However, compared with the real lawyer, it is still a lot worse.

The difference in strength is second, and more importantly, the nature of Chen Tianwu's ability.

Raven's strengths are agility and speed.

Chen Tianwu, who can manipulate gravity, only needs to increase the multiple of gravity a little, and her advantage will be gone.

Relying on excellent skills, keen intuition honed by wandering between life and death for many years, and rich combat experience, Raven has been able to survive until now.

If Grey Snake delays, things will be difficult to say.

"You lead the lawyer to..."

It seems that he understands that delaying time may lead to complications, and Gray Snake has greatly improved the efficiency.


The raven looked happy, and immediately followed the instructions of the gray snake.

Fighting and procrastinating are two different things. Five minutes are not more than five minutes, and she is confident that she can do it.

But unnecessary trouble can naturally be saved.

After all, I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.


Chen Tianwu didn't know that the raven and the gray snake had set a trap, just waiting for the prey to fall into the net.

He 14 still relied on his own superiority, and pursued the raven fiercely, and the offensive was very fierce.

Bang bang bang.

Boom boom boom.

The fierce battle continues.

Focusing on the big picture, the situation on the battlefield is the same as before.

It was Chen Tianwu who had the upper hand, and the raven was forced to flee, and occasionally only had the strength to fight back.

But if you look closely, you can see that the raven's escape is no longer as chaotic as before, and there are no rules to follow.

Instead, they retreated in an orderly manner in a given direction.

"Go to hell."

In terms of combat IQ, Chen Tianwu and Raven are completely incomparable.

He failed to notice the slight changes in the battle situation, and just chased after covering his head.

"Twenty meters, fifteen meters, twelve meters..."

The time to become a Herrscher is still short, and Chen Tianwu cannot make full use of this powerful force.

His attack style is simple and lacks variability.

Just simply manipulate gravity and throw boulders as weapons.

With such a straightforward attack, it is difficult to pose a threat to the raven.

Therefore, although the raven is embarrassed, it is safe for a short time.

From time to time, she turned her head and glanced at Chen Tianwu, who was biting her tightly, and she was able to separate out the energy of calculation.

"Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters..."

What Raven calculated was not the distance between him and Chen Tianwu, but how far Chen Tianwu was from the location that Gray Snake told her.

When you arrive at the location, the next step can be planned.

Seven meters, six meters, five meters.

"It's now."

Suddenly, the speed of the raven has increased by a level.

She forcibly withstood the oppression of gravity and jumped dozens of meters away in an instant.


The accident came too suddenly, and without warning, Chen Tianwu was caught off guard.

He was stunned for a moment, then continued to chase.

at this time......


The terrifying loud noise spread out, deafening.

The fire was bright and dazzling, and the billowing smoke shot straight into the sky.

At the location where Chen Tianwu was, a large explosion occurred.


Even though the Raven knew about Grey Snake's plan in advance and stayed away from the explosion, it was still affected.

The air wave generated by the explosion overturned her and blew her into the air.

The raven adjusted his posture again and again, and finally landed safely.

She took a few deep breaths and couldn't help but scolded a few gray snakes in her heart.

That guy, do you want to blow yourself up?

No, I'm afraid Gray Snake knew that the explosion wouldn't hurt her, so he deliberately increased his power.

"Damn guy, when I get Chen Tianwu's Herrscher core, I'll settle the account with you."

Considering the importance of this plan, the raven temporarily suppressed his dissatisfaction.

She quickly came to a low wall, removed the gravel and rummaged.

Soon, a long and narrow box was exposed to the sun.

This box is placed here by Grey Snake, which contains the third God's key - the Thunder Key, which is mastered by the World Snake.

"Success or failure is here."

Taking the God Key from the box, the raven turned around and aimed his gun at the center of the explosion.

The Thunder Key is a sniper rifle type weapon, so the World Snake assigned it to her.

Raven has long been familiar with how to use this God Key.


On the body of the sniper rifle, a faint electric spark flickered away.

A purple light lit up in front of the raven's eyes, and the light was intertwined, forming something like a sight.

Through the scope, her field of vision changed dramatically.

Light spot transformation, images are superimposed layer by layer.

A picture that transcends the physical level, three-dimensional feeling, is presented in the eyes of the raven.

This is the high-dimensional vision ability that comes with the Thunder Key. With it, everything is invisible.

The dense dust does not exist, and it does not have the effect of covering it up at all.

The raven saw the huge pit shrouded in smoke and dust, and Chen Tianwu in the pit.


Like entering a charging state, the sniper rifle seeps arcs everywhere.

The arcs flowed forward as much as possible, converging at the muzzle of the gun.

Bullets are generated.

The raven, who was firmly locked on the target, pulled the trigger.


At this moment, blue and white became the main colors of the battlefield.

The exploding thunder column rushed into the smoke and accurately hit Chen Tianwu.


"God's key?"

"Yes, the world has made a lot of money."

In the other direction of the battlefield, Hagiya and Gurandelle hid in the dark, observing the development of the situation.

"The Lawyer, will he die?"

A few minutes ago, Feather Palace and Hollander arrived here,

Because the Raven was fighting with Chen Tianwu at the time, the two did not show up.

Hollander must admit that Raven is very powerful and deserves the title of World Snake Leader.

Later, the Raven used the God Key, which surprised her even more.

As the current user of Hundred Blossoms in the Black Abyss, Hollander knows the power of the God Key.

That is a super powerful weapon that is enough to fight against, or even kill, the Herrscher. .

Chapter 613

Chen Tianwu is obviously a novice, and he can't fight at all.

First of all, being plotted by the explosion, and then hit by the attack of the God Key, the possibility of him dying on the spot is not zero.

Taking a step back, even if Chen Tianwu was still alive, he could not be unscathed.

"His life is hard, and he's not dead yet."

Yugiya's strength has already surpassed the stage of relying on the five senses to observe foreign objects.

Even though the sight was blocked by the smoke and dust caused by the explosion.

Chen Tianwu's situation, he still knows very well.

The Thunder Key is extremely powerful, and its bullets can break down the hit target into atoms.

To endure such a blow head on, Chen Tianwu's fate can be imagined.

He was not lightly injured.

Although the Herrscher-level Honkai Energy can help Chen Tian resist erosion and avoid being wiped out.

But to recover, the time required is not a day or two.

Such a long period of time was enough for Grey Snake and Raven to do the work of extracting the Herrscher's core from his body countless times.

"what should we do?"

The task that Hollander received was to destroy the Herrscher and Honkai Beast in Manila.

Now, Herrscher is handled by the people of the world snake, and her workload has been reduced by 90%.

"Let's go, you should have other tasks."

Yumiya originally came to watch the fun, but now it's time to leave after watching the fun.


Every member of the "Indestructible Blade" team is an elite from the headquarters.

However, the Honkaikai that broke out in Manila this time was caused by the Herrscher, and the number of Honkai beasts born was far greater than the last time.

Hollander must participate in the battle in person, otherwise it will take a few days for the team to handle it all.

Kacha Kacha.

The two of them thought well, but unfortunately things are not as they wished.

Before Yu Gong and Youlander were far away, the "Earthquake" struck again.

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