
The proposal of Hagiya made Teresa's heart a lot.

Hamiya's action can not only ensure the safety of people, but also prevent St. Freya Academy and the headquarters from being hostile.

It can be said that killing two birds with one stone is the best policy.

However, Hanamiya will completely stand on the opposite side of Otto.

At that time, Yu Gong's life will be difficult to calm down.

Maybe Yu Gong didn't care and wasn't afraid, but that wasn't the reason why he was making trouble for him.


After chatting with Yumiya and talking about her troubles, Theresa hung up the phone.

"Haha, you are too simple, Theresa."

He casually threw the phone on the bed, and Yu Gong's face showed an inexplicable smile.

The experiment of the Oceania branch was planned by Destiny last year, and it has been a while.

The experiment failed again and again and fell into a bottleneck period.

The headquarters had to send new personnel to the Oceania branch to ensure that the experiment could continue.

Wendy and the others who were former students of St. Freya Academy had bad luck and were selected.

Everything is reasonable and reasonable, no matter from which aspect, there is no flaw at all.

But Yumiya, who knew Otto's temperament, thought it was not easy.

Wendy's talent is excellent, and she is very likely to become the fourth S-rank Valkyrie.

Based on the desire for gems, she has developed a new type of armor that can rival the Herrscher. Isn't she one of the most suitable suitors?

With such a simple truth, the researchers of Destiny will only realize it after a few months?

Now, it has been a few months since the enrollment of St. Freya Academy ended and Wendy and the others left the Far East Branch.

According to common sense, Wendy should have been transferred to participate in the experiment.

In fact, on the contrary, the destiny is extremely slow.

There is only one reasonable explanation that Yumiya can think of.

Originally, Otto didn't plan to let Wendy and the others participate in the experiment because of Theresa's love.

Later, for some reason, he suddenly changed his mind.

As for the reason 423, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with me.

"Miaozi of the S-rank Valkyrie, you have to give up ruthlessly."

Otto's persistence is really rare.

Putting aside other aspects, Yu Gong agreed with him.

"Kikimora, can you invade the system of the Destiny Oceania branch?"


The moment Yu Gong's voice fell, the screen of his mobile phone lit up.

"Target: Destiny Oceania Branch, the location is being searched."

"Location confirmed, Queenstown, New Zealand."

"In the defense system intrusion, 1%, 2%, 3%..."


Hagiya remained silent, waiting for Kikimora's work to end.

Not long after, a piece of data was sent to Yu Gong's mobile phone.

Yu Gong picked up the phone and checked the information passed by Kikimora.

"The latest subject, the fourth S-rank Valkyrie seed, A-rank Valkyrie Wendy."

"Experimental content..."

"Experimental result: After implanting the craving gem into the legs of the test subject, the subject's legs were paralyzed and unable to move."

"The experiment ended in failure again.".

Chapter 434

"Analysis report: Although the experiment failed, but in the body of the test subject, the violent desire gem has stabilized."

"The result of this experiment: Wendy, the A-rank Valkyrie, is very suitable as a vessel for craving gems."

"Conclusion: Stuck in a difficult experiment, made a new breakthrough."

After reading the information, Yu Gong put away the phone.

It turns out that the experiment has already reached this stage.

"Well, although it's a bit late, the timing is not bad."

In Yu Gong's mind, a suitable plan has already been conceived.

Exactly, take this opportunity to send Deresa a favor.

Perhaps, there will be unexpected harvests.


The next day, in the afternoon.


Yu Gong galloped from the horizon and landed outside Queenstown.

"Oh, hurting other people's feelings, after all, has to pay a price."

Yu Gong shook his head and said lightly.

I don't know if it's emotion or ridicule.

I am afraid that people living in this quiet town do not know that some unknown corner of the town is undergoing human experiments.

It was this experiment that indirectly led to the birth of the Fourth Herrscher.

In the Herrscher's revenge, not only the Destiny Oceania branch was destroyed.

Even the innocent residents of Queenstown have also suffered from pond fish.

What's more, New Zealand has been destroyed for the most part.

Step, step, step.

Yu Gong walked into Queenstown and looked at the situation in the town.

Queenstown is close to the sea, and its scale is not small.

The building has a Western classical style.

There are not many people on the road, and most of them have a relaxed and comfortable expression on their faces.

It can be peaceful, this is a peaceful and peaceful town.

"Boss, give me a piece..."

When passing by a small vendor, Yu Gong bought some snacks.

While eating snacks, he usually plays with his mobile phone.

On the surface, Yugiya can be said to be perfectly integrated into the world of ordinary people, just like the surrounding Queenstown residents.

"Kikimora, locate the location of the desire for gems 〃〃."

Having fun in Queenstown? Yu Gong was not in this mood.

He operates his mobile phone in order to do business.


People in Queenstown talk more and less.

With Chichimora's performance, it didn't take too long to find Wendy.

But looking for a needle in a haystack will waste a lot of time.

Detecting the location of the desired gem is much simpler.

After all, Wendy and the desire gem are one, and the position of the desire gem is Wendy's position.

"Scanning range, Queenstown."

"In order to detect the source of the collapse at the core level of the Herrscher, the location..."


In the central area of ​​Queenstown, in a small park.


Wendy pushed her wheelchair and came to enjoy the shade under a big tree.

Looking at the people coming and going in front of her, she unconsciously showed desire in her eyes.

There is a saying that is good, only when people lose can they know how to cherish.

Once upon a time, Wendy, like them, moved freely.

But now, with both legs paralyzed, she can only envy.

Now, Wendy deeply understands how happy it is to be able to move freely.

"Because of these people, you will be where you are now."

"Kill them, bury Queenstown, and let humans feel your pain."

Even if some pedestrians occasionally pass by the big tree where Wendy enjoys the shade, they all feel sorry for her misfortune.

The girl in the flower season is at a lively and active age, and she ends up sitting in a wheelchair.

They wouldn't know that Wendy's mood was not calm at the moment.

"No, it's impossible."

Wendy lowered her head slightly to avoid being noticed by others.

Ever since the researchers from the Oceania branch transplanted the desire gem into her body, inexplicable voices often appeared in her mind.

The owner of the voice seems to be a demon from hell, who often tempts himself to do terrible things.

"why not?"

The voice, tone, tone, etc. in Wendy's mind were exactly the same as hers.

However, the two sides are obviously not the same existence.

"Have you forgotten? Who is the culprit that paralyzed your legs?"

"It has nothing to do with them."

Although Wendy is young, her character is very strong.

No matter how tempted the devil is, she is unmoved.

"The residents of Queenstown are innocent and should not be involved."

"...Then go and take revenge on the people in the Oceania Branch of Destiny, abolish their legs, and kill them."

It seemed that Wendy had long expected to say this, and the devil would guide the contradiction to the man of destiny without a trace.

"A group of hypocritical and selfish guys, why should they take away your happiness?"

"They are not qualified, they are not qualified, they..."

"Saving more people is the duty of the Valkyrie."

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