Hagiya understands Rita's occupational disease.

It won't take much time anyway, so it doesn't matter if you wait.

Admiring Rita's beautiful and seductive figure is not a waste of time. .

Chapter 376

Although the movements are slow and graceful, Rita is very efficient.

In just a few minutes, it was all cleaned up.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Yumiya."

Yu Gong didn't urge once in the whole process, which made Rita extremely embarrassed.

After all, because of his habit, Hakuba waited for a few minutes.

"Let's go."

It was only a few minutes, and Yu Gong didn't care about it at all.


The two of them had lunch together and then went to Eden Island.

"Eden Island..."

In the afternoon, Hagiya and Rita traveled all over Eden Island.

Of course, they are all open to the public.

The core secret, Yumiya will not let Rita contact now.

"I heard that Eden Technology Group and Eden Island were established by Mr. Yumiya in just two months."

"To be honest, I can't imagine it."

After spending most of the day together, Rita has a superficial understanding of Yugiya.

At least, his ability is absolutely strong.

"These are all things that money can accomplish, nothing extraordinary."

"Eden Island is just the first step. I will soon build the same industrial park in other places in the 14th extreme east."

Hagiya revealed a little bit of the follow-up plan to Rita.


Rita did not hide her surprise.

According to Yumiya, Eden Island was established to assist the business of Eden Technology Group.

With the scale of Eden Island, it is completely enough, why build a new one?

"I founded Eden Technology Group for the purpose of not making money."

"Choosing a business approach is purely because some things are more convenient to do."

Yumiya's plan was to slowly release the bait bit by bit.

If you go too hastily, Rita and Otto will be suspicious.

"Do you mean that what you told me today is all irrelevant?"

"Mr. Hagiya's distrust makes me a little sad."

Rita, who said she was sad, had a smile on the corner of her mouth.

She didn't care about Yu Gong's concealment at all.

This is normal.

If Yu Gong had nothing to hide from her, Rita's first reaction would not be happiness, but whether Yu Gong had set a trap for herself.

"You really want to know?"

In fact, it didn't matter to Yumiya that he revealed some details to Rita.

"Uh, is it okay?"

Rita was stunned for a moment, then asked happily.

She couldn't guess what Yu Gong was thinking. She knew that she was a man of destiny, and she was willing to reveal the secret?

"Always show enough capital, what do you say."

"And you are empty-handed, so it's not easy to explain to your superiors."

Yu Gong deliberately made a helpless look that he had to say.

"Ha ha."

Rao is Rita Ice and Snow, who is smart and experienced, and was also deceived by Yu Gong's superb performance.

Does he really want to show his capital, or does he care about himself?


Time, a minute and a second passed.

At dusk, Hagiya and Rita left Eden Island and returned to Changkong City.

Before leaving, Rita got the "capital" he promised from Yu Gong.

At night, Rita's house.


Yu Gong gave Rita a video. The content of the video was a rough introduction to structures and related technologies.

Both Mei and Kiana have seen this video.

Silently turning off the video, Rita fell into deep thought.

The anti-entropy mecha, the Valkyrie of Destiny, and the research on human transformation of the world snake.

With their unique technologies, the three organizations fighting against the collapse have all taken their place in the world.

The roots of anti-entropy are in the Americas, and destiny controls most of Asia and Europe.

And the world snake is the master of the dark world.

Due to various factors, the well water of the three major organizations does not violate the river water.

Although they were at peace for the time being, Rita knew how fragile this delicate balance was.

All it takes is a little spark, and violent conflict ensues.

In this case, what will happen if the fourth person comes in horizontally?

Rita did not dare to neglect for a moment, and immediately contacted Otto who was far away in Europe.

"Two days ago..."

From the negotiation between the two at St. Freya Academy, until now.

Rita reported the current situation to Otto.

"Where's the video? Pass it over here."

The "structural technology" mentioned by Rita aroused Otto's interest.

"Please wait."

According to her words, Rita passed the video to Otto.

She was keenly aware that the tone of Otto's speech was not the same as usual.

The confidence that everything is under control is gone, replaced by surprise.

Obviously, the complexity of the situation far exceeded his expectations.

In fact, so did Rita.

Until now, the shock in her heart has not completely disappeared.

Yu Gong's capital is truly amazing.

If the content of the video is true, then the 393 structure technology must be no inferior to the Valkyrie technology.


Rita, who finished the video, was waiting for Otto's silence.

He seemed to be watching the video and didn't have time to think about other things.

Rita knew this, so she didn't bother Otto.

"Interesting, so interesting."

The silence lasted for nearly ten minutes before it was broken by Otto.

"Next, what should I do?"

Otto's voice returned to his usual tone, and Rita couldn't guess what he was thinking at this time.

"It didn't disappoint me, Rita, you did a very good job."

"In the near future, you will stay in Eden Technology Group and wait for the opportunity to act."

"Perhaps, there is a real possibility for me and Hagiya Margot Royd to cooperate?"

Rita could see the value of structural technology, but Otto couldn't see it.

At present, the details and foundation of Yu Palace are unknown, and maintaining the status quo is the best way to deal with it.

Whether the two sides are enemies or friends depends on how the situation changes in the future.


Rita responded lightly, saying that she understood.

PS: What did your mother-in-law say? Readers, please give your opinion.

Chapter 377

"The situation is trending towards danger, report to me at any time."

"I will let Youlander give up the task at hand and come to assist you as soon as possible."

As a precaution, Otto made preparations.


Communication is interrupted.


time flies.

Before I knew it, more than two weeks had passed.

Ten days is not a long time, but Yu Gong made full use of it.

The first is to find new suitable places to establish a base for the production of structures.

A single Eden Island is far from enough to fight Kokai.

Secondly, it is to cultivate feelings with the girls.

Tobiichi Origami, Cangyue, Xier, Bronya, Kiana, Mei.

Of course, Rita will not be forgotten.


In early December, the headquarters of Eden Technology Group, the chairman's office.

"Mr. Yumiya, the information has been sent."

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