"Don't worry, Mr. Yumiya, wrap it around me."

Madam Isiah made a promise.

"Lord Yugiya, Madam, the barbecue is ready."

It was a coincidence.

After the chat with Hanamiya and the others ended, Erica and the others, who were in charge of the barbecue, also finished their work.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Hagiya wrote down the contributions of Erica and the others, and planned to "comfort" them afterwards.

"thanks for treatment."

Taking her portion from Liliana, Mrs. Isiah thanked her and ate it beautifully.

"Sister Luo Hao..."

"Sister Chiyuan, Sister Bianca..."

Others also got food.

Happy barbecue banquet, start.


The next morning.

Yu Gong and his party cleaned up the "endgame" and continued on the road.

What's different from yesterday is that there is one more person in the team - Mrs. Isiah.

Mrs. Aisia wants to contribute to Hagiya on the night of the next full moon, so she will walk with them temporarily.

In fact, Mrs. Isiah thought about why Hagiya knew that "... The Cloister of Fairy Township" would appear on the night of the full moon.

But Yu Gong didn't say anything, she simply didn't ask.

Mrs. Isiah has a gentle and kind-hearted nature, and will always use the greatest kindness to save others.

She believed that Yu Gong would not harm her.


Near noon.


After walking for a long time, Yu Gong and his party were about to take a break and couldn't eat.

Above their heads, a huge black shadow flew over.


Everyone raised their heads at the same time and looked at the sky.

It was a black pterosaur with a body length of six or seven meters.

"not good."

Mrs. Isiah, who was smiling happily, disappeared, her face full of tension and anger.

Okay, okay) What's going on?"

Except for Yu Gong, the rest of the people didn't understand why Mrs. Aisia suddenly changed her face.

"In this era, there are also godslayers."

Seeing the doubts of the girls, Mrs. Isiah began to explain.

Her first words were shocking.

Similar words, Yumiya also said yesterday.

"His name is Wu Ting, and he is the **** slayer who rides the dragon."

"A few days ago, I heard that he was going to attack Augusta, and the mythical beast was probably a scout."


Erica, Liliana and others searched for relevant information in their minds.

"Now is the beginning of the fifth century AD, when the Roman Empire was lonely and the Germanic people were rising..."

Thinking that Yu Gong and others were new to the scene, maybe they still don't know the specific era, Mrs. Aisia briefly introduced the background of the era. .

Chapter 286

"I see."

Combining what Mrs. Isiah said and what she had learned, Erica, Liliana and others came to a clear understanding.

Augusta is a Roman colony very close to the base camp of Wuting, the Sword of Shuer.

With the speed of Wuting's mythical beast, the pterosaur, he can make a round trip in less than a day.

At such a close distance, Augusta is quite dangerous.

Fortunately, God favored him. In the past, Wu Ting had no interest in Augusta, and the city has always been safe.

Now, Augusta's luck is over.

"Mrs. Isiah, do you want to go to Augusta to stop Wu Ting's aggressive behavior?"

According to Madam Isiah's expression, Erica could see what she was thinking.

From a rational point of view, she does not agree with Mrs. Isiah's decision.

Through the report of the Greenwich Council of Sages and most of the day's contact, Erica got a general understanding of Mrs. Isiah.

Mrs. Isiah has a gentle personality and is not good at fighting people.

Its power is more inclined to be auxiliary.

Such as treatment, negotiation, and charm.

How did she stop Wu Ting, a powerful warrior who was good at controlling dragons?

"I believe there will be a way."

Mrs. Isiah heard Erika's overtones, but she didn't change her mind.

Once Wu Ting invaded Augusta 343, the people of Augusta would surely suffer, which is not what Mrs. Isiah hoped to see.

"Do you want......"

In Mrs. Isiah's eyes, there was a deep hesitation and entanglement.

Actually, the easiest way is for Qing Luohao and Yu Gong to help.

With their help, a mere Wu Ting is no longer a problem.

However, being in trouble is her own decision.

Mrs. Aisia has no reason to implicate Yu Gong and Luo Hao, and Yu Gong and Luo Hao have no obligation to help her.

However, it's not a big problem.

Mrs. Aisia's fighting strength is a little weaker, which does not mean that she has no means to fight against Wu Ting.

Besides, she is on the defensive side and has an advantage over Wu Ting who is on the offensive.

"Let's go to Augusta."

The moment he met Mrs. Isiah, Yumiya talked about the next development trend.

Therefore, he was not surprised at all.


Yu Gong actually offered to help, which made Mrs. Isiah overjoyed.

"You promise to help us on the next full moon night, and of course I will repay you."

"Also, we also have to find a town to settle down."

Not all of what Yugiya said was a lie.

Finding a place to settle down is indeed a top priority right now.

As for Wuting.

Whether the two sides are war or peace, let God decide.

"Mr. Hagiya, you are a good person."

The image of Yu Gong in Madam Isiah's heart suddenly became much taller.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled noncommittally.

Mrs. Aisia actually sent herself a good person card, which is really...

Should he say that Mrs. Aisia is innocent, silly and sweet?

Nice guy? I can't count myself.


Augusta is located in Gaul.

There is a saying that goes well, if you want to get rich, you must build roads first.

The flow of people and materials can be more efficient when the roads are unobstructed.

The Roman Empire was well aware of the importance of transportation and laid an extensive road network in Gaul.

At this moment, Hagiya and the others are driving a carriage on the road leading to Augusta.

This carriage was exchanged for an equivalent item in a small settlement not long ago.

I can change to a carriage, thanks to Mrs. Isiah.

Yu Gong and others have been in ancient times for a relatively short time and have not yet learned the local language.

"Wow, it's much more comfortable to have a carriage."

Erica sighed with emotion.

As you move forward, you can appreciate the culture and customs along the way (beff).

It is really pleasant to enjoy the idyllic trip.


Others agreed.

"Is that Augusta?"

Liliana, who was sitting at the door of the carriage, raised her hand and pointed forward.

From the direction of her finger, a large town could be vaguely seen.


"finally reached."


Unlike modern cars, horses are creatures and cannot run at high speed for a long time.

Otherwise, you will be exhausted and exhausted.

For the sake of protecting horses, it is basic common sense to keep them at a certain speed.

When Yu Gong and others were on their way, they also followed this principle.

However, since the destination is close at hand, it is no longer necessary.

The crowd immediately hurried on the road at maximum speed.

Step, step, step.

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