Everyone? Obviously two less.

"I, huh?"

The Marquis of Vauban was about to express his attitude.

As soon as he uttered a word, it suddenly seemed to be stuck, abruptly interrupted.

It wasn't just the Marquis of Vauban that had the odd performance, but Salbaret Doni, John Pluto Smith and Alexander Gascoigne were no exception.

Their expressions were so solemn, as if they were caught up in extremely difficult things.

The four of them were tacitly aware, and their eyes turned to the streets leading to Tokyo Bay in Tokyo city in no particular order.

At the entrance of the street, I don't know when there were a few more guests.

Hagiya, Chiyuan, Luo Hao, Bianca, Athena, Artemis.

"The result of the negotiation? You don't have to be so troublesome."

"Where did you come from, go back to where you are, you don't need your efforts for the matter of the last king."

Yu Gong is like a proud, noble king.

His words had an unmistakable flavor.

PS: I've been delayed for something, I'm sorry to die.

Chapter 320

"Should have thought of it earlier."

The hearts of the four god-killers were all raised.

Their aura was also a little weaker involuntarily.

Why do you know the exact news of the Last King?

Because of the battle between Yumiya and the Last King in Tokyo Bay, it has spread all over the world of magic.

Large-scale magic organizations such as the Bronze Black Cross, the Red Copper Black Cross, and the Wangli Factory have all found out the details of what happened.

Thrall spent time with Trey Duny and others to dig out the secrets of the Last King before deciding to come to Neon.

In other words, Hagiya is the central figure in the events of "The Last King".

And just now, they just ignored this central figure.

"You are exactly the same as you were four years ago."

three six three

The Marquis of Vauban couldn't help frowning.

Yu Gong's attitude made him very uncomfortable.

Since he became a godslayer, no second person has dared to speak to him like this.

"In one sentence, like let's go, do you think it's possible?"

"Of course not possible."

Hagiya does not deny Marquis Vauban's statement.

If the godslayers were people who succumbed casually, then they would have died in the battle with the disobedient gods in the first place.

"However, you don't think I'm here to reason with you."

"Knew it."

The Marquis of Vauban and the others cursed inwardly.

Yu Gong's domineering, they have all experienced more or less.

As early as when he appeared, he should have thought that things would develop to this point.

"Master Luo Hao, I don't know what agreement you reached with Yugiya Margot Royd."

"But everyone is a godslayer, shouldn't you stand with us?"

The opponent has the powerful Yu Gong, the martial arts supreme Luo Hao of the ancient country, and Artemis, the goddess of the moon.

The other three, although Alexander Gascoigne did not know each other, would not foolishly think they were simple characters.

That silver-haired girl of about twelve or three years of age was no less powerful than Artemis.

Obviously, she is also a **** of disobedience.

One of Hanamiya's mates, Bianca.

When Yu Gong was born four years ago, she accompanied Yu Gong by his side, but there was no official record of the shot, and her strength was a mystery.

And what Alexander Gascoigne cared about most was the ethereal temperament, like a detached red kite.

The Godslayer's intuition and sense of crisis told him that Chiyuan was the most dangerous of all women.

Her level of threat is second only to Yumiya.

Six to four, and the quality of one's own unit is not a concern.

The combat power of the two sides is extremely unbalanced.

The situation was urgent, and Alexander Gascoigne could not think of a perfect solution, so he could only resort to the worst.

Pull Luo Hao, who seems most likely to be an ally, into your own camp.

Five to five, maybe there is hope.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

As if hearing a funny joke, Luo Hao let out a happy laugh.

"why are you laughing?"

Alexander Gascoigne's face was not very good-looking.

Luo Hao's laughter was crisp and sweet, ethereal and pleasant.

However, this celestial voice could not ease his mood at all.

Alexander Gascoigne always felt that Luo Hao's smile was mocking himself.

"You want me to help you deal with your husband?"

In fact, Alexander Gascoigne's feeling is not wrong, Luo Hao is mocking him.


The news released by Luo Hao can be called a high-explosive bomb, and its shock is unparalleled.


Alexander Gascoigne and others have a superficial understanding of the ancient culture and know the meaning of this word.

Rao was used to seeing strong winds and waves, and they were still shocked.

It is hard to imagine that the arrogant Bishop Luo Hao would be committed to others.

But this was said by Luo Hao himself, and it was definitely not false.

What kind of character is Hagiya Margot Royd?

"Okay, that's clear enough."

"Tell me your answer, go by yourself, or shall I send you off?"

Yu Gong didn't want to continue wasting time, so he gave an ultimatum...


Silence, deathly silence.

The Marquis of Vauban, Sarbatre Doni, Alexander Gascoigne, and John Pluto Smith did not speak.

I don’t know if I’m thinking about how to choose, or I’m planning tactics.


"Godslayer-sama had a conflict with Hannomiya Margot Royd-sama?"

In the distant sky, Guinevere is speeding towards Tokyo Bay at high speed.

When she was passing by the beach, she saw the two groups of people in the confrontation.

Guinevere was overjoyed.

It's a perfect opportunity, Yu Gong and the others and the godslayers restrained each other, so they didn't have time to separate.

Then, she has enough time to act.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the people below, Guinevere just glanced at it and hurriedly withdrew her gaze.

She quickened her speed and headed straight for Tokyo Bay, the battle field between Hanamiya and Rama.

"It should be this area."

Stopping somewhere in Tokyo Bay, Guinevere looked up at the sky.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.


Outside the atmosphere, a place called a satellite orbit.

Ordinary people may not be able to believe that in the barren universe, there is a small floating island in 5.5.

The shape of the island is not much different from the ordinary islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island has soil, rocks, hills, and flat land, but there is one thing missing.


It is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe the floating island as a dead place.

This kind of place is synonymous with loneliness, and there should be no living things.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

The arrival of the uninvited guest broke the silence of the floating island for hundreds of thousands of years.

The masked white war god, the king of wind.

He has an important mission and is temporarily separated from Guinevere.

The center of the floating island.

A rusty double-edged sword of about 100 centimeters was inserted into the soil.

A large golden urn is placed adjacent to the long sword. .

Chapter 321

"The divine sword of salvation..."

"We pray for the rebirth of the sword..."


In front of the long sword and the golden urn, stood the mighty ape in armor.

The ape recited words, and kept spitting out paragraphs of sacred words from his mouth.


In the far lower realm, thick dark clouds gather, electric lights flicker, and thunder rumbles into the sky.

Directly below the floating island is the Neon Islands.

The sudden astronomical change, the first thing to affect is the neon.


Tokyo Bay, coast.

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