Tesla suppressed his excitement, forced himself to calm down, and thought about the feasibility of Yu Gong's plan.

Anyone who understands the quantum sea will understand how dangerous it is.

Walter Young has the power of the Herrscher, and Kevin, as the ancestor of the world snake, must be unparalleled in strength.

The two of them fell into the quantum sea, and neither could return to the real world.

Will Yu Gong go to the same fate as them?

No matter what Yu Gong's purpose was, at least he saved Siegfried and Thunder and Lightning Ryoma from the claws of the world snake.

Besides, Yumiya obviously has a friendly attitude towards anti-entropy.

The Eden he swung down even made a great contribution in the war against Honkai.

From a rational point of view, Tesla does not want an accident in Yu Palace.

"Since you dare to go, do you think I will be afraid?"

Tesla's opinion doesn't really matter.

Whether she agrees or disagrees, Yumiya will go to the Sea of ​​​​Quantum.

The reason why I told Tesla was just to prepare her mentally.

"Huh, okay."

Tesla breathed a sigh of relief, the hesitation in his eyes and the twitch gradually dissipated.

The person who takes the risk is Yu Gong, and the parties are not afraid. Why should she grow the prestige of the Quantum Sea?

"Go to the Eye of Haiyuan now? I can open it for you..."

"Don't bother."

Mysterious, gorgeous lavender rays of light intertwined behind Hagiya, forming a vortex of light.

Yu Gong lifted his feet off the ground and floated into the vortex of light.

"I can go to the quantum sea myself."


Witnessing the entire process of the vortex of light appearing, entering Yugong, and disappearing, the three of Tesla were dumbfounded.

Their complicated feelings are difficult to describe in words.

"I can see that he didn't plan to discuss with us at all."

Thunderbolt Ryoma could not laugh or cry.

"Haha, funny boy."

Siegfried couldn't help laughing.

Strength, character, style...

All aspects are in line with Siegfried's appetite, and he admires Yu Palace very much.

"Boy, hehe, your tone is not small."

Hearing Siegfried's words, Tesla smiled strangely.

"Maybe Mr. Yugiya is older than your ancestor Kevin Kaslana. How dare you call him a kid?"

503 "Huh?"

Siegfried was stunned, his expression changed.

Indeed, the age of some people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Like Otto, Teresa.

Tesla's joke may be true.

"Ha ha ha ha."

This familiar scene made Thunder and Lightning Ryoma laugh.

Sure enough, Siegfried also learned the power of Tesla.


After some jokes, the tense atmosphere became much more relaxed.

After Tesla, Thunderbolt, and Siegfried discussed it, they decided to temporarily stay in the stronghold.

If Yu Gong is successful, then he will definitely come back.

Staying at the stronghold, they can get the latest news as soon as possible.


Quantum sea, a gap in time and space.

"So, is this your plan?"

"Do you want to end the collapse in this way?"

"Bringing permanent liberation to humanity? No, I don't agree."


As if in the endless void space, Walter Young was floating out of thin air.

In front of him is a dark snake shadow.

PS: There is one more update, it will be a little later in time.

Chapter 545

The snake shadow is incomparably huge, illusory and ethereal.

Confronting the First Herrscher Walter Young, its momentum not only did not fall, but it had a tendency to overwhelm it.

"I can never agree with such a plan, it is not salvation at all."

Violent Honkai Energy surged around Walter Young's body.

His sharp eyes were fixed on the snake shadow, and his expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

Nothingness, horror...

The power of the snake shadow is something that Walter Yang has only seen in his life.


Snake Shadow remained silent, looking down at Walter Young condescendingly.

It seems to be laughing, it seems to be disdainful, and it seems that it doesn't care at all.


The situation is tense and imminent.

At this moment, a light-haired woman with a terrible hairstyle that was comparable to a chicken coop appeared not far from Walter Young.

Seeing Walter Young, joy appeared on the woman's face.

However, in the next second, all her attention was attracted by the dark snake shadow.

Invisible fear breeds in women's hearts.

"Then, what is that?"


This question was not answered by Walter Young.

At this moment, Walter Yang is concentrating on guarding the snake shadow, and has no time to focus on other people or things.

Snake Shadow came to him on his own initiative after he strayed into the gap between time and space.

It communicated with Walter Young and hoped to cooperate with him.

To express his sincerity, Snake Shadow also revealed part of his plan to him.

The situation is obvious, the communication between the two sides has failed.

From a standpoint, Snake Shadow and Walter Young are allies.

Aiming to eliminate the collapse and continue the existence of human beings.

But Walter Young couldn't accept Snake Shadow's plan.

What is the essence of the snake shadow, he does not know.

Walter Young only knows that the snake shadow cannot be returned to the real world, otherwise mankind will face a huge disaster.

"Whether you accept it or not, I will return 〃〃."

"Judge and save you."

The voice was hoarse and thick, with an indisputable meaning.


The woman is the anti-entropy high-level who fell into the quantum sea with Walter Young, Einstein.

She faced Walter Young and cast an inquiring look.

What exactly is this snake shadow?

"Ain, don't get close, it's not an existence you can deal with."

Walter Young turned his head slightly and warned Einstein seriously.

Snake Shadow is too crazy, he vowed to keep it in the sea of ​​​​quantum.

"This snake?"

Einstein frowned and asked the third time.

Her heart sank to the bottom.

Einstein had never seen such a nervous Walter Young before.

Undoubtedly, the pressure caused by the snake shadow is unimaginable.

"I don't know what it is."

Finally, Walter Young responded positively.

There was no moment when he regretted it as much as he does now.

If he hadn't refused to listen to Einstein's advice and insisted on conducting experiments, he wouldn't have caused this disaster.

If time can be reversed, Walter Young will completely seal the Eye of Haiyuan, making it never see the light of day.

But up to now, the catastrophe has already happened, and regretting it is useless.

What Walter Young can do is do his best to save it, even if he sacrifices his own life for it.

"I'm very sorry, Ain, I didn't follow your advice."

"This is something I committed and must be remedied by myself."

"Yang, I'll take you away."

Until now, Einstein is still confused.

She can only give opinions according to her own common sense.

Snake shadows are very dangerous, and staying away from danger is never wrong.

"No, I can't go."

Walter Young rejected Einstein's proposal without hesitation.

Not sure that Snake Shadow can't get to the real world, he won't leave.

"Return to home coordinates, whether to open the time-space anchor."


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