Dan Zhu looked back and forth at Yu Gong and Chi Yuan, his eyes rolling around.

The relationship between Yu Gong and Chi Yuan seems unusual?

"You guys, what's the relationship?"

Cang Xuan also discovered this.

She was more straightforward and asked directly.

"Our relationship, um, how can I put it, it's a husband and wife."

After Chiyuan pondered for a while, she came up with a suitable adjective.

Speaking of husband and wife, it's actually not too much.

She and Yu Gong are separated from husband and wife, only one procedure is missing.

It doesn't really matter whether this program has or not. After all, they are not ordinary people, and they don't care about those things.



Hearing Chi Yuan's answer, the twin girls' reactions were very big.

Cang Xuan widened his eyes, while Dan Zhu covered his mouth in surprise.

The times are changing too fast for them to keep up.

That "elm head" who is always so-so, has no feminine style, and doesn't even care about his own image, has found his other half?

"Why, do you want Chiyuan to be alone forever?"

Yu Gong made a little joke.

"no no."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu shook their heads.

Do you want Chiyuan to be alone for a lifetime? how is this possible.

On the contrary, if possible, they are willing to accompany Chiyuan all the time.

However, since his lifespan is limited, he can only leave the puppet - the Book of Cangxuan to Chiyuan, which is really helpless.

"We were just, uh, surprised."

Chapter 451

"Ha ha."

Yumiya smiled, turned and walked towards the stairs.

When their old friends meet again, they won't bother.

Coincidentally, he also has his own things to do.

"Dan Zhu, Cang Xuan, you guys..."



Watching Yu Gong go away, the three girls chatted happily.


Upstairs, Yu Gong's room.

clap clap clap,

Rita was sitting on Yumiya's bed, operating Yumiya's personal computer.

When Yu Gong was not at home, the person who went in and out of Yu Gong's room the most was - she.

One is for cleaning, - to prevent the room from getting dirty.

In fact, with the current level of technology, things like cleaning the room don't even need Rita to do it herself.

However, Rita insisted, and Yugiya also let her go.

Second, Rita is Yu Gong's secretary and needs to help him with his work.


After a few minutes, Rita's work came to an end.

She stretched out and stretched out her beautiful and slender figure.

"It's almost done. It sure is rich and easy to do."

"What's almost done?"

A pair of arms passed through Rita's armpits, imprisoning her delicate body.

"The second structure production base on the outskirts of Canghai City."

Rita held those hands and leaned against the chest of the person behind her.

In this world, there is only one man who can hold her, Yu Gong.

"Is it finally okay?"

The No. 2 base in Canghai City was built much slower than Eden Island.

However, the situation is different now and then, and Yumiya is not in a hurry.

"The speed is already very fast."

Hearing the slight dissatisfaction in Yu Gong's words, Rita bit Yu Gong's ear mischievously.

Comparing with the time it takes to build a branch, compared to Destiny from scratch.

The construction speed of the Eden II base cannot be described as an exaggeration.

"You've worked hard, what reward do you want?"

Not to be outdone, Hamiya "counterattacked" Rita, and said vaguely at the same time.


Upon receiving the response, Rita's eyes showed a smile.

This is her advantage, and she must give full play to it.

"Although I'm looking forward to it, let's put the rewards aside for now."

"I have good news to tell you."

"tell me the story."

Rita's so-called good news, Hagiya only believed half of it.

She is a fairy, and her definition of "good and bad" is slightly different from that of ordinary people.

"Yesterday, my captain, Lord Hollander, contacted me."

"She said that the Destiny Headquarters gave her a holiday and wanted to take this opportunity to visit me."

Rita told Yugiya the good news.

"Holandel? She's coming?"

This is really good news.

Yulandel suddenly wanted to visit, which surprised Yu Gong.


Rita's eyes narrowed into crescents, and a sultry smile hung on the corners of her mouth.

"How about it, is it good news?"

"It's not bad, it's not bad,"

Hurandelle come, come, it doesn't matter to Yugiya.

"What I'm more curious about is how many tasks she has completed before, and she is willing to give herself a vacation."

"Who knows?"

For her own captain, Rita was also quite helpless.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she kept fighting for a month without sleep."

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled without saying a word.

Should it be a woman's intuition? Pretty scary.

In the original plot of Honkai Impact, Hollander did fight for more than 30 days in a row, and Rita was still with her.

"You can handle this matter yourself."



A day later, Hanamiya went to St. Freya College.

His purpose was Kiana, Seele and the others, and by the way, to see the progress of the reconstruction of St. Freya Academy.

St. Freya Academy, the home of Kiana and others.

When Yu Gong arrived, it happened that Himiko was there.

"The Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, is going to your house?"

Hearing that Youlan Dale was about to enter the Yu Palace's door, all the girls were very interested.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Since it bears the name of the strongest, it must be very strong."

Kiana was excited and seemed to have the idea of ​​challenging Youlander.

"Awesome is not enough to describe her strength."

Yumiya knocked Kiana's head in a funny way.

It's not like stepping on one and holding one, at this stage, the strength gap between Qiana and Hollander is like a gulf.

To catch up, there is still a long way to go.

"The three S-rank Valkyries of Destiny are Theresa, Rita, and Hollander."

"Theresa and Rita are both veritable S-rank Valkyries."

"Strength, experience, and wisdom are all top-notch."


"The situation in Yulander is a little different from Theresa and Theresa."

"Wisdom aside, her experience may not be comparable to that of Rita, and even less to that of the veteran Valkyrie Theresa."

"However, this is not enough to become Horendale's weakness."

"Or rather, Hollander doesn't really need it."

"Because she can handle 99% of the situation by relying on her strength alone."


Ji Zi, Kiana and the others looked at each other in amazement.

It was the first time that they had heard such a high evaluation from Hanamiya.

This alone can prove the extraordinaryness of Hollander.

"Hugiya, are you serious?"

Yumiya's words made Kiana feel the pressure.

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