto's ears.

Immediately, I saw purple light shining.

The light intertwined, forming a gorgeous, mysterious purple halo in front of Yu Gong and the beautiful pink-haired girl.

After a while, the optical rotation stabilized.

The two flew up and slammed into the light spin.

The scene changed again.

The light spin seemed to be a portal. After passing through this portal, Yu Gong and the pink-haired beautiful girl came to a big mountain.

Dashan has a beautiful environment and pleasant scenery.

A set of winding, narrow paths leads straight down the mountain, and at the end, it seems like a village.


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