This is not the first time. She is used to it, and she doesn't take Otto's bad taste to heart.

"Among the Valkyries below, are there any good seedlings with good talent and strength that deserve to be cultivated?"

After more than 500 years of precipitation, Otto's state of mind cannot be described as simply "Mount Tai collapsed without changing color". Death.

Chapter 601

It's not easy to disturb his mood.

His current worry is caused by the combined effect of many factors.

First, the collapse event started to catch fire like a spark.

From the beginning to the end, Otto never had any hope of mankind's victory over Honkai.

He has only one purpose, to revive Karen.

And according to the prophecy, the day of destruction is getting closer.

There is not much time left, wasting on any chores may cause years of hard work to go to waste.

Second, Fu Hua.

A few days ago, Fu Hua took the initiative to contact Otto and handed over the God-killing Armor-Shadow Knight Moon Wheel.

He also said that from now on, he will live in St. Freya Academy as a student.

Considering that the two were friends and had worked together, Fu Hua specifically stated that if May Sansan really needed him, he could help.

In this way, it can be considered a good gathering.

Otto was both shocked and extremely funny about this incident.

The dignified Immortal Chiyuan actually became a student in the Valkyrie Academy?

Speaking out, it makes people laugh out loud.

It's not self-deprecation, and it has ruled out the inextricable connection with Yu Palace. There are several different extreme eastern branches.

The remaining Valkyries of the Destiny, even if you count Hollander, are hard to be a match for Fu Hua alone.

But speechless was speechless. He couldn't influence Fu Hua's decision, so he couldn't influence the outcome.

Fortunately, Fu Hua left a little leeway.

Third, the experiment did not progress smoothly.

Otto has determined that the key to resurrecting Karen lies in the tree of imaginary numbers.

But he was able to open the door, but he couldn't find the location of the tree of imaginary numbers, even with the help of Horendale and the Second God's Key.

The ending of not being able to revive Karen turned into a heavy pressure on Otto's shoulders.

Therefore, he needs talents.

"There is one."

Recently, a new Valkyrie has just emerged.

Otto took the initiative not to mention it, and Amber was also ready to recommend it to him.

"Anna Shaniat, one of the members of the Snow Lotus Squad."

"Yesterday, the Snow Lotus Squad was sent to Manila in Asia to perform a mission. It encountered an accident in the middle and fell apart."

"The surviving Anna Shaniat, by herself, saved dozens of victims and performed very well."

"Her ability and character are worthy of recognition and worthy of cultivation."


Otto raised a little interest.

According to Amber, it is indeed reluctant.

However, cultivating Anna cannot be done overnight, it must be done gradually.

"Well, let Ana Shaniat stand by in Manila first, I'll think about it."

"Yes, Lord Bishop."

Amber silently wrote down Otto's order.


The next day, the seaside villa, Hagiya's room.

"Rita, how is the situation?"

As early as ten days ago, when he was still in St. Freya Academy, a strong feeling took root in Yumiya's heart, and it lingered for a long time.

Honkai God, will you give in easily?

The collapse events that are breaking out around the world now, to a certain extent, confirm his thoughts.

Although Xilin is powerful, she is far from being able to do so.

Her rebirth is probably just an introduction, no matter the original plot or the present, I am afraid that the behind-the-scenes driving force of the Honkai God is indispensable.

"We have no problem. The reaction of Anti-Entropy and Bishop Otto is also quite fast."

"The current situation has been brought under control and will not have an extremely bad impact."

Rita's concise explanation.

"Is there anything special?"

As the saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest.

Small things that are often easily overlooked will play a key role at a certain moment.

Therefore, Hanamiya pays great attention to details.

"A special thing?"

Rita frowned and thought carefully.

"It doesn't seem to be. If you insist on saying it, you will be forced to do it alone."


Not a traveler, Rita doesn't care about many seemingly useless bits and pieces of news.

Not so in Yu Palace.

The same piece of information, in his hands and in Rita's hands, may have different values...

"Anna Shaniat."

In order to investigate the vampires, Rita not only used Eden's channels, but also the destiny.

The news of Anna Shaniat was revealed to her accidentally by a friend of Destiny.

"Huh? Let's talk about it."

In the depths of Yu Gong's eyes, an imperceptible light flashed.

Ana Shaniat, when others hear this name, they will only treat her as an ordinary Valkyrie.

Only he knew that Anna Shaniat was the future Ice Herrscher.

The information about her is worth listening to.

"The snow lotus team that Anna Shaniat belongs to went to Manila, one of the places where the collapse broke out, to perform a mission, and it was almost wiped out."

"Under the unfavorable situation, she rescued dozens of people by herself."

"Because of her outstanding performance, Bishop Otto intends to reuse her."

In all fairness, Rita doesn't think this information is valuable to Hanamiya.

But if Yu Gong wanted to hear it, she would tell it seriously.

"When did this happen?"


"okay, I get it."


Manila, located in Southeast Asia.

It is the first 5.5 capital and the largest port city in Feilvbin, an archipelago country in Southeast Asia.

Manila has a long history, and its importance cannot be ignored because of its unique geographical location.

However, a sudden disaster - collapse, destroyed it.

In today's Manila, the prosperity of the past is long gone, and only ruins remain.

Fortunately, Destiny's Valkyrie troops arrived in time.

Although the city has been destroyed, there are still people who survive.

They were placed in a temporary gathering point established by the destiny, and what awaited these people was an unknown future.

PS: Two shifts will be made today, and the two shifts owed will be made up as soon as possible.

In addition, everyone knows the plot of Chapter Nineteen of Collapse 3, it's just a stomachache.

It is impossible for me to write that kind of poisonous plot, it will be changed, please understand.

Chapter 602

"Look, brother, isn't that beautiful big sister the one who saved us?"

"Well, let's go and thank her."



The temporary gathering point is based on the few intact buildings left in Manila today, supplemented by tents for outdoor life.

The supplies the survivors needed to live were sent by the official special plane sent by feilvbin.

Thanks to the quick response of the officials of Destiny and feilvbin, the situation in Manila was brought under control for the first time.

The mood of the people was stable, and there were no riots or anything like that.

Some people even have time to look to the future.

For example, a certain pair of siblings.

Under the leadership of the elder brother, the two brothers and sisters slowly approached the edge of the gathering point.

Their target was a beautiful girl sitting on a gravel and drinking water leisurely.


The girl was the Valkyrie Anna Shaniat, who temporarily stayed in Manila due to the order of the headquarters.

She heard the footsteps made by the two brothers and sisters as they approached.

Anna 14 put down the water bottle and turned her eyes to the direction of the footsteps.

Seeing that there was a man and a woman the same age as her, she showed a gentle smile.

The two, Anna, had the impression that they were the two people she rescued from the claws of the Honkai Beast yesterday.

It seems that they are still a pair of brothers and sisters with a good relationship.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

"Hello, my name is Chen Tianwu, she is my sister Chen Tianwen."

The elder brother among the siblings took the initiative to take on the task of introducing himself and his younger sister.

"I'm here today to thank you for your life-saving grace."

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