Luo Hao immediately developed rich associations.

The power of Salvatore Doni can work on the corridors of Fairy Township.

Does it mean that your own power is no exception?

For example, let Hercules go out of control, go berserk, and can't use it, etc.

The two had a fight once.

At that time, Sarbatre Doni did not use this power.

It was Salbatre Doni who had reservations.

Or will he also be affected and can only use it as a trump card of last resort?

"Well, you can see it right away."

"Stand closer to me, so as not to be scattered."

If Yu Gong knew what Luo Hao was thinking at the moment, he would definitely praise her.

As expected of a godslayer, his intuition in combat is terrifying.

With just his own words, he analyzed the power of Salbaret Doni in various ways.


As the girls approached Yugiya, they were prepared to deal with emergencies.

It's worth Yu Gong's special reminder. You don't need to think about it to understand that the next thing is absolutely extraordinary, and they dare not underestimate it.



"Witch of Pacas, summon the Son of God to come..."

Salbatre Doni sings divine words.

At the same time, his magic power boiled.

About forty meters away, a black hole appeared out of thin air on the other side of the Arno River.

The black hole is similar to the entrance of a cave, and it is completely dark inside.

"What a dangerous power."

Luo Hao and Artemis were all hot.

The two looked solemn, trying their best to suppress their uncontrollable, spontaneously growing magical power.

Well used, it's an absolute trump card.


The wind hangs in the valley.

This wind is blowing towards the black hole, and the wind is unusually strong.

Everything nearby was blown into the black hole by the wind.

Among them, Sarbatre Doni.

"Let's go, be careful, don't separate."

It is not the wind, but the attractive force released by the black hole.

At this moment, Hagiya and the others are resisting, so as not to follow in the footsteps of Sarbatre Doni.

Just in case, Yu Gong reminded Luo Hao and the others again.

After reminding, Yu Gong relaxed his body and let himself be drawn to the black hole by the attraction.


The girls followed Yu Gong, and they no longer resisted the attraction of the black hole...


The inside of a black hole is pure darkness.

The faint white light in front is the only light in the black hole.

Yu Gong and others have good night vision ability. They used white light to find other people and gather together.

Then, they followed the gravity and slowly approached the white light at a speed similar to jogging.

Not long after, Yu Gong and the others came to Bai Guang.

It was a white ball of light about six or seven meters in diameter.

The moment they approached, they were sucked in by the ball of light.

When the light dimmed and everyone's eyes recovered, Yu Gong and the others saw a whole new scene.

A mighty river runs through the forest.

On both sides of the river, a large number of beech and oak trees are planted.

"What a nice view."

"Where have we been?"


Hagiya and the others were by the river.

The surrounding scenery is pleasant, as well as the warm sunshine, the chirping of birds, and the fluttering butterflies.


Luo Hao was very satisfied.

Although it is not comparable to her residence - Mount Lu, it is not bad.

The air and the environment are not comparable to the filthy modern cities.

"Hey, why didn't you see Sir Sarbatre?"

Liliana and Ellie 5.5 cards observed the situation nearby.

They looked around and found no trace of Salbaret Doni.

The time when Salbatre Doni entered the black hole was only a few seconds faster.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't run so fast.

"Hehe, the corridor of the Fairy Township is connected to a certain year in the past, but it is not precise to a certain day."

Yu Gong chuckled lightly.


Erica, Liliana heard what Yumiya wanted to express.

It turns out that when you pass through the corridor of Fairy Township, you will randomly travel to any day of the three hundred and sixty-five days that year.

It's no wonder that Yu Gong told everyone that they couldn't be separated.

Once separated, there is a high probability that everyone will be separated by a few months.

Even a year is not impossible. .

Chapter 284

Sarbatre Doni is a typical example.

He took a quick step, and he didn't know which day he went.

"Lord Yumiya, shall we go there?"

Qingqiuyuan Ena pointed to the small fortress in the distance and said.

Their luck is good, and the place where they descend is very close to the place where there are people.

"Do not."

Yu Gong shook his head, denying Qingqiuyuan Ena's proposal.

The time may be different, but the place seems to be the same.

The place where everyone is currently is the starting point of the journey to the ancient world of Godou Kusashi in the original novel.

That small fortress was not a gathering place for human beings, but the site of the ancient godslayer - Wuting.

If it is not necessary, Yu Gong does not want to contact Wu Ting.

"First, take a walk around to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, and then discuss the next itinerary."


The girls have no opinion.

Beforehand, Hanamiya asked them to prepare a lot of outdoor daily necessities.

14 Such as tents, barbecue grills, various ingredients, seasonings, etc.

In order to cope with the current situation.


A group of people are walking along the river.

After a while, he walked out of the forest.

Outside the forest is a vast, uninhabited plain.

The plain is very desolate and there is only one road.

The road is paved with sand and gravel, which is a bit crude and not spacious.

There are drainage ditches on both sides of the road, in terms of design, it is quite thoughtful.

Yumiya and the others immediately changed direction and set foot on the road.

Where there are roads, there are towns.

Along the way, you will definitely find someone.


Time passed bit by bit.


Beside the large tent, Erica sighed as she sprinkled seasonings on the food on the grill.

I thought it would be easy to find people, but after all, I underestimated the density of the ancient population.

Judging by the position of the sun, they arrived in the afternoon in ancient times.

In the end, at night, I didn't encounter any towns.

As a last resort, I had to sleep in the wild for one night.

"I think it's pretty good, it's a rare experience."

Liliana expresses her opinion.

Fortunately, everyone's life was not only uncomfortable, but rather comfortable.

"Yes, thanks to Sister Luo Hao and Sister Artemis."

Erica agreed with Liliana.

The reason why they are so comfortable is thanks to Artemis and Luo Hao.

The two people's spells can store a lot of items.

Without them, Liliana and Erica's magic alone wouldn't bring enough necessities to enjoy in the wild.

"Lord Yumiya."

There is a question that has been pressing in Ena's heart for a long time.

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