"Better tell her."

As the saying goes, be careful to make the ship of ten thousand years.

Be cautious, there is always nothing wrong.

"Theresa has a student named Wendy. She is very talented. She may become an S-rank Valkyrie in the future."

"Do you think she is a good candidate to match the new armor with strength comparable to the Herrscher?"

"I remember."

Yu Gong's words are so straightforward, how can Ji Zi not understand.

She first nodded seriously, and then her expression became a little strange.

It seems that he has something to say, but he is hesitating whether to say it or not.

"Speak straight."

Yugiya leaned forward and bit Jizi's lips gently.

"With our relationship, what is there for you to hesitate?"


Ji Zi raised her brows and smiled brightly.

"Really? Then I said it."

"Tell me."

Yu Gong was very curious as to what medicine was being sold in Ji Zi's gourd.

"If, I mean if."

Ji Zi's smile disappeared little by little, replaced by seriousness and seriousness.

"If in the future, St. Freya Academy and Destiny's headquarters are enemies, will you help us?"

Maybe it's just a simple question, maybe it's for other reasons.

Himeko asked a question that the rest of St. Freya Academy, not even Theresa, had ever considered.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't come."

Will St. Freya Academy raise the sword of rebellion to destiny like a game? Yu Gong is not sure.

With the addition of his own "butterfly", the plot must go on a different path from the game.

If that day comes, he will of course stand by St. Freya Academy.

"Theresa will be very happy to know your attitude."

A beautiful smile reappeared on Jizi's face.

Sure enough, the man she identified would not let her down.


Time, every second passed.

All dust returns to dust, and earth returns to earth.

As dusk approached, the bustling St. Freya Academy returned to its former calm.

Himeko is a teacher at St. Freya Academy and has her own work to do.

At noon, she and Yu Gong separated.

Yu Gong walked around the academy alone for a while, then returned to his residence.

Although he is in St. Freya Academy, with Kikimora there, he can pay attention to the situation of Eden Technology Group and Eden Island.

He didn't go out again until dinner time.

On the way to the dining place.


When he came to a slightly remote place with no one around, Yu Gong stopped without warning.

"Five minutes and thirty-two seconds."

Yu Gong turned back and looked behind him.

"My timing has always been accurate, so there should be nothing wrong with it."

"Ha ha."

In the shadow of the building, a slender and charming figure emerges.

She is exactly the Rita that Hagiya was waiting for.

"It's no wonder that Lord Theresa respects you so much, Mr. Hagiya is really extraordinary.".

Chapter 374

Five minutes and thirty-two seconds?

Rita roughly estimated the time she spent following Yumiya, and it seemed that it was really about five and a half minutes.

In other words, she was discovered by him just after Yu Gong?

In Rita's exposed wine-red right eye, she was surprised and curious.

She has been trained as an assassin by the Mandate of Heaven, and her aura of concealment is a master class.

There are not many people in the world who can find their traces.

As soon as she approached, she realized that her captain, the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, Youlan Dale, could do it?

"It turned out to be Miss Rita. I thought you had returned to the European headquarters."

Yu Gong and Jizi said that Rita would take the initiative to find her, but in fact, most of it was guesswork.

Whether Otto and Rita will follow his script, Yumiya is not entirely sure.

The bottom line of Yu Palace is night.

If Rita didn't come, or returned to the Destiny headquarters, Hagiya would return to Chang-kong City.

"I'm curious, what important things do you want to talk to me about."

"So that you have to avoid others and meet me in such a remote place?"

"According to the original plan, I am already in Europe now."

"However, after I reported the inspection results to the headquarters, the headquarters gave me a new task."

"Tianming has the intention to cooperate with Eden Technology Group, let me contact Mr. Yu Gong."

In the face of elites, pure lies are very easy to be debunked.

Once it is dismantled, there will be bad consequences.

Therefore, Rita chooses half-truths.

She did not deny that she was deliberately approaching Yu Gong, but she made some modifications to the purpose.


Cooperation? Yu Gong secretly laughed in his heart.

I'm afraid that cooperation is fake, but investigating the details is the real thing.

Yumiya understands Otto's character and behavior.

He's someone who, when he finds a dangerous factor, kills it in the cradle.

He was born in Changkong City without any warning in advance, how could Otto ignore it?

"I'm very happy to cooperate with Destiny, I wonder if Miss Rita has a plan?"

Although it is clear that the destiny "conspiracy is not good", Yu Gong intends to follow the plan.

If you don't keep Rita, how can you attack her?

"I want to work at the headquarters of Eden Technology Group for a while, what do you think of Mr. Yumiya?"

Yu Gong is the core, staying by his side will definitely be able to come into contact with many things.

If you want to discover the secrets of Yu Palace, this is the easiest and most effective way.

In her own capacity, Rita didn't think that the position that Yu Gong had assigned to her would be low.

"A dignified and dignified S-rank Valkyrie, working for me? Isn't that inappropriate."

"If you let your Bishop Otto know, will he send the Valkyrie troops to destroy me?"

Yu Gong was joking helplessly on the surface, but he was actually laughing out loud.

The asymmetry of information made him take too much advantage.

It is estimated that Otto and Rita did not know, and I have seen through their intentions.

"You are so funny."

The corners of Rita's mouth rose and she smiled gently.

"The Valkyrie of Destiny is not as unattainable as the world imagines."

"To tell you the truth, in order to complete the task, I used to be a teacher or something like that."


Yu Gong was silent, pretending to be thinking.

Rita's request was just too much in line with her own intentions, so she could be said to be right in her heart.

If he doesn't accept such a big gift, isn't it God who doesn't take it?

"Secretary to the chairman, does this position suit Miss Rita's wishes?"


Rita's smile gradually became more playful.

Yu Gong is the founder of Eden Technology Group. Isn't this chairman's secretary his secretary?

The smoothness of things was somewhat beyond Rita's expectations.

Should it be said that he is really young and energetic?

"Haha, Mr. Yugiya, can I think you have ulterior motives?"

"How about it, to accept or not to accept?"

Yu Gong is not sure.

Do you have ulterior motives? This fool can see it.

The reason why he dared to be so straightforward is because Yumiya was not worried that Rita would not accept it.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

The bait was too tempting for Rita to refuse.

"I accept."

Rita folded her hands in front of her and bowed to Yugiya gracefully and dignifiedly.

"Please give me more advice, Mr. Hagiya, but don't owe me my salary."

"Otherwise, I will quit my job."

"Don't worry, I'm not an unscrupulous boss with a black heart, and I never default on wages."

Yumiya was in a good mood, and played a little joke with Rita.

Plan to pass.

Unspoken, the two had the same idea in their hearts.

Yu Gong succeeded in retaining Rita, and the harvest exceeded expectations.

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