Gradually lost his own nature and became more aware of fighting.

This is the rule, any **** who does not obey will be bound by it.

However, Rama is an exception.

Rama will not be twisted because Roshmana has suffered all the consequences in his place.

I have to say, Roshman is a poor man, but does this have anything to do with Yu Gong?

What's more, Roshmana itself is not a good thing.


Roshmana and Hanuman were extremely resentful, but they were helpless.

The two were sent flying by Yu Gong, one after the other, what can I say?


If you want to use language to suppress Yu Gong, at least you have to find a place in battle first.

Otherwise, no matter what you say, it will look pale.


A strange, harsh voice sounded in Yu Gong's ears.


The information fed back to Yumiya by perception is that the flow of air is speeding up.

Wind is one of Hanuman's qualities.

The abnormal airflow means that he is about to start.

"Let me experience your strength."

The ape war **** threw the sword of salvation at Roshmana not far away.

The Sword of Salvation is Rama's weapon, and Hanuman is not used to it. His weapon is a stick.

Summoning a handy weapon, he launched a new round of attack towards Yu Palace.


Yu Gong raised his sword and held up Hanuman's powerful sweep.

"Guinevea doesn't know that melee combat is my forte, so you probably lack relevant information."

Xuanyuanjian stuck to the stick and took the stick to the side.

Suddenly, a strong sense of disobedience and discomfort swept through Hanuman's body.

"not good."

Trapped by the strange feeling, Hanuman felt extremely uncomfortable, unable to exert any strength.

To be on the safe side, he chose to step back and temporarily avoid Yu Gong's edge.


The stick is freed from Xuanyuan Sword.

Withdrawing his weapon, Hanuman entered a state of extreme speed and wanted to stay away from Yu Palace. Death.

Chapter 325

With a terrifying speed, Hanuman can escape to a safe position with only a tiny gap.

Unfortunately, there is no space for him to escape.

As soon as Hanuman moved, Xuanyuan Sword came towards him.

He was in a dilemma.

If you go back, you must endure the attack of Yu Gong.

If you don't step back, you will be dragged into the quagmire of close combat by Yu Gong.


There was no time to hesitate, Hanuman made a decision immediately.

He put up a stick and stood in front of him.

Hanuman is the **** of disobedience and has his own pride.

Maybe Yu Gong's melee level is very strong, but his martial arts are also superb.

Whoever loses and who wins, I really don't know.


When approaching the stick, Xuanyuanjian suddenly changed direction.


The tip of the sword slipped dangerously past the stick and stabbed into Hanuman's body.


I don't care about pain, and I don't care about thinking about other things.

Hanuman pulled away and flew back, opening a distance of more than 20 meters from Yu Gong.

He lowered his head and looked at his abdomen.

Bone was visible deep in the wound, and blood was constantly gushing out.

how is this possible?

He is the military **** of "steel", and the hardness of his body is comparable to that of steel that has been tempered a thousand times.

Hanuman never thought that one day he would be injured by an ordinary sword.

If this should never happen, it does happen, then...

"That sword."

Hanuman's slightly surprised eyes locked on Xuanyuan Sword.

He secretly scolded himself for being too careless.

Yu Gong's strength is extraordinary, and the weapons he uses are definitely not simple.

"Your eyesight is good."

Yu Gong's fingers gently brushed the blade of Xuanyuan Sword.

In the end, it was the battle-hardened "steel" **** of war, who saw through the problem at a glance.

"My weapon is called Xuanyuan Sword..."

"Xuanyuan sword?"

Combined with the myth of the ancient country, Yu Gong briefly described the origin of Xuanyuan Sword.

After hearing the legend of Xuanyuan Sword, Hanuman was a little shocked.

No wonder Yu Gong can easily hurt him.

If what Yu Gong said was not a lie, then the origin of Xuanyuanjian would be too terrifying.


the other side.

"Can't you beat him?"

After Roshmana solemnly collected the sword of salvation that Hanuman threw to him, he acted as a spectator.

It turned out that Hanuman was no match for Yu Gong at all.

As a last resort, he had to go to war.


The space seemed to be turned into a lake, with ripples.

A chariot seemed to drive out of the unknown void and stopped above Roshmana's head.

Roshmana stomped on the ground vigorously and jumped onto the chariot.

He picked up the longbow on the chariot with his right hand, and drew a red arrow from the quiver next to the longbow with his left.

Roshman bent his bow and arrow, aiming at Yu Palace.

"Accept the punishment of the flame of purification."

The arrow left the string and turned into a red streamer that pierced the sky.


The red arrow was nailed at the foot of Yu Palace, deeply embedded in the ice surface.

At first glance, it seems that Roshmana's archery skills are not good, causing the shot to miss.

Actually, that's not the case. Roshmana's archery skills are extremely superb.

The reason why he didn't aim at Hanamiya himself was purely unnecessary.


The moment the arrowhead sank into the ice, the arrow exploded.

The monstrous flames spread in an instant, engulfing the place where Yu Palace was.

Roughly estimate the scope of the flame, I am afraid that a modern high-rise building will be burnt out, which is more than excellent.


"good chance."

Roshman's arrow came just right.

Hanuman used his power to create a howling wind.

The wind fuels the fire.

The scope of the sea of ​​​​fire expanded visible to the naked eye, and the burning trend became more and more violent.

"Has it been resolved?"

Roshmana and Hanuman stared at the sea of ​​​​fire without blinking.

They need to confirm Yu Gong's situation as soon as possible so that they can think about the next action plan...

One second, two seconds...

"The timing was good, but it's a pity that the power is a little worse."

Suddenly, Yu Gong's voice came from the sea of ​​​​fire.

The voice was as leisurely and flat as always, without the slightest hint of injury.

"Sure enough."

The expressions of Roshmana and Hanuman were subconsciously ugly.

Although he knew that Yu Gong was not someone to deal with, but his own attack did not work, it was inevitable that he would be disappointed.


Under the gaze of the two, ink-colored energy emerged from the flame.

At the beginning, the energy of ink color was very thin, completely incomparable to the raging sea of ​​fire.

But the next moment, like a volcanic eruption, the ink-colored energy madly emerged, instantly covering the sea of ​​​​fire.

The sea of ​​​​fire was brutally torn and dissipated bit by bit.

With the annihilation of the sea of ​​fire, Yu Gong, who was in it, reappeared.

"Nothing at all, nothing?"

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