Bronya remained calm, as if she had expected this scene.

"Reloaded Little Rabbit 19c, now."

The space fluctuated.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, a mechanical body appeared behind Bronya.

The height of the mechanical body is several meters, and the upper width is narrow.

The main colors are blue, white and black, and the two arms are particularly conspicuous.

At this moment, one of the arms of the mechanical body was horizontally blocking Bronya's head, protecting her like a shield.

"This, this is?"



Jizi, Kiana, Mei, Xier and the Valkyries watching the battle were stunned.

What's the matter with this mecha?

"Hehe, Bronya has an indissoluble bond with Reloaded Bunny."

Among the people present, Hagiya was the only one who knew the inside story besides Bronya herself.

In the original storyline of Honkai Impact 3rd, Reloaded Bunny 19c was a gift from Seeer to Bronya.

Its essence is the re-construction power that Xier found from the stigmata of the Herrscher of Death in her body.

Later, Bronya became the new Herrscher of Reason, and the power of the reloaded Bunny 19c was even greater than before.

Now that Honkai Impact World is joined by Yu Gong, the plot line has been completely rewritten.

Bronya still got the Reloaded Bunny 19c, but this mecha is the embodiment of the power of the world bubble.

"Bronya, you got something amazing."

Kiana didn't know what Reloaded Bunny 19c was, but the heavy pressure on her shoulders was not fake.

That mecha is no ordinary thing.

"Even so, I won't admit defeat."

"Come on, Kiana."

Bang bang bang bang.

The intensity of the battle between Kiana and Bronya is not comparable to the previous one.

The roar, the loud noise continued.

Every time the sound sounded, the whole training ground trembled with it.

The fierce battle lasted for more than ten minutes before the winner was finally decided.

The winner is Bronya.

Because it was a competition, Bronya only used the tank bunny for defense.

Kiana tried her best and failed to break through this solid iron wall, so she had to lose the battle.


Ji Zi smiled bitterly and rubbed her temples with a headache.

Her gaze passed through the layers of crowds and found Yugiya beside Mei and the others.

Don't think about it, the mecha that Bronya suddenly possessed must have something to do with him.

However, the actual combat training continued, so she had to suppress her curiosity and ask later.


The principal's office.

"How is it, Cecilia."

"Great, they will definitely become powerful Valkyries in the future."

Cecilia and Teresa sat side by side on the sofa.

In front of the two of them, there was a virtual light screen.

The picture played on the virtual light screen is exactly the scene of the training ground, and it is real-time.

They watched with interest and discussed.

"I didn't expect Kiana to grow up so much, I really want to see her."

Cecilia laughed.

Actual combat training, Teresa has seen it countless times, and she is no longer interested.

I was more curious, so she accompanied her.

I have to say that Cecilia's time was not wasted.

The level of competition in front of her was mediocre. She thought that among the students of St. Freya Academy, there were no talented seedlings.

The appearance of Kiana and Bronya changed Cecilia's mind. .

Chapter 562

In Kiana and Bronya, Cecilia saw the shadow of herself.

Similar talent, similar strength.

As Cecilia said, their future is bright.

"Kiana, uh."

Cecilia doesn't know yet that Kiana in St. Freya Academy is not the real Kiana.

It's a clone of the real Kiana, K-423-.

It was necessary to tell Cecilia about this, and Teresa hesitated how to speak.

"What's the matter, Teresa, what do you want to say?"

Teresa's strangeness was so obvious that it was hard for Cecilia not to notice.

"Actually, Kiana, she..."

The flickering eyes gradually became firm.

Anyway, not going to hide it, Teresa decided to tell the truth.


After listening to Teresa's story, Cecilia's heart was greatly shaken.

clone? clone?

Unexpectedly, the glamorous Bishop of Destiny, Otto, secretly did such a shameful experiment.

Kiana is definitely not the first, nor will it be the last.

Then, during the years when Otto was in charge of Mandate of Heaven, how many people suffered from his poisonous hands?

"Hamiya once secretly entered the Destiny headquarters to find the real Kiana."

"But Grandpa hid her too deeply, and Yu Gong couldn't find her."

There was a bit of pity in Teresa's sigh.

Since she and Yu Gong met, this was the only thing that made Yu Gong lose.

It shows Otto's scheming and the importance of True Kiana.

"Hey, poor child."

Cecilia couldn't help sighing.

Her sentence is a pun, referring not only to True Kiana, but also to K-423.

"Do you want to see her? Go after the actual combat training."

Cecilia is a saint, gentle and sunny.

Theresa knew that Cecilia wouldn't have bad thoughts because Kiana was not the deity, so she told her all about it.

"never mind."

Cecilia thought for a moment, then shook her head.

They are equivalent to strangers, so what if they meet each other.

It is a better choice to go with the flow and cultivate feelings slowly.


How to choose is up to Cecilia herself, Theresa does not interfere.


Training Course.

The battle between Kiana and Theresa is already the last.

Shortly after their battle ended, today's actual combat exercise came to an end.

Next, it's free time for the Valkyrie students.

As usual, Kiana and Bronya started extra training.

In order not to disturb the training of the girls, Hanamiya separated from them.

The two sides agreed to meet in the dormitory after the training.


At dusk, the dormitory of Kiana and others.

"Have you heard?"

After Mei Yi made a dinner with all the colors and flavors, everyone gathered in the dining room.

Halfway through eating, Kiana suddenly restrained her smile with a mysterious gesture.

"What did you hear?"

Mei asked curiously.

"There's a new teacher coming to St. Freya Academy, and it seems to be very powerful."

"Currently, it's spreading everywhere in the school."

Kiana is hot and hot, and doesn't like to sell things.

When Yayi asked, she said it one by one.

"New teacher? Who?"

Mei, Bronya and the others were puzzled.

Changing teachers is not uncommon in St. Freya Academy.

For example, their history teacher changed a while ago.

But this is the only one who can attract widespread attention and spread the buzz.

The new teacher's identity is 80% not simple.

"I don't know, I only heard a little wind."

Kiana shrugged helplessly.

If she knew the exact identity of the new teacher, she would have confessed it long ago.


The girls were slightly disappointed, and turned their eyes to Yugiya at the same time.

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