"I can't forgive myself without talking about Rita." 443

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled softly.

"You are in a dangerous situation, but I turn a blind eye, and Rita will blame me."

"Mr. Yugiya, did you mean the Second God's Key when you said Qianjie Yicheng just now?"

Hollander brushed past the topic.

Yu Gong's kindness, I silently remember it in my heart, and I will find an opportunity to repay it in the future.

"Yes, you probably don't know..."

Now that she's here, Yumiya simply told Horandel all the details.

The name of the young man, called SU, is the spiritual fusion warrior of the pre-civilization era.

In the final battle between the pre-civilization era and the collapse, the human side was defeated and faced the tragic end of civilization collapse.

As the fusion fighter of the main battle force, the death of death, the wound of wound, the escape of escape.

Dr. MEI, due to long-term hard work, and the fact that his body was eroded by the collapse energy, reached the limit and finally could not support it.

Out of desperation, SU, HUA, Kevin and others, who carried the last hope of mankind, entered the underground shelter and began to freeze sleep.

This sleep lasted 50,000 years.

50,000 years later, SU, Kevin and the others have awakened one after another.

In order to fight against the collapse, everyone acted separately. .

Chapter 463

HUA went to China to impart knowledge and culture to the human beings in this era.

This is the Tinder Project.

SU is responsible for observing other parallel worlds on the tree of imaginary numbers to find a way to defeat Honkai.

This is the Hengsha Project.

Do a good job of this era's civilization still being destroyed and destroyed, and have to give up the worst plan of the earth.

Someone carried the gene bank into space, looking for the second home of mankind in the universe.

This is the Ark Project.

Due to various reasons, the Tinder plan and the Ark plan failed one after another.

The Hengsha Project has been going on for thousands of years, but nothing has been achieved, and there is no hope of success.

So, Kevin decided to start the last plan.

Through manual intervention, it was possible to activate and recombine the Honkai antibody genomes that Mei had been inoculated in the embryos of a few offspring, but were separated due to human lineage inheritance.

This is the Stigma Project.

"Every time a person awakens a stigmata, it means that thousands, tens of thousands, or even more people have become victims."

"This plan is too extreme, and it cannot be carried out until the situation is at its most critical."

"SU thinks that Kevin's stigmata plan is too early, so he is very opposed to it."

"Later, SU and Kevin disappeared at the same time."

"Unexpectedly, he is actually hiding in this place."

In fact, the truth is that MEI has long expected that after his death, Kevin, whose extreme hatred has collapsed, will get out of control sooner or later.

So left SU with an unknown special plan - the monitor plan.

Once Kevin gets out of control, lead him back to the right path in time.

Kevin's behavior made SU think that he has gone astray.

He designed it to be trapped in the world bubble, and let the world bubble sink into the depths of the quantum sea.

Later, in order to atone for his sins, SU locked himself in the Second God's Key, and implemented the Hengsha plan for thousands of years.

The truth, Yu Gong naturally wouldn't tell Yulander.

It's too clear, and the source of the information is not easy to explain.


The "old man" of the pre-civilization era? Various plans?

Hollander could never have imagined that such a big secret would be involved in this matter.

At this moment, the surprise in her heart is indescribable in words.

"Uh, Mr. Hagiya, can I take the liberty to ask you a question?"

"You want to ask, how did I know?"

What Hurandelle wanted to ask, Yu Gong knew just by guessing.


Hollander nodded.

What she was curious about was the source of Yu Gong's news.

Yu Gong knew so much, it was hard for people not to suspect that he was one of the parties involved.

Could it be that Yugiya is an antique figure who lived for 50,000 years?

"I have a close relationship with HUA, one of the pioneers."

Yumiya revealed a little bit of information to Yulandel.

HUA, Chi Yuan, is also one of the Valkyries of Destiny. Fu Hua is currently monitoring Qiana at St. Freya Academy.

"It turned out to be so."

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, but Yu Gong's speech was a bit of a deliberate guide.

His words, Hollander understood all of this, and it was all told by HUA.

"What do you think after listening to the whole story?"

"For example, if you were a pioneer, what would you do when many plans failed one by one?"

In the manga plot of Honkai Impact 3RD, Horandelle, who did not have any help from Yumiya, fell into the illusion of SU.

This fantasy world is SU's test of Landel.

At the end of the test, Hollander assumed the identity of SU, while Kevin was Rita.

SU thought that, having experienced Horendale, who had experienced his own experience, he would understand his difficulties and make the same choice as himself.

But he didn't want to, Hollander didn't seal "Kevin".

After experiencing the pain in "Kevin"'s heart, Hollander decided to share the pain of implementing the Stigmata plan with him.

This choice made SU shaken, and his illusion was also shattered.

Now, Hollander did not "walk" the road of the forerunner in person.

Faced with different questions, what kind of answers will she give? Yu Gong was very curious.


Hagiya's question was asked by Hollander.

If you were a pioneer, what would you do?

Unable to help, she substituted herself into the positions of SU, Kevin and others.

Stigmata plan?

No, the stigmata plan is undoubtedly drinking poison to quench thirst.

Even if it succeeds, few humans will survive.

This plan can only play a temporary role, and what will destroy the hope and future of mankind.

The Hengsha Project?

Yes, but the possibility of success is slim, or even non-existent.

Hanging from a tree is obviously unrealistic and impossible.

Because the collapse is approaching all the time, and the time on the human side is not infinite.


Thinking about it, Hollander's complexion became unsightly.

No matter how you go, it seems to be a dead end.

Human civilization in this era is still unable to escape the fate of being destroyed by collapse.

"You don't have to worry too much, but it's okay to say it."

Sensing that Hollander was beginning to shake, Hagiya made a sound at the right time.


Yu Gong's words seemed to contain strange magic.

(Are you okay?) Horendelle's restless mood slowly calmed down.

She took a deep breath, and her twinkling eyes returned to their former firmness.

"I can't understand the thoughts and feelings of the pioneers, and I'm not qualified to judge their actions."

"But I think the fate of this era should be decided by the humans of this era."

"Ha ha."

Yumiya's right index finger and **** came together, and placed it between Hollander's eyebrows.

"Good will, do you have the confidence to follow through?"

"This road is difficult to walk. There will be strong enemies one after another, hindering your progress."


Hollander's face quickly turned red, like a delicious apple.

Yu Gong, he...

Nervous, flustered, overwhelmed... Miscellaneous...

PS: Sorry, I will try my best to make it ahead of time.

Chapter 464

Hollander recalled the situation in the headquarters when the Valkyries who worshiped him asked them the secret to becoming stronger and taught them.

Same move, same performance.

Was that how they felt at the time?

"I, I will."

"Ha ha."

Yumiya smiled and retracted his fingers.

The Valkyrie who bears the name of the strongest, shining glory, symbol and pronoun of glory...

Even if there are many halos shrouded in it, it still can't hide the fact that Hollander is a fifteen-year-old young and beautiful girl.

She is very simple and easily shy.

"I have a small request, I don't know if you can agree to me."

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