King Arthur and Hanuman returned to the Disk of the Arrowhead to recuperate.

They who retain self-awareness can understand Rama's thoughts.


After the two steel gods returned to the disk of arrowheads, the frequency of the jet-black rays began to decrease until they stopped.

This was deliberately done by Yu Gong.

The ground scrubbing moves are fine against the weakened version of the God of Steel, but they are not very useful against Rama.

"You are very powerful, really powerful."

"Among the opponents I've ever met, you are undoubtedly the strongest and the one who put the most pressure on me."

"The original Ravana was far inferior to you."

Rama's body shone brightly, adding light to the dark Tokyo Bay.

At the same time, his spell power skyrocketed.

In an instant, it reached an extremely exaggerated level.

Take Rama's nemesis, the god-killer, for example.

If the magic power of the godslayer is ten, then the current Rama is at least one hundred.

And it's still growing.

"Therefore, I will do my best to meet you."

"The Great Law of the Covenant?"

Floating cannons suspended around the palace were assembled together to form a crown-shaped cannon.

"Let me tell you something interesting, I wonder if you will be interested."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"If I don't show up, the godslayers in this world will fight and save the last person to fight with you."

"Haha, this approach is quite in line with their personality."

Hearing Yu Gong's words, Rama couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He drew an arrow from the quiver at the back and put it on the longbow.

"The Arrow of Shiva..."


The trembling sound of the bowstring spread across the messy battlefield.

This time, Rama shot the arrow that Shiva gave him.

Shiva is a **** of destruction with three eyes. In Hindu mythology, he is listed as the three main gods alongside Brahma and Vishnu.

The power of the arrows he donated is not comparable to the three that Rama used before.


"Come on, let me teach you."

The muzzle of the crown cannon shone with black light.

In the next second, a jet-black beam of light pierced the air and faced the galloping arrows.

Chi Chi Chi.

The moment they met, the jet-black beam of light and the arrow stopped at the same time.

The two are deadlocked, and neither can move forward.

"Are you evenly matched?"

Rama reached for the quiver and drew a new arrow.

The stalemate situation is very similar to a barrel full of oil, and it is very easy to break.

Just throwing a spark is enough.

"I won't let you do as you wish."

Seeing Rama's intentions, Hagiya poured more power into the Demon King of Salvation.

With the support of Xinli, the power of dark light and arrows is no longer equal.


The arrow was shortened into two pieces and vanished in the black light.

The pitch-black light was cast unabated, heading straight for Rama below.


As a last resort, Rama had to give up the attack first and avoid the dark light.

Rama is the strongest God of Steel, and he also possesses the immortality of "steel".

Ordinary attacks can hardly hurt him.

But the cannon crown is obviously not an ordinary attack.

Holding the cannon crown, Rama couldn't guarantee that he would not end up with a dead body like Shiva's arrow. Death.

Chapter 330


Chi Chi Chi.

The ice surface where Rama stood before was penetrated, and tons of seawater below evaporated.

"The sword of salvation, showing its true face to the world."

Shiva's arrows were no match for Yugiya's, and Rama decisively changed his strategy.


A huge square magic circle appeared above Rama's head.

The size of the magic circle is about one hundred square meters, and the interior is neatly divided into many small grids.

In each grid, there are weapons.

According to a rough calculation, there are at least hundreds of types of weapons.

Including common knives, sticks, arrows, guns, bows, etc., as well as things that do not look like weapons at all.

God's Blade Mandala.

In order to assist Rama in his crusade against the Demon King, Sanqi Lingling, the **** of the heavens, gave him many weapons.

This is what all the weapons look like when they are unified, and it is also the true form of the Sword of Salvation.

Only with the blessing of the great law of the covenant, Rama has enough magic power to perform this terrifying move.

"Oh? This is your last trump card, right? Do you want a quick solution?"

Yu Gong raised his head and stared at the divine sword mandala in midair.

After the giant magic circle appeared, it did not immediately attack him.

Instead, it took off rapidly, rising to a height of more than a thousand meters, almost parallel to the clouds.

At the same time as the rise, the area of ​​the magic circle is expanding.

Before the ascent, the length of the four sides of the magic circle was about ten meters.

After rising, the length of each side is about six to seven kilometers, which is extremely exaggerated.

"You feel it."

Rama's answer was that the donkey's lips were not the horse's.

However, what he said was equivalent to acknowledging that what Yu Gong said was correct.

"You mean, temperature?"

A large area of ​​the sea around Tokyo Bay was frozen by Yu Palace.

It stands to reason that the temperature on the ice surface should be similar to that in the cold winter of March 9th.

However, the actual situation is quite the opposite.

The temperature is not low, but high.

It is hard to imagine how high the temperature here would be without the neutralization of the cold air emanating from the ice surface.

"You sure, wait..."

Rama was about to speak when he suddenly realized something.

"That's right, it's what you think."

"Steel" and fire have always been inseparable.

As the strongest hero of steel, Rama is especially closely related to fire.

Once Rama comes into existence, the global temperature will rise unstoppably.

At the same time, volcanoes around the world will become active, and then erupt, destroying the world.

Because of this, in addition to the "Last Manifestation King in the World", Rama also has a title.

The King of the Last Appearance.

Yu Gong knew the details of Rama, how could he not prepare?


Rama lowered his head silently.

With him at the center, there were obvious water stains on the ice surface with a radius of about ten meters.

Starting from ten meters, everything is normal outside.

"Is the influence of the heat I radiated suppressed to within ten meters?"

"Hamiya Margot Royd, your ice ability..."


As if reflecting Rama's restless mood, the Divine Sword Mandala became restless.

The next second, countless lightning bolts fell from the sky.

The intensity of the lightning was comparable to that of a shower, covering all the ice in the vicinity of Yugiya.

"If you use Shiva's arrow against me, the effect may be better."

The rich ice elements converged on the top of Yu Palace's head.

An ice cross star with a length and width of about three meters appeared, and immediately expanded tenfold.

Pong pong pong.

The crisp collision sound resounded non-stop.

This sound is not like lightning burning ice cubes, but more like the sound of weapons being struck.

In fact, it is.

If you look closely, you can find that it is not lightning that falls in the sky, but all kinds of weapons,

Countless weapons poured out on the Cross Star Shield, but they couldn't shake it.

The Frost Cross Star is very strong, and it always stands tall. Yu Gong, who is protected by it, is not affected by the attack of the Divine Sword Mandala at all.


In mid-air, the Divine Sword Mandala is divided into four...

"One is not enough, what about four?"

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