
The important person in the collapsed world, Yu Gong has almost met.

Among the remaining people, Hollander is one of them.

"As soon as you coordinate, we'll leave."

"Okay, wait for me a moment."

Rita turned and went upstairs.

She is going to contact Hollander and change her clothes.

Rita, who knew the character of Hollander, would act immediately after she learned the news.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of sparks the meeting between Yu Gong and Lord Yulander will collide."


Hagiya came to the living room and lay down on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling.

The relevant information of Youlandel came to mind one by one.

Based on this information, Hanamiya speculated on what might happen after the meeting between the two parties, and thought about a countermeasure.


"Hugiya, I'm ready."

About an hour later, Rita's pretty face suddenly appeared in Yu Gong's line of sight.

She bent slightly and reached out to Yu Gong on the sofa.


Yumiya raised her arm and held Rita's palm.

As if she had rehearsed beforehand, the moment Yumiya held her hand, Rita pulled him up with a little force.


"Let's go."



The meeting place that Rita and Hollander had agreed to meet was a park on the island.

When the two rushed to the park, Hollander had already arrived early.

She crouched under a tree, teasing the stray cat.

"Your captain, do you like cats very much?"

Yumiya asked with interest.

The current Horandelle is like a fifteen-year-old girl, not the strongest S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny.

"To be honest, I don't know what hobbies Mrs Hollander has."

"But judging from her appearance, it should be."

Rita seemed to have discovered a new world, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

This smile is full of playfulness and a black belly, which is not in line with the relationship between Rita and Hollander.

"Have you thought of a good idea to make fun of Youlandel?"

"No, Lord Hollander is my captain, I don't have the courage to tease her."


The two chatted and slowly approached Hollander.

"Would you like to raise it, eh?"

The struggle with Honkai is full of danger all the time.

Dare to relax for a moment, there is a danger of injury or even death.

Over time, Hollander developed a vigilance comparable to radar.

Even when she was teasing the cat and the wind was blowing nearby, she still couldn't escape her sense.

As soon as Hagiya and Rita approached Horandelle, they caught her attention.

She stopped teasing the cat and turned her eyes to the direction of the person.

"It's totally fine to have one, Lord Horendelle."

Training, getting stronger, missions.

That's all about life in Grendel, dull and boring.

If she wants to develop a hobby as a remedy, Rita agrees with both hands.

Relaxation is the right way.

Blindly oppressing yourself will cause problems sooner or later.

"Uh, you guys."

Rita's words, Hollander did not hear clearly at all.

At this moment, all her attention was on Hagiya and Rita.

She didn't even realize that the stray cat slipped away from her hands.

The reason why Landale was like this was because Rita was holding Yumiya's arm.

The gestures of the two are very intimate, not like collaborators at all, but like a man and a woman in love.

It's no wonder that when Rita mentioned Yugiya yesterday, she naturally called by her first name.

It turned out that they were a couple.

".~As you can see, we are lovers."

Rita raised a finger and pressed it against her lips.

"Also ask Lord Hollander to help us keep it a secret, and don't make it public in Heaven's Fate for the time being."

"Okay, okay."

Hollander nodded and promised Rita to hide the secret.

Rita cares about Hollander, and Hollander also cares about Rita.

Now, Rita finds her own feelings, and she expresses her blessing.

"This is the famous Mr. Hagiya Margot Royd, I have long admired him."

"Each each other."

Unexpectedly, the upright "Stupid Goose" would also speak polite words, and Yu Gong felt it was very strange.

"Just call me Yugiya, you are Rita's friend, that's my friend, don't be too polite."


Yulandel's favorability to Yugiya has risen in a straight line.

Eden, a mysterious and powerful army of constructs...

There are countless legends about the Yu Palace, which Hollander has heard.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yu Gong's words are enough to make an ordinary, ordinary person rise to the sky in one step.

Today, the two met for the first time.

Yu Gong's attitude is so good, which undoubtedly shows the importance he attaches to Rita.

"The scenery of the park is good, let's go somewhere else for a walk."

Yu Gong and Youlander just met, so it was inevitable that they would be embarrassed to talk.

It is Rita's task to harmonize the atmosphere and avoid the cold scene.

"it is good."

Rita's suggestion, Hagiya and Horandelle have no opinion.


So far, the two-person line has become a three-person line.

As shown in the game, Hollander's personality is simple, rigid, serious, and serious.

From time to time, she would say surprising words, which made the atmosphere more subtle.

PS: Sorry for the late creation.

Chapter 454

Fortunately, Rita has experienced this situation countless times and handled it with ease.

Yumiya is also a veteran and can cooperate well with Rita.

With two people here, the situation is not too bad.


Time, bit by bit, passed by.

Hagiya and Rita spent most of the day strolling around the island with Youlander until dusk came.

In the evening, a homely restaurant.

"Feel sorry."

Hollander is innocent, not an idiot.

She could feel that she caused a lot of trouble for Yu Gong and Rita today.

If it's just me and Rita, that's fine.

The key is that there is still Yu Gong, her performance is really not good.

"It's ok."

Yu Gong didn't take it to heart at all.

With such a character of Hollander, it would be impossible to change it for a while.

Besides, it doesn't really matter.


Yu Palace's tolerance made Hollander extraordinarily comfortable.

No wonder Rita has completely fallen into 440 in just a few months. He is indeed a very good target.

"Ha ha."

Under the table, Rita quietly held Yu Gong's hand and intertwined his fingers.

Yu Gong and Hollander live in harmony, something she would love to see.

If a conflict breaks out, Rita will be very uncomfortable.

One side is the man he loves, and the other side is the best friend. How should I choose?

Fortunately, Hagiya was considerate to her, and she had a very high tolerance for Gladys.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that there is a factor that Yugiya has "unruly" feelings towards Youlander.

"Mr. Hagiya..."

At this moment, the three of them are sitting around a dining table.

Hollander sat alone on one side, while Hagiya and Rita sat across from her.

Due to the angle problem, and Rita's work is very concealed.

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