The floating cannon fired, shooting out dense jet-black light.


The pitch-black light hit the energy shield, and the powerful impact caused the energy shield to vibrate violently.

PS: I'm really sorry for the delay. I'll try to hurry up the next chapter.

Chapter 421

"Could it be that he transformed himself?"

The middle-aged man's expression was very solemn.

He was very suspicious that Yu Gong transformed himself into a structure.

It's just that the technology used is more high-end, so it retains the appearance of a human being.

Otherwise, how can his power be explained?

Just a tentative attack, it can actually shake the energy shield of the Titan Mecha.

Before this kind of thing, only the Valkyrie of Destiny and the higher-level Honkai Beast could do it.

"Is this guy a monster?"

At this time, Xing's legs regained consciousness, and she barely stood up.

The sight in front of her made her feel unbelievable.

"Little girl, if things go bad later, just run away, do you hear me?"

The middle-aged man said seriously.

The battle has just begun, and it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

His arrangement was just in case.

"Cut, this uncle has a good life, so he won't die with you, this stinky old man."

Xing was extremely ruthless.

run? how is this possible?

The bad attitude towards the middle-aged man in 417 is due to her personality, it does not mean that she is a ruthless person.

She couldn't do anything like leaving her companions behind and running away alone.

"Ha ha."

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly.

How could he not hear that what Xing said was a lie?

In fact, if the situation really reached the most critical point, the middle-aged man hoped that Xing would escape.

not far away.

"Titan? Interesting."

Yumiya looked at the energy shield in front of him with interest.

The Titan-type mecha is like a model worker in the Honkai Impact 3rd game.

In many levels, the shadow of the Titan can be seen.

In the setting of Honkai Impact 3rd, the Titan-type mecha is the most common type of anti-entropy mech army.

A mass-produced tactical mech with both combat performance and production efficiency.

Although it is a mass-produced model, it does not mean that the Titan is weak.

In general, Honkai beasts are divided into lower-level Honkai beasts and upper-level Honkai beasts.

The lower-level Honkai Beasts are graded from low to high, roughly as dash, knight, ballista (beff), chariot, temple, warlord, and Honkai emperor.

There are two types of higher-level Honkai beasts.

Emperor-level Honkai Beast, Judgment-level Honkai Beast.

The combat power of the Titan-type mecha is almost equivalent to that of the Temple-level Honkai Beast.



As the roar became smaller and smaller, the vibration of the energy shield gradually became smaller.

Until the black light attack stopped, the shield still stood.

Yu Gong's first round of offensive was successfully resisted by the Titan Mecha.

"Offensive mode, all mechs, prepare to fire."

Middle-aged men don't want to waste time.

The people of Destiny have already taken the lead, and now they may have entered the Nine Nether.

If one more second of time is wasted here with Yu Gong, the people of Destiny will be more likely to get the stigmata and Xuanyuan sword.


The titan mecha raised its hand and aimed it at Yu Palace from afar.

Immediately afterwards, the front end of the mecha's hand changed.

The fist part was split open, revealing the muzzle hidden behind.

Bang bang bang.

The cannonballs were fired in unison, all targeting Yugiya.

"If you have enough time, I can play with you."

The moment he opened his mouth, Yu Gong disappeared in place.

Almost at the same moment, he appeared on top of one of the Titan mechs.


Smoke and dust filled the air.

The Titan mech was scrapped and fell into the sea under fire.


The middle-aged man and Xing's attention were attracted by the sound of the explosion.

What they saw was the scene of Yumiya Yumiya withdrawing his fist.

Right at this moment, a nearby Titan sensed Yugong's approach and took the initiative to attack.

The mecha galloped forward with the help of thrusters, and then slammed down with a steel-like fist.


Yugiya's actions are the same as those of the Titan Mecha.

He clenched his right hand into a fist and went up to him without fear.


Two fists of contrasting sizes collided in mid-air.

It stands to reason that human flesh and blood can never compete with Titan.

However, the opposite is true.

The previous situation reappeared in front of the middle-aged man and Kyo.

The Titan mech was immediately destroyed and fell into the sea.

"He broke the Titan with his fist?"

Xing, the middle-aged man suspects that something is wrong with his eyes.

Even a high-level Valkyrie of Destiny can do this while wearing armor.

Bang bang bang bang.

The loud explosion continued.

The Titans were destroyed one by one.

At this moment, they don't seem to be mechas that can resist Honkai Beast, but sheep that have no power to hold chickens in their hands.

In just two or three seconds, more than a dozen Titan Mechas were wiped out.


The anti-entropy duo were speechless in shock.

Their foreheads, backs and other places could not help oozing cold sweat.

Too strong, Yu Gong is a human-shaped emperor-level, or even a judgment-level Honkai Beast.

The combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

"It's your turn."

Yu Gong gently waved his hand.

Immediately, the black floating cannons hovering around him turned in unison, and the muzzles were aimed at the speedboat again.

"Run away."

The middle-aged man's response shouted sharply.

He grabbed Xing, who was still in a daze, by the arm and threw her into the sea.

Then, he quickly jumped off the speedboat.

Now without the protection of the mecha, once they are directly hit by the dark light that can even shake the Titan's energy shield, the two of them will definitely die.



The moment Xing and the middle-aged man jumped into the sea, the speedboat that was hit by the dark light exploded and turned into countless wrecks.

"Just do it yourself."

Yu Gong glanced lightly at the place where the two fell into the water, then leaned over and plunged into the sea.



About half a minute after Yu Gong's departure, bubbles appeared on the calm sea.


The water splashed high, and a man stuck his head out.


Fortunately, she escaped. .

Chapter 422

Chapter 407

"Hu, hu, hu."

Xing gasped for breath, her face full of fear.

Almost, just a little bit.

If the middle-aged man hadn't reacted quickly, he would have thrown her into the sea.

For his own fate, you can refer to the exploding speedboat.

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