Out of courtesy, she took the initiative to greet Fu Hua kindly.

In the past few days, they have had a lot of contact, and it is considered that they have known each other.

According to Anna's information, Fu Hua is an old friend of Bishop Otto, with a mysterious identity and a strength comparable to the S-rank Valkyrie.

It's not too much for her to call her senior.


Fu Hua responded politely.

"Seeing that you are in a hurry, do you have something urgent to do?"

"It doesn't count, I..."

Anna will tell Fu Hua truthfully about her participation in the experiment at the headquarters.

It's not an urgent matter, but she doesn't want others to wait for a long time, so she walks faster.


Fu Hua's complexion changed slightly, and a rootless unease flooded into her heart.

Otto let Anna participate in the experiment? What experiment?

Having worked with Otto for many years, Fu Hua has a deep understanding of the dark side of destiny.

Not to mention that she has personally participated in a lot of time.

For example, K-423.

Lawyer, experiment.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Although Anna is different from K-423, Otto doesn't necessarily want to use Anna as an experimental subject to conduct inhumane experiments.

But the combination of these two factors makes it difficult for Fu Hua to think in a good way.

"Go quickly, don't delay."

"Goodbye, Senior Fu Hua."

Saying goodbye to Fu Hua, Anna's figure passed her and hurried away.

"Otto, I hope it's my imagination, otherwise..."

Looking at Anna, who was walking away, Fu Hua's indifferent eyes flashed with a cold and harsh light.

With the power of the Herrscher, Anna is the main force against Honkai, and there is no room for loss.

If Otto has some ideas that shouldn't be there, she will never allow it.



Main classroom.

"Sir Bishop, the Valkyrie Anna Shaniat has arrived at the laboratory."

Amber came behind Otto and reported to him.

"anything else?"

Otto noticed that Amber's expression was not right, he seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it.

Such an interesting performance aroused Otto's interest.

"The person in charge of the First Airport just came to report that they haven't seen your friend."

It was just a small matter, and Amber hesitated to tell Otto.


not here? It wasn't long before Fu Hua left.

During this time, it was enough for Fu Hua to rush from the main classroom to the first airport.

Go somewhere else? Fu Hua's temperament is stern, and since he said he wants to leave, he will not delay.

Thinking about it carefully, Fu Hua's whereabouts are intriguing.

Otto smiled strangely, then stood up and walked towards the door of the main classroom.

"Don't worry about her, the experiment is more important."



That day and night, outside a secret laboratory at the Destiny headquarters.

"Are you ready?"

Withdrawing his gaze from observing the situation inside the laboratory, Otto asked Amber beside him.

PS: I'm so sorry, everyone, if you owe one more update, I will make up for it as soon as possible.

Chapter 630

"Experimental instrument power..."

"The values ​​of the subjects..."

"Medicine preparation..."

Amber stretched out his finger and quickly moved on the virtual disc in front of him, reporting to Otto at the same time.

"Ha ha."

Listening to the various data reported by Amber, the smile on Otto's face grew wider and wider.

After the report was over, his eyes turned to the front again.

Through the glass window, the situation inside the laboratory can be seen at a glance.

In the huge laboratory, all kinds of high, precise and cutting-edge experimental equipment are neatly displayed.

And in the center of the laboratory, there is a clean test bench.

Anna was lying on the test bench, constantly looking at the experimenters who came and went.

I don't know if Five Five Zero felt something. Although her expression was relatively calm, there was an undisguised tension and unease between her brows.

"The experiment can begin."

"Yes, Lord Bishop."

Amber got the order, turned on the special communicator, and contacted the experimental staff in the laboratory.

After receiving Amber's notification, the experimenters sped up a bit.

One of the experimenters came to Anna and handed out a transparent tube of potion, which seemed to be for her to drink.

Anna took the potion and frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to drink it.

However, the headquarters' arrangements had to be followed.

After hesitating for a moment, Anna gathered up her courage and drank all the medicine in the tube, not a drop was left.


When the medicine entered the throat, an unusual change occurred.

The look in Anna's eyes faded, and her originally clear eyes gradually became chaotic.

The tube-shaped container containing the medicine slipped out of her hand, fell to the ground, and shattered.

"Ha ha,"

Seeing that the potion worked, Otto was very excited.

This potion is specially researched by Mandate of Heaven, specially designed to deal with high-level Honkai beasts.

Its real purpose is not to assist the experiment, but to distribute it to the Valkyrie for combat.

Once the unfortunate hit, even Emperor Houkai will lose the ability to act.

This kind of general-purpose medicine is still a product to deal with the lower-level Honkai Beast, and it should be ineffective against Ana, even if she is completely undefended.

But Otto secretly ordered that the researchers of Destiny refined a tube of high concentration.

This special potion was only released yesterday, and it was used on Anna today.

As for the effect, Otto was very satisfied.

Even if the Houkai energy in Ana's body is at the Herrscher level, it can't hold the effect of the medicine.

"Sir Bishop, eh?"

Anna, who is the subject of the experiment, is already under control. The next step is to officially start the experiment.

Amber was about to ask Otto for instructions, but his voice suddenly stopped.

Outside the laboratory at the moment, it stands to reason that there should be only her and Otto.

However, I don't know when, there is an uninvited guest here.

Otto's old friend, Fu Hua,

Amber was very surprised by the arrival of this uninvited guest.

Didn't Fu Hua say that he was going to return to the extreme eastern branch? Why are you still at headquarters?

"You really came."

Otto was not surprised at the arrival of Fu Hua.

Amber's strength is slightly lower, and he can't perceive Fu Hua's existence. He is different.

"Otto, what do you want to do to Anna?"

Fu Hua is in the backlit place, so his face is hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see.

However, judging from the anger she tried to suppress in her words, if Otto's answer was unsatisfactory, she would do something contrary to Otto's will.

"Didn't you see clearly? Do an experiment."

Otto carried his right hand behind him, and a faint golden light flashed away.

Knowing that Fu Hua was missing, he had expected this scene, and he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

"I won't allow you to hurt her."

When Anna told Fu Hua that she was going to participate in the experiment, Fu Hua's thoughts of leaving were stopped.

She followed her all the way and followed Anna to the laboratory, wanting to verify her judgment.

If Anna participated in an ordinary experiment, Fu Hua would not care.

If there were some dark experiments, she would break Otto's thoughts...

"Sir Bishop, do you need to sound the alarm and call the Valkyrie team?"

Aware of Fu Hua's bad intentions, Amber immediately became engrossed.

Since they are on the opposite side, friends naturally become enemies.

Fu Hua knew a little about Amber's strength, knowing that only Otto could compete with him at the moment, so he didn't try to be brave.

"No need for now, let me talk to her first."

Otto stopped Ana's pointless actions.

Alarm? Useless.

How about it? When the Valkyrie team arrived, the daylily was cold.

Amber only knew that Fu Hua was powerful, but she didn't know her true identity.

In the heyday of Fuhua, Otto would shy away when he met her to avoid confrontation.

Now, not necessarily.

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