Penglaishan Kaguya was confused and didn't understand what Yu Gong meant.

"A choice? That's true, indeed."

After thinking for a while, Bayi Yonglin suddenly became enlightened.

She, understood what Yu Gong said.

"Princess Kaguya, the other party must first be unable to escape from your palm, in order to talk about letting go."

"Do you think I'm the one to let Yue Du handle it?"

Seeing that Penglaishan Kaguya couldn't figure it out, Yu Gong reminded.


With Yu Palace's reminder, Kaguya's eyes lit up at Penglai Mountain.

Yes, Yu Gong is not a weak person, Yue Du can be rounded and flattened at will.

If the premise can't be formed, naturally it can't be talked about - let it go.

"In this world, after all, the strong are respected."

Yumiya continued to explain.

"You know that I'm not easy to mess with, so you want to mess with me?"

"It might be possible to replace it with other forces, but it's impossible for Yue."

"Eliminate me? Hehe, looking at the whole month, who would dare to say that he could put me to death?"

"The example of Huo Yuan's fortune-telling is right in front of him."

"Which sage of the moon dares to come forward when he understands that facing me, the mortality rate is very high?"

"Huh, Your Excellency Yu Gong, it's really unfortunate to be your enemy."

Bayi Yonglin secretly took a deep breath to calm the waves in her heart.

Jianyu Thor, Mianyue Fengji, and Mianyue Yiji joined forces, but none of them dared to provoke Yu Gong.

Then, in the whole month, I am afraid that only Moonlight sees Zun who has the strength to fight Yu Gong.

Yue Yejian Zun is the leader of Yuedu. He wants to sit in the base camp and cannot leave easily.

This point is clear to the whole month.

So, the knot of death appeared.

Moonlight saw that Zun couldn't make a move, and the rest couldn't deal with Yu Gong.

Send out a large number of moon sages? That is the next best policy.

With the mysterious ability to entrap Huo Yuan's fortune, what Yu Gong is most afraid of is to fight more with less.

In other words, the more opponents there are, the better it is for Yumiya.

If they were really stupid, there were definitely not a few Moon Sages who died at the hands of their own people.

In addition, the most critical factor is not in Yu Palace, but in Yuedu itself.

The interior of Yuedu is not a single heart.

The sages of the moon are no longer what they used to be, and now they all want others to die.

The other moon sages are not dead, how can they grab more power?

Bayi Erin can imagine that when it comes to the candidates to eradicate Yu Gong, the sages of the moon will definitely put the blame on each other.

In the end, the result can only be nothing.

Yu Gong probably saw through the corruption and darkness of the Moon City, and then concluded that they would not send pursuers any more.

"Your Excellency Yugiya, you have long thought that the situation will develop into what it is now?"

Penglaishan Hui Ye is not low-minded, and what Bayi Yonglin thought of, she also thought of it.

Recalling the scene a few days ago when the three of them discussed how to deal with the pursuit of Yuedu, Penglaishan Huiye was extremely surprised.

Yu Gong's plan was for him to come forward to attract the attention of Mianyue Toyohime and others, and try to force them away.

Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin initially opposed this plan.

First, Yu Gong had invaded Yuedu and was one of the people on Yuedu's blacklist.

He went to attract the attention of Yuedu's chasing soldiers, and the situation can be imagined.

Furthermore, even if Yu Gong forced Mianyue Fengji and others away, wouldn't they come back?

However, Yugong insisted again and again, and Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin agreed.

Looking back now, Yugiya may have forgotten everything at that time.

Naihe's plan was too amazing, so Yu Gong had reservations in order to save trouble.

"When you talk about trade-offs, do you mean that Yuedu will ignore you after weighing the pros and cons?"

"Even, deliberately avoiding where you are?"

"That's right."

Yugiya himself is a high-ranking person, and he knows the nature of those who are deeply trapped in the abyss of power.

To deal with them, Yu Gong has a lot of experience.

"No matter how powerful a force is, as long as there is internal instability, its terrifying level will plummet."

"Ha ha."

Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin looked at each other and smiled.

Yu Gong's plan may seem bold, but in fact it is extremely stable.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

There is one sentence that he said is quite right.

In this world, after all, the strong are respected.

Without strong enough strength, how could Yu Gong have the right to make Yue Du jealous? Not to mention the plan to carry out this Arabian Nights.


The development trend of things was just as Yumiya expected.

Jianyu Thor and the three returned to Yuedu, and after they reported the situation to Mingyueye, a high-level meeting started.

Knowing Yu Gong's strength and ability, the sages of the moon pushed each other, and no one was willing to accept the task of crusade against Yu Gong.

As for Huo Yuan's fortune-telling? He died well.

The power held by Huoyuan Riki has been coveted by many sages of the moon for a long time.


Now that he's not there, he just took the opportunity to get it into his hands.

To avenge Huo Yuan's life? Whoever has the will, go for it.

This scene made Yue Ye Jian Zun extremely annoyed.

Being in the Moon Capital, Moonlight Seeing Venerable of course understands the nature of the sages of the moon.

To her surprise, they were so selfish and self-reliant that they even abandoned Yuedu's interests.

Yue Yejian Zun wanted to change this situation, but he didn't know where to start.

Thousands of years have passed since the establishment of Yuedu.

After a long time, the sages of the moon have deeply rooted in the moon capital.

They are intertwined and deeply involved with each other.

Unless it is an unexpected situation like Huo Yuan Liming, moving any sage of the moon will cause the whole body to be affected.

In desperation, Venerable Moon Yejian ordered that unless it is necessary, not to provoke Yu Palace.

"The Eight Meanings and Gods and Kaguya of Penglai Mountain..."

The topic about Yugiya is over, and the next thing to discuss is Yagi Erin and Horaishan Kaguya.

According to the narration of Jianyu Lei Shen, Tsukiyomi-zun and the other sages of the moon agreed that they covered their Xingzang with a barrier or a formation.

So, Yue Yejian asked Jianyu Thor, Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji to rest in Yuedu for the time being.

She will select special personnel, equip them with professional equipment, and accompany Jianyu Leishen and others. Death.

Chapter 528

Whenever a major event passes, there must be a buffer period.

After the Mt. Fuji incident was over, the lives of Hagiya, Kaguya of Horaisan, and Eirin of Yagi returned to peace again.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, it has been nearly seven days.

"Come on, let's go over there and take a look."

"Look at that."


This afternoon, Penglaishan Huiye rarely stayed in his room to play games.

She invited Yu Gong, and the two of them went to Ping An Jing to hang out together.

"How does life on earth compare to the moon?"

Penglaishan Huiye put on a sun hat to cover his appearance.

Not afraid of being recognized, she put aside all concerns and showed her playful nature.

It is very rare to see Yu Palace on Kaguya's side of Penglai Mountain, which is very strange.

"Uh~, I can't compare."

"You know Yuedu, it's not a good place there."

"When my concubine was in the Moon Capital, all day long, she was either calculating the sages of the moon, or preventing someone from thinking about her."

"It was tiring and uncomfortable."

"In comparison, the ground is much better."

Penglaishan Kaguya put the candy man Yu Palace bought for her in her mouth and answered vaguely.

Penglaishan Kaguya is already tired of the life of intrigue with others all day long.

Although the ground is backward, and there are no maids and moon rabbits to serve, it is much cleaner and quite comfortable.

"Longevity, it's really enviable."

Yu Gong made a little joke.

Immortality is the lifelong pursuit of countless people.

Wing and martial like Qin Shi Huang's Ying Zheng, Han Wu Emperor Liu Che, he tried his best to find an elixir of life.

"Aren't you a longevity?"

Penglaishan Kaguya turned her gaze to Yugong, slightly surprised.

Strength can only be obtained through unremitting practice day and night.

An existence as strong as Yu Palace, which one is not an old antique that has lived for countless years.

The words of envy of the longevity species should not come out of his mouth at all.


Yu Gong smiled and did not explain.

Perhaps because of his increased strength, his appearance has not changed for many years.

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