The second step is sealing.

Both of these steps can be completed by the matrix method.

The formation used by stargazing to draw out the beast of the sun belongs to one of the evolutions of the Big Dipper formation.

As the name suggests, the formation has seven formation eyes. .

Chapter 476

The first formation was in a forest.

This forest is more than ten kilometers away from Huangyue City, so it is not too close.

About noon, Yu Gong and Star Gazing arrived.

The place has arrived, so don't worry.

In addition, after nearly two hours on the road, stargazing takes a lot of energy.

After thinking about it again and again, they decided to find a place to rest for a while.


Fortunately, there is a clear river running through the forest.

The two came to the river, then lit a bonfire and began to prepare lunch.

"Mr. Assassin, where did you put these things before?"

Seeing Yu Gong constantly conjuring up bottles and jars, stargazing was very curious.

She carefully observed Yu Gong, but could not see any place on his body where he could store a lot of things.

"It's just storage thaumaturgy, a little trick, not surprising."

Yumiya flipped his palm over, and changed out the barbecue rack and ingredients 14.

Set up the stand, clean the ingredients, and sort...

After all the pre-work is over, a pleasant outdoor barbecue begins.


Soon, the ingredients were cooked through, and it was time to add seasonings.

When Yu Gong anointed the oil, then sprinkled various seasonings such as cumin and pepper on the ingredients.

Immediately, the seductive fragrance spread out, filling the forest.

"It smells good."

Stargazing stared at the food on the grill, his eyes twinkling brightly.

Even though she is the grandson of the crown prince, she has enjoyed countless delicacies and delicacies from the mountains and seas since she was a child.

However, in terms of aroma alone, nothing compares to the ordinary barbecue in front of you.

"Ha ha."

Looking at the stargazer who instantly turned into a greedy worm, Hagiya revealed a knowing smile.

When it comes to enjoyment, the difference between ancient people and modern people is not a little bit worse.

Many ordinary things in modern times are called treasures in ancient times.

The condiment for barbecue is one of them.

Yu Gong dared to pack a ticket. If he were to sell condiments in Huangyue City, even if he priced a bottle of 100 gold, there would be a lot of big people who were not short of money flocking to him.

Clap clap clap.

One of Yu Gong and Guan Xing was roasting seriously, and the other was watching seriously, and neither made a sound.

In the huge woods, only the slight crackling sound of burning wood reverberated.

As time goes by, the fragrance becomes more intense.

Stargazing was so tickled by the scent that he kept swallowing.

But the food was not cooked, and there was no way to eat it, so she could only hope that Yu Gong would bake it soon.


Finally, just when the star-gazing was about to endure, the first batch of ingredients placed on the barbecue was cooked.

Yu Gong picked up one of the strings and handed it to the star-gazing.

"Come on, try it."

"Hu, hu, oooo."

Stargazer took the food and blew the hot air from it.

After estimating that the temperature has dropped to an appropriate level. She opened her small mouth and bit it.

good to eat.

In terms of workmanship, simple barbecue is naturally inferior to the dishes carefully handled by the imperial chef.

However, it tastes great.

"This is what a twelve-year-old girl should look like."

Yu Gong smiled and ate it himself.


Happy time is always short.

An hour later, Yu Gong and Star Gazing were full.

The two quickly cleaned up the mess and then went on their way.

Time is passing little by little.

When night fell, Yu Gong and Star Gazing arrived at the place where the first eye formation was.

"Gankangen is Sunda..."

"The north is in the north, the south is far away..."

"Leave it out of the hurdle, put it in exchange..."

Star-gazing squatted on the grass, writing and drawing in front of him, while whispering formulas in his mouth.

Yu Gong stood by, guarding her safety.


A strange sound came from the woods behind the two of them.


This sound was caused by a creature rubbing against the grass when it moved.

Very subtle, so small that it almost melted into the night wind.

"I can't help it anymore, do you want to do it?"

Yu Gong bent down and picked up a dry branch.

The so-called "creatures" are three uninvited guests with malicious intent.

Early in the evening, these three people approached Yugiya and Stargazing, and have been following them secretly.

Its identity is self-evident.


Perhaps because they couldn't find a good opportunity, the killers just followed and didn't attack.

It's getting late now, and stargazing is arranging the formation again.

Feeling that there was an opportunity, they began to move around.

Twenty meters, fifteen meters, twelve meters...

The distance between the two sides is gradually narrowing.


The moment the distance was shortened to within ten meters, three figures emerged from the shadows of the woods.

With one person in front, he went straight to Yu Palace.

The other two were on the left and right, as if they wanted to bypass Yugiya and go to the rear.

In doing so, their intentions are quite obvious.

To restrain Yu Gong, kill Guan Xing first.


Realizing that there was a crisis, stargazing couldn't help but stop.

There are assassins.

Not an "assassin" like Yumiya, but a real assassin who wants to take his own life.

Stargazing's face was cloudy and uncertain, and in the next second, it returned to plain.

She continued to describe the formation, turning a blind eye to the approaching assassins.

Yu Gong is by your side, don't worry.

Star-gazing believed that he would not let the assassin hurt him.




Puff puff.

There was a sound like something being torn apart from behind, followed by two sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground.

At the same time, the formation of stargazing was completed.

She got up and turned to look behind her.

Right in front of Yugiya and on the left side of the palace, lie a masked man in black.

The burly man, also in black and masked, stood still, motionless.


Hanmang's threatening long knife slipped from the man's loose hand.

He was stiff and slowly lowered his head.

The next second, the man's only eyes exposed in the air suddenly widened to the limit. .

Chapter 477

"No, this kind of thing is impossible."

As if seeing something extremely incredible, the man muttered to himself in a low voice.

The strong surprise in his words was unbelievable, and anyone could hear it.


A little back, stargazing's heart was also filled with astonishment.

Her gaze was locked on the man's flank.

There, a slender branch penetrated the man's clothing and pierced into his body.

And the other end of the branch was held in Yu Gong's hand.

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