"I understand the danger of changing history. People from the past go to the future..."

Cloutite didn't know what to say.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Wu Ting laughed, and the laughter was full of joy.

Don't blame him for schadenfreude, it's true

"Does it have anything to do with us? Let's go."


Clutite and Ruska shook their heads with a wry smile.

Wu Ting's words are true.

Even if there is a big trouble, the people who have to face it are Yu Gong and the others, and they have nothing to do with him and others.


Florence, Castino Forest.

Back to the modern Yugiya and his party, the location where they descended has not changed, it is still a cool valley.

Everyone simply said goodbye and went back to their homes.

Sardinia, an upscale hotel.

The plan of Yu Gong, Chi Yuan and others was to stay in Sardinia for a day and then return to the ancient country.


Everyone just settled down, and something weird happened.

The clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, followed by torrential rain.

".~Hamiya, this rain..."

Chi Yuan, Luo Hao, Bianca, and Artemis came to Yu Gong's side.

They looked at the heavy rain outside the window with serious expressions.

It's strange that this heavy rain started suddenly.

Dull, depressed, giving people a bad feeling.

The four girls had the same thought in their hearts,

A major aberration is about to occur between heaven and earth, and this is an ominous omen.

"You guessed well."

Yu Gong frowned.

"The last king is about to appear."

"The last king?"

Artemis thinks of Guinevere, the goddess who disappeared in recent years.

"Did Guinevere, who has been dormant for several years, have a new move?"

"It shouldn't be her."

In the original novel, Guinevere didn't find the sleeping place of the Last King until she died.

(Okay Zhao)

At this stage, she is still searching, how can she wake up the last king?

For the first time since the time of crossing, Yu Gong felt confused.

The reason is unknown, but one thing is certain.

The godslayer world was completely disrupted and went in an unknown direction.

"Is it troublesome?"

Bianca took Yumiya's hand and wrapped it gently.

The two have known each other for almost four years, and she has never seen Yu Gong react so strongly to anything.

"No trouble."

The haze between Hagiya's eyebrows disappeared.

The calmness and leisure of the past returned to his face.

The mere last king, not qualified enough to make him jealous.

And, the unknown is more interesting, isn't it?

"That day will always come, it's just the difference between morning and night."

"It's just a little bit earlier, it's not a big problem.".

Chapter 295

The arrival of the last king ahead of schedule is actually a good thing for Yu Gong.

The battle with the last king is over, and the time for the next crossing has come.

"Hmph, is that the hero who annihilated the Demon King?"

"I'd like to see if he is as powerful as the legends say."

Luo Hao snorted softly, the demeanor of the supreme martial arts can be seen at a glance.

She is a person who pursues the peak of martial arts and never fears any powerful enemy.


Yu Gong bent his fingers and flicked lightly on Luo Hao's smooth forehead.

Luo Hao's courage is commendable, but unfortunately the strength of the last king is too strong.

She alone is not the opponent of the last king.

"Well, my lord husband."

When Yu Gong flicked his forehead, the majestic leader Luo Hao suddenly turned into a well-behaved little daughter.

"At that time, I still need your help."

With the power of Yu Gong alone, it is not difficult to solve the problem perfectly.

However, it is better to save some trouble.

Yu Gong has never liked to show personal heroism, and will not refuse the help of others.

"We will."

Luo Hao, Bianca, Chiyuan, and Artemis all smiled.

They are the little women of Yu Palace, willing to be vases.

However, it does not mean that they are 350 vases.

Outside the hotel.

The strange heavy rain came and went quickly.

After a shower of rain, the rain stopped.

All the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the bright sun hung high in the sky again.

"What about Lily and the others?"

"The little girls are..."


There are many strange people in the world, especially in the magic world.

England, Los Angeles, Neon...

Everywhere in the magic world, there are keen people who have sensed the unusual aura.

It is different from Yu Gong, who has strong strength and confidence, and is as stable as Mount Tai.

Those people were all in a panic, and they started to take action.

As the saying goes, everything is relative.

There are people who feel that the vision is an ominous symbol, and there are people who resist.

Naturally, there are also visions that indicate good things, and there are people who raise their hands in favor.

France, Brittany.

Brittany is Guinevere's home base, and she is the only one all year round.

This situation continued until more than half a month ago.

"Lord Artio, how is your recovery from your injury?"

By the clear lake, Guinevere respectfully condoled to the goddess of beasts.

Half a month ago, Artio suddenly came to Brittany.

Guinevere was frightened by the presence of the **** of disobedience.

But when Guinevere found out that Altheo was seriously injured and that he was the Earth Goddess.

She forcibly suppressed her surprise and fear, and her mind became active.

The Mother Earth plays a significant role in both her and the resurrection of the Last King.

Therefore, you must not let it go easily when you encounter it, let alone get seriously injured.

"My concubine's injuries are very serious. If I want to recover completely, it will not take a day or two."

After simply checking his physical condition, Artio gave a disappointing answer.

"Have you considered my proposal, Lord Artio?"

Guinevere the drunkard doesn't care about wine.

The condolence is to find a topic, she has another purpose.

On the day Artiou came to Brittany, Guinevere kept her because of her injuries.

A few days later, she kept hitting Guinevea from the side, and found a lot of useful information from the mouth of the pure goddess.

Among them, the most important thing is Artio's wish to get rid of all godslayers.

Guinevere was overjoyed, and she took the opportunity to ask for an alliance to fight the godslayer together.

"The king of swords who harms his concubine, the queen of trouble who disturbs time and space..."

"In addition to what you said, Hagiya Margot Royd, who is stronger than the god-killing demon king."

Artio pointed out the six godslayers in the world one by one, and finally said the name of Hagiya.

"With you and the strength of any of my parties, there is no possibility of completely destroying the godslayer."

"Okay, I promise to join forces with you."

After more than ten days of consideration, Artio finally accepted Guinevere's request for an alliance.

The mere **** ancestor, let alone forming an alliance with the **** of disobedience, is not even qualified to be on an equal footing.

However, Guinevere has her own trump card.

Her trump card is the reason why Artiou is willing to recuperate in Brittany.

Artio didn't want to be with Guinevere at all, and even disliked her a little.

But the situation is critical, and Artio has no better choice.


Seeing that my plan is being realized step by step.

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