
Who would have thought that the person who came was Yu Gong.

Let's not worry about Bai, the latest Homu comics that I finally got are not available.

Theresa made up her mind and was going to act like a spoiled brat to Yugiya and let him make up for her loss.

But when she saw the person beside Yu Gong, her mind became blank.

Emotions and thoughts seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving only three words.


"Long time no see, Theresa."

Cecilia smiled and greeted Theresa.

"Ten years later, you are still so cute."

"Stop, Cecilia? You're not..."

There is no way to describe Teresa's complicated feelings.

Extreme shock, this shock is mixed with surprise and disbelief.

"It's a long story."

Cecilia can fully understand Teresa's performance.

The two sides exchanged, and she would do the same.

"Second Herrscher..."

To Teresa, Cecilia has nothing to hide.

She carefully told Teresa about her experience from beginning to end.

"It turns out, that's it."

When she heard the news of Cecilia's death, Teresa almost collapsed.

Cecilia her best friend, the first light that shines into her lonely heart.

The unwillingness, regret and despair of losing her are beyond the understanding of outsiders. Death.

Chapter 558

This scar has not yet healed.

Luckily, Cecilia didn't die, she really has eyes.

In Teresa's entire life, this is the second happiest thing.

"Thanks to Mr. Yu Gong, otherwise I would have died."

No one wants to die if they can live, especially when they are concerned.

Cecilia doesn't show it, it doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate Yu Gong, but she can't find a way to repay for now.


Teresa remembered the surprise that Yumiya mentioned in the previous communication.

The surprise he was talking about must be Cecilia.

"Are you finished talking?"

Yu Gong did not bother about the reunion of friends.

When the two were talking, he went directly to the sofa where the guests were being entertained, sat down, lowered his head and played on the mobile phone.

It wasn't until Teresa called Yu Gong that he took his eyes off the phone.

"You really gave me a big surprise."

The happiest thing in Teresa's life was meeting Yumiya.

This was the turning point in her life.

Since then, troubles and worries are gone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hagiya."

Cecilia embarrassedly apologized to Hanamiya.

They actually left Yu Gong aside, it was a little rude.

"I don't want to disturb your interest, but after talking about the past, it's better to think about it in the future."

Some trivial matters, Yu Gong did not take it to heart.

Maybe Teresa and Cecilia thought he was playing with his phone out of boredom, but he wasn't.

He is investigating the history of the destiny to prove his guess.

Sure enough, he found a clue.

At an unknown time, Otto personally presided over a secret experiment.

In that experiment, the subject was Cecilia who was still an A-rank Valkyrie at the time.

The process of the experiment is unknown, but the results are gratifying.

Otto created a substance with a very high degree of completion that can destroy the Honkai Energy in an instant.

He named it, the Holy Blood of Shaniat.

After confirming the stability of the holy blood of Shaniat, all the blood in Cecilia's body was converted to exist as a killer.

With success, the experiment should end.

But Otto believes that the holy blood of Shaniat has the value of deep excavation, and he is not willing to stop there.

So he ordered continued research.

The material for the experiment was replaced by Cecilia with the holy blood of Shaniat.

It turns out that Otto was right.

He developed a special weapon for the Herrscher - the Herrscher Killer.

In 1991, Cecilia and two other A-level Valkyries were ordered by Otto to **** the "Herscher Killer" to the second laboratory.

This is an extremely low-difficulty task, and the task executors are three A-rank Valkyries, making it foolproof.

Unexpectedly, such a simple task unexpectedly happened.

On the way, the three of Cecilia encountered the first Herrscher, the anti-entropy leader-Walter Young.

Walter Young got the news that Destiny had developed a weapon that could kill the Herrscher, and the escorts were Cecilia and the others.

He came to grab it.

However, the news is false.

Walter Young knocked out the three of Cecilia, but couldn't find the "Herscher Killer".

Unable to find the target, Walter Young left helplessly.

Not long after, Destiny's support troops arrived and took the unconscious Cecilia and the others back to Destiny's headquarters.

So far, the Herrscher Killer incident is over.

In 1993, in order to create the most perfect fighter against Honkai, the Kaslana family and the Shaniat family wanted to marry.

As one of the objects of the marriage, Siegfried, who had been away from home for six years, was recalled to the destiny.

In the same year, Siegfried and the Shaniat family got married on the second day, and Otto publicized it as a marriage of zhengzhi.

(Change it a little, everyone who understands it, don't spray if you don't like it)


Combining the information collected by Kikimora and the manga plot of Honkai 3RD, Yumiya sorted out the outline.

His seemingly calm Theresa and Cecilia communicated, but in fact his heart was turbulent.

So much so that when he spoke, he was still thinking.

The change is too great.

How did Siegfried's wife Cecilia become the second genius of the Shaniat family?

Furthermore, Siegfried advocates freedom...

He didn't want to be bound by the empty mission of the Kaslana family to "protect the world", so he ran away from home.

Such a person would obediently return to the destiny and accept zhengzhi's marriage?

Impossible to think about.

Could it be that there is a story between Siegfried and the second genius of Shaniat, who did not exist in the original plot?

The situation was a bit complicated, but it also confirmed Yu Gong's guess.

As early as in Haiyuan City, he concluded that the butterfly effect caused by his crossing into the collapsed world affected Siegfried and Cecilia.

If the two were husband and wife, Einstein, Tesla, Walter Young, and Cecilia would never behave that way.

Facts have proved that it is.

The only doubt is the relationship between Cecilia and Kiana.


Cecilia's smile gradually faded.

What Yu Gong said is true, this is indeed a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

"Cecilia, just stay at St. Freya Academy and don't go back to the headquarters."

Teresa couldn't forget why Otto ordered the Honkai fission bomb to be fired at Siberia.

Cecilia's decision, she doesn't want to interfere.

Only 5.5 returned to the Destiny headquarters alone, but Theresa firmly opposed it.

"is it okay?"

Cecilia had two thoughts.

First, the anti-entropy who saved her life.

Second, Theresa's St. Freya Academy.

As for the Destiny headquarters? out of consideration.

In Haiyuan City, in order to pull Cecilia into anti-entropy, Walter Young and others exposed what Otto did.

With a gentle personality like Cecilia, after knowing the truth, she couldn't help but feel resentment towards Otto.

She could accept that she and the Second Herrscher died under the bombardment of the Honkai fission bomb, and she could not accept Otto's practice of eradicating dissidents.

PS: I've been delayed for something, and the chapter I owe will be made up tomorrow, absolutely.

In addition, thank you for your support of flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets.

Chapter 559

If you want to choose between anti-entropy at St. Freya Academy, then there is no doubt.

St. Freya Academy.

This is an environment that Cecilia is familiar with, and there are people that Cecilia is familiar with.

Either way, it's a better choice.

However, there is one problem that Cecilia is very concerned about.

She is a former S-rank Valkyrie. If Otto knew that she was still alive, he would have to recall her to the headquarters.

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