She specially asked Yu Gong, not to have a romantic relationship in a hotel.

"Hey, Captain, they came out?"

"Wow, is the date about to start? So excited."

540 "Go, let's follow."

"Be careful not to be discovered by them."

The black belly of his own team members was not expected by Hollander.

On the other hand, Yarvette and the others didn't even know that Yumiya was plotting against them.

A special date began like this.


"Oh, so it's them."

Aware of the peeps' stalking, Hanamiya took part of his mind and paid attention to the situation behind him.

While chatting with Hollander calmly, he paid attention to the glass walls of the shops on both sides of the street.

After a while, a few familiar figures appeared in the picture on the glass wall.

A member of the "Indestructible Blade" team.

The girls were talking and laughing. No matter what you looked at, they were good sisters traveling together.

But no matter how perfect their cover-up was, they couldn't hide it from Yu Gong's eyes.

"Hamiya, have you been to Coral Island?"

As for the date, Hollander knew nothing about it, so she had to hand over the leadership to Yu Gong.

"I've never been here before, just take a look around."

Looking at Yulandel, who looked like a little daughter, Yu Gong smiled secretly in her heart.

The captain is on a date, and the team members follow.

Do you want to tell Hollander about this?

Ming Yan, 80% of today's appointments will be ruined.

Hide it, once Hollander finds out about it later. I'm afraid I'll be ashamed.


It doesn't matter what you do or where you go, what matters is people.

With Yumiya, Gladdale never felt bored for a moment.

"Urandel, what will you do when the news of our affairs spreads in the destiny?"

After thinking about it, Yu Gong decided not to hide it.

Hollander has a simple and introverted personality, so it should be difficult for her to accept that her date is being followed by her subordinates.

Count on Yallweite and the others to be strict and keep secrets in their hearts?

The probability is even lower than the sun coming out of the west.

Of these young and lively girls, which one is not a big mouth who can't talk?

Without restraint, this matter will spread throughout the entire destiny in less than half a day.

"Ah? This..."

Hollander's smile froze slightly, and a faint blush climbed up her cheeks.

What should I do after my relationship with Yumiya is exposed?

To be honest, she never thought about it.

At first, Hollander has a lot of business affairs, and she has no time to think about it.

Second, does this need to be considered?

It's human nature to love a man and a woman, so what's wrong?

Now that Yumiya mentioned it, Beff realized its importance and couldn't help thinking seriously.

"Don't worry, we have more, you can think seriously."

Yu Gong did not urge Youlander, but led her slowly forward.

"Is this the legendary date? It's so boring."

"Perhaps, it's too early?"

"Yervette, let's go."

In the flow of people, Yallweite and her party kept a short distance from Hollander and Yugong, hanging far behind them.

Following all the way up to now, the gossip fire that the girls were burning gradually went out.

Isn't dating fun and exciting? Why is the date between Hagiya and Gladdale so boring?


Yallweite sighed and shook her head secretly.

There is a saying that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Yumiya, the situation of the date of Yulander is completely different from what Yervette expected in advance.

The huge gap caused her a big psychological blow.

What the companion said makes sense, but it's really inappropriate to follow Yugiya and the others all the time.

In case of being discovered, Yallweite can't imagine what kind of means Hollander will use to deal with them.

"Follow another half an hour. After half an hour, the situation remains the same, so we will leave."

"Well, yes."

Yallweite's compromise proposal was unanimously approved by the girls.

Half an hour is a very suitable time point.

If there is no obvious change, it proves that the date between Yumiya and Hollander is different.

If there is any change, it depends on the situation.

"Turn around?"

"Go, follow."

With an agreement reached, everyone's attention turned to Yumiya and Hollander again.

Under their gaze, the two walked to the corner of the street.

In the next second, Hagiya and Yulander turned around and disappeared from the sight of Yervette and the others.

Seeing this, the girls quickened their pace to avoid getting lost.


In fact, it was slightly different from what the girls imagined.

Yumiya and Hollander, who had turned the corner, did not continue to move forward, but stopped.

"What's wrong? Yu Gong?"

Yulandel pondered about Yu Palace's problem, but did not pay attention to the surroundings.

It wasn't until Yu Gong held her back that she returned to her mind and found that Yu Gong did not move forward.

PS: Today is still very early, I have time to make up a chapter, thank you for your support.

Chapter 619

"Shh, don't talk yet."

Hagiya lowered his voice uncharacteristically and made a silent gesture.


What is Yumiya doing? God ~ mysterious.

Considering that since the two met, there are reasons for all of Yu Gong's actions, and they have never done meaningless things.

Hollander followed his instructions and stopped talking.

"Ha ha."

Of course Yumiya didn't have a whim, he stopped on purpose.

If you don't stop, how can you surprise Yallweite and the others?

Waiting, it didn't last too long.

Dozens of seconds later, at the corner of the street where the two of them just passed, young girls appeared one after another.

Immediately, the two sides met.

"Yervette, you?"

Hollander is simple, but not stupid, otherwise it would be difficult for her to achieve what she is today.

Seeing her teammates, she immediately understood Yu Gong's strange behavior.

Yallweite and the others followed, but Hagiya discovered it.

Shy, angry, overwhelmed...

Rather than blaming Yallweite and others, Hollander blamed herself more.

I was too careless, and I didn't even notice that I was followed here by them.

"Ahaha, team, hello captain."

Hollander's face turned red and white, extremely ugly.

It is conceivable whether she is in a good or bad mood at the moment.

Yallweite and the others were incessantly complaining in their hearts, an emotion called regret, which could not be restrained from growing.

I had known that I had left just now, so nothing happened.

He had to follow him for another half an hour, but he ended up trapping himself.

Now, it is impossible to escape, and they can only pray that the punishment of Hollander will not be too severe.


A certain snack bar, in a separate box.

"I'm sorry, please forgive us."

The girls bowed down in unison and apologized to Hollander.

Their movements are unified, and it is said that they have practiced countless times, and no one will doubt it.

"You guys, hey."

The words of Hollander's reproach came to his lips and turned into a long sigh.

"Forget it, Hollander."

As the only outsider present, Hanamiya felt compelled to stand up.

Hollander, Yallweite, and the others are deeply affectionate comrades-in-arms.

Because such a small thing affects the relationship, it is really worth the loss.

"I think their stalking is just out of curiosity and not malicious."

"Your flowers are all over the news, there should be no Valkyrie who would not be curious."

"Huh, okay."

Hollander wasn't really angry, just a little embarrassed.

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