I am not an ignorant child, how can I be so easy to deceive.

"Big Brother Yu Gong, I, huh?"

Just as he was about to complain, Rin Yae suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The feeling of weakness that was like a nightmare, entangled and tormented him all the time, seemed to disappear?

Step, step, step.

Yae Rin relaxed and ran a few steps around the room.

Very easy.

This is the feeling of not being sick?

She turned her head to look at Yu Gong, her eyes shining brightly.

My own illness has plagued my sister and father for several years.

As a result, Yu Gong was cured in an instant.

His miraculous and powerful abilities made Yae Rin think of God.

"My illness is really cured."

"Big brother Yu Gong, are you a god?"


Yu Gong smiled and recognized the heavy title of "God".

For ordinary people, he is indeed no different from the so-called gods.


Yae Rin instantly became nervous.

She just expressed her surprise and never regarded Yu Gong as a god.

Unexpectedly, the joke became a reality.

"Sir God, I'm sorry, I..."

Yae Rin bowed down in fear and bowed to Yu Palace.

Even the title has been changed from "Big Brother Yugong" to "Sir Shen Ling".

The concept she was instilled since she was a child is that the gods are high and inviolable.

Once the gods are angered and the divine power descends, the consequences are unimaginable.

"All right."

Yumiya stepped forward and held up Yae Rin.

"I'm joking, I'm not a god, but a friend of your sister."

God, what a coveted existence.

However, Yumiya was not interested.

"elder sister?"

Is Yugiya really a god?

Yae Rin's little head was confused.

In desperation, she had to ask her sister Yae Sakura for help.

"Don't be nervous, Rin."

Yae Sakura doesn't know whether Yugiya is a **** or not.

But is the "Fox God" enshrined in Yae Village qualified to be on a par with Yugiya?

"Big brother Yu Gong, you are too bad."

Yae pursed her lips, expressing her dissatisfaction in a small way.

Yae Sakura did not deny that Hanamiya was a god.

Yae Rin didn't hear the overtones.

As for Yae Sakura, she understands that because Hamiya is not a god, she doesn't need to be nervous.

"Big brother makes a trick for you, so just make it up, okay?"

The innocent, kind and lovely Yae Rin is very likable.

Yu Gong is very happy to play with her, and Quan should soothe her mood.


Yaeka stared at Yu 407 Palace tightly, hiding her expectations.

Yu Gong possesses magical powers, and his tricks must be extraordinary.


Yu Gong's hand clenched into a fist, and then released it.

Originally, Yu Gong's hand was empty.

At this moment, there is one more lollipop.


Yae Rin carefully observed Yumiya's hand, but could not see the slightest problem.

"This is candy, you can eat it by peeling off the outer wrapper."

"Well, here it is for you."

Hanamiya brought the lollipop to Rin Yae.

"Thank you, Big Brother Yu Gong."

Yae Rin took the lollipop and tore open the package three or two times.


Tasting the smell of lollipops, Rin Yae's eyes suddenly lit up.

She took the candy and enjoyed it beautifully.

"Ha ha."

The little magic of storage is a magic trick to amuse children.

Lollipop, especially attacking Lolita.

Combining the two, the effect is not bad.

Yumiya felt that Yae Rin's favor towards her was soaring rapidly.

Just now, Rin Yae's "Big Brother Hanamiya" was mostly out of politeness.

Now, it should be sincere. .

Chapter 406

"Thank you, Your Excellency Yu Gong."

Seeing this warm scene, the corners of Yae Sakura's mouth raised unconsciously.

It is undoubtedly a great luck to meet Yu Gong.

"Thank you, I'm getting tired of hearing it."

Yumiya said with a smile.


It was obvious that Yumiya cured Yae Rin's illness with a magical method she didn't understand.

Yu Gong not only helped her, but also helped her own sister.

Yae Sakura couldn't think of any other way to express her gratitude other than thanks.


Yae Rin's gaze shifted back and forth between Yumiya and Yae Sakura.

After a while, she seemed to have discovered some secret, and a smile appeared in her big crystal eyes.

Could it be that Yumiya and Yae Sakura are not just friends, but lovers?

Surely, otherwise, how could Humiya be so kind to herself and Yae Sakura?

My sister is amazing, to be able to find such a powerful lover.

"elder sister......"


Yae Rin is very curious about how Yae Sakura and Hanamiya met.

She was about to ask when the door of the room suddenly opened.

The person who opened the door was a man in a loose robe.

"he is?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then his face became serious.

Yae Sakura was in Yae Rin's room, the man was not surprised.

Who is the young man beside them? Did Yae Sakura bring it into Yae Shrine?

"Sakura, don't bring outsiders casually..."

Halfway through, the man's words stopped abruptly.

Because the moment he spoke, Yae Sakura and the three turned their attention at the same time.

At this moment, there is nothing else in the world of men, only a strange boy.

What kind of look does that look like?

Indifference, plain, deep...

It was like a pool of stagnant water, without the slightest wave.

Even, there is not even the slightest emotion that a human being should have.

The man had a strong feeling that he was not facing a young man at the moment.

Rather, it is a **** who can control his own life and death, a high-ranking god.

So, the man swallowed the second half of the sentence abruptly.

He was afraid that if he said disrespectful words, he, Yae Shrine, and even the entire Yae Village would suffer a devastating disaster.

"Miss Yae Sakura, I will wait for you outside the shrine."

Glancing at the man lightly, Yu Gong passed him directly and walked out of the room.


The man's hands tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened.

This action made the tension in his heart unquestionably revealed.


The door closed again.

In the room, there were only men left, Yae Sakura and Yae Rin.


The man let out a sigh of relief.

When the strange boy left, he felt that the air around him seemed to have become a lot lighter.

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