One time is enough, and it will be boring if you do it more often.


Penglaishan Huiye and Bayi Yonglin looked at each other and said nothing. .

Chapter 508

coincide? Is there such a coincidence in this world?

Margot Royd is not a regular surname, and the possibility of having the same surname is too low.

However, Yu Gong had no reason to deceive himself.

"Don't think of me too mysterious, I'm the same kind of people as you, and there's not much difference."

"If my friends didn't invite me to Yuedu, you wouldn't know me at all."

At least, not at that time.

In his heart, Yu Gong finished the last sentence.


Yayi Erin caught the key words in Yu Gong's words.

The judgment she made on the Moon Capital was correct, and Yu Gong was indeed a suspicious soldier.

There is someone else who is plotting against Yuedu.

"I'm sorry, that's all I can tell you."

Obviously, Bayi Yonglin wanted to know who her friend was.

It was impossible for Yumiya to tell her this.

Otherwise, there is suspicion of betraying Yakumo Zi.


Bayi Yonglin just asked casually, but she couldn't get an answer. It was an expected 487 matter.

"The two of us, don't introduce ourselves."

"Need not."

There are times when it pays to maintain a certain sense of mystery.

You don't have to say or do anything. Others will start thinking about it themselves.

For example, now, Bayi Yonglin tacitly agreed that Yugiya knew her and Penglaishan Kaguya.

"What are your plans for the next day?"

"It's not an easy task to avoid Yuedu's pursuers. It's better to have a clear plan."

"My concubine and Yonglin originally wanted to use this bamboo forest as a place to live, and they didn't want you to take the lead."

"If you didn't come out before, we've left now."

The person who answered Yumiya's question was Horaishan Kaguya.

"Her Royal Highness said it well."

Bayi Erin took the words of Kaguya Penglaishan and added it.

"It's not difficult to gather the power of the two of us to create a barrier that hides our traces."

"Boundary? Good idea."

Yu Gong nodded secretly.

With the strength of Bayi Erin, (beff) and the ability of Penglaishan Kaguya to manipulate forever and Xuyi, the level of the enchantment is estimated to break through the sky.

Those who are not proficient in this way, or whose strength is far superior to them, may be difficult to find.

"Actually, you don't have to leave, you can do as originally planned."

"The bamboo forest is huge, more than enough for three people."

"Take ten thousand steps back, if you are accidentally found by Yuedu's pursuers, I can still help you."

Getting there first? It is more accurate to say waiting in advance.

It wasn't for Kaguya of Penglai Mountain and Eirin Bayi, how could Yu Gong come to the bamboo forest?

Now that half of the goal has been achieved, as long as they stay, you're done.


A splendid splendor flashed in Bayi Yonglin's eyes in Huiye of Penglai Mountain.

I have to say that Yumiya's suggestion is very good.

Left and right are where you live, it doesn't matter where you choose.

With one more strong person to take care of him, the safety factor will undoubtedly skyrocket.

But there is a question, Yu Gong, is it worth believing?

"Ha ha."

Seeing Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Erin hesitating, Yu Gong didn't rush.

As the saying goes, it's too good to go too far.

If it is too obvious, they will definitely become suspicious, which will have the opposite effect.


Inside the bamboo house, Yumiya was indifferently sipping tea.

Penglaishan Huiye and Bayi Yonglin were silent, exchanging glances silently.


After a long while, the twinkling eyes of Bayi Yonglin and Penglaishan Kaguya gradually calmed down, as if they had made a decision.

"Your Excellency Yu Gong, please give me more advice in the future."

Bayi Yonglin intends to focus on Penglai Mountain Kaguya, so she didn't speak, and let her express her position.

Kaguya Penglaishan got up from her seat and bowed politely and gracefully to Yu Gong.

"Please advise."

The corners of Yu Gong's mouth rose, revealing a faint smile.

The merit is complete.


The simple conversation has come to an end here.

The three left the bamboo house and returned to the bamboo forest.

For Bayi Erin and Penglaishan Kaguya, deciding where to live is just the first step.

The things to do later are more important.

A residence, a barrier that hides traces.

Regarding their residence, Yumiya saw the ability of Kaguya Horaisan with his own eyes.

In a blink of an eye, the dense bamboo forest turned into an open space, and a bamboo garden appeared out of thin air.

The area of ​​the Bamboo Garden is three or four times that of the Haguya Bamboo House, including the rooms of Kaguya and Yagi Erin.

The housing problem is solved, and the next step is the enchantment.

Yu Gong was not very interested in the barrier that Penglaishan Kaguya and Yayi Yonglin were going to set up.

After a little look, he separated from the two.

You don't have to think about it, Yumiya knows that 80% of the barriers are of the same type as those of the Bamboo Forest that will be lost in the future.


Time, day by day.

After all the business was done, Yu Gong's life returned to its usual leisurely pace.

On a sunny morning, Bayi Yonglin and Penglaishan Kaguya's home.

In the courtyard of Bamboo Garden, Yu Palace and Horaishan Kaguya sat opposite each other across a table.

There was a wooden chessboard on the table in front of the two of them.

Square grid, red sunspot, Chuhe Hanjie...

If there are "compatriots" of Yu Palace here, you can recognize it at a glance, it is chess.


The crisp sound of falling sons reverberated in the courtyard.

At this moment, Hagiya and Kaguya Horaishan are playing a game.

Beside her, Hachi Eirin sat on the side of the table, watching the battle with relish.



Yugiya's flat artillery, close to Penglaishan Kaguya's handsome.

"Hi, it's so annoying."

Penglaishan Huiye threw away the chess piece in his hand, wrapped his arms around him, and raised his face angrily.

Shuai has been forced to death, and he has lost.

"Her Royal Highness, pay attention to your image."

A few black lines appeared on Bayi Yonglin's forehead, and she couldn't help reminding her.

The current Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, how can there be any beauty, the noble princess of the moon looks like a little girl who is angry.

To behave in this way is really out of style. .

Chapter 509

"What does it matter, Eirin, this is not the Moon Capital."

Penglaishan Hui Ye didn't listen at all, and still went his own way.


Bayi Eirin sighed deeply.

Worth mentioning, as long as Penglaishan Huiye is happy.

Living in an environment like Yuedu all year round, she must have been suppressed for a long time.

Now that you're out of the cage, it's time to live the life you like.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled and did not express any opinion.

Counting the time, Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin have settled on the ground for nearly two weeks.

In the past two weeks, Yugong, Kaguya of Penglai Mountain, Bayi-Eirin often come and go.

After all, they are neighbors, so a good relationship is necessary.

The life in the deep mountains is clean, leisurely, and stable, which is very good.

However, it lacks some fun.

In order to pass the time, when Yugiya came to visit Penglaishan Kaguya and Bayi Yonglin a week ago, she suddenly had a whim and wanted to teach Penglaishan Kaguya to play chess.

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